The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

V2.Chatper 1

"I came from heaven, the gods of Westeros are a ball!"

This sentence from Liu Hao\'s mouth completely violated the beliefs of Westeros, subverted people\'s three views, and made Aerys\' scalp tingle.

If standing in front of Liu Hao at this moment is a devout priest of the Holy See, then you must not fight with Liu Hao! ?

Fortunately, Aerys is not.

To a certain extent, he has no faith, only awe of absolute power.

The terrifying power displayed by Liu Hao is enough to subvert his cognition, even compared to the gods in the legend of Westeros.

After all, the gods are illusory, and Liu Hao is sitting on the Iron Throne, sweeping the coalition and ruling the world.

"Send someone to Dragonstone to bring back the two children of the Targaryen family."

Liu Hao stared at Aerys with deep eyes and gave the first order. If this trivial thing is not done well, then this fat eunuch, no matter how long-sleeved and good at dancing, will not be able to rank among the capable ministers of the dynasty.

"As ordered!"

Aerys froze, kneeling respectfully on the ground, his forehead pressed tightly to the ground.

Now, the opportunity is in front of him, and he has to do everything in his power to let Liu Hao see the value of his use, so as not to fade out of the circle of power centers.

This is Game of Thrones.

It is also the reason why the eight-clawed spider has stood for three generations of the Targaryen Dynasty and has not fallen.



The nobles of Westeros who waged the War of the Reavers began to fall into despair.

From the very beginning, the coalition army smashed the army of the Targaryen Dynasty like a broken bamboo, and then captured King\'s Landing from the inside. When they were ready to share the cake at the negotiating table, they encountered such a powerful enemy again.

It\'s a feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

The fighting style of the Han Dynasty was very different from that of the Targaryen army, and the fighting power was beyond the expectations of all nobles.


Too strong! !

It is so powerful that it is suffocating and desperate!

Millions of dynastic armies devastated the vanguard of the elite cavalry regiment of the aristocratic coalition. After beheading the heads of the two kingdoms one after another, someone in the coalition camp finally chose to surrender.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie."

Sitting on the Iron Throne, Liu Hao looked at the bald old man kneeling in front of him with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

This old man is the Duke of Casterly Rock, the shield of Lannisport and the guardian of the West, Tywin Lannister.

A string of titles is not enough to show Lannister\'s influence.

This man like an old lion, scheming and ruthless, possesses the most illustrious wealth on this continent, and is known as the iron vault of Westeros.

Therefore, the Targaryen Dynasty relied on him so much that he was able to turn his back and completely ruin the dynasty.

When Liu Hao observed Tywin Lannister, he was also calmly analyzing the emperor in front of him with his icy eyes. common people.

Young, ambitious, unfathomable.

Even in the face of the bloodline of the true Targaryen dragon, Tywin Lannister has never been so awe-inspiring.

"Your Majesty, will be the founder of the new order, Lannister is willing to serve His Majesty..."

The arrogant and ruthless lion kneeled before the Iron Throne.

There is also an unexpected benefit of being able to access the Heavenly Rank, that is, after paying a certain amount of worship value, the capital of the dynasty can naturally master the indigenous language of another world, which also saves Liu Hao countless troubles.

Tywin Lannister has no way out.

In order to get a piece of the pie-snatchers\' war, the Lannister family took out almost their entire wealth.

But after the battle of King\'s Landing, the Kingsguard, which Tywin had spent a lot of effort to cultivate, was wiped out, and the Lannister family\'s 100,000 army was only 30,000.

If the attack continues, even these 30,000 people may be destroyed in one fell swoop!

If Lannister loses the support of the army, the wealth of gold that is rich to the enemy will inevitably attract powerful enemies to watch, and then the destruction of the family will not be far away...

"Lannister is famous, I have heard of it long ago, the Duke please get up."

Liu Hao sat on the Iron Throne with deep eyes, and said, "Giving 70% of the Lannister family\'s wealth, I can let you serve as the hand of the Holy Emperor and take charge of the government affairs of the entire world."

This side of the world is not only the continent of Westeros. It is vast, vast, and mysterious. It is stronger than the Targaryen Dynasty, and it has never truly unified the world.

If you really become the hand of the Holy Emperor and dominate the world, then it will be under one person and over ten thousand people!

House Lannister will be honored!

However, although this bait is moving, the price paid is too great.

The Lannister family has so much money that it can subvert a dynasty, and Liu Hao asked for 70% of it as soon as he opened his mouth.

Tywin Lannister was quite moved, and his expression was very complicated. He did not make a decision immediately, but only saluted: "Please allow me to think again, Your Majesty."

"Go back and think about it, and take your son James back by the way, he will become a great knight."

A slight arc appeared on the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth, and he waved his hand casually, waving away the tangled patriarch of the Lion Family.

Conquering the Lannister family was just a political signal he released.

To conquer the world is not to slaughter and destroy a civilization wantonly, but to absorb the essence of the current world and integrate it into the dynasty.

The Targaryen Dynasty collapsed, and the Han Dynasty rose strongly. As long as Tywin Lannister bowed his head, the nobles of the countries who were watching next would surely follow suit and surrender.

Being able to integrate the world\'s resources without bloodshed is of great benefit to the overall situation.


After the Lannisters surrendered, they still enjoyed the treatment of nobles.

Tywin\'s luxurious mansion in King\'s Landing is still there, and the King Killer Jaime Lannister was also released by Liu Hao to go home - the overall situation has been determined, the King Killer\'s personal force is not enough to affect the development of the situation.

"It is absolutely impossible to contribute all the Lannister family property to the new dynasty!"

"Father, Lannister property can buy a country, and you can\'t be led by the nose!"

"Lannister, you must pay your debts!"

When Tywin held a family meeting, the whole family exploded in an instant...