The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chatper 2798

The three old-fashioned nobles in the north of Westeros have an amazing background. After receiving an urgent report from King\'s Landing, the number of defenders dispatched to help King\'s Landing City is at least 200,000!

All over the mountains and plains are the clan emblems and military flags of several families, and the momentum is monstrous!

At the forefront of the team is Stark\'s wolf flag, Storm\'s End cavalry is galloping, and Robert Baratheon, who is expected to ascend to the Iron Throne, holds two huge silver hammers, and his majestic body is covered with a layer of heavy iron armor. Mighty like an angry bear, full of danger.

The coalition barracks was just north of Junlin City, and it took only half a day to get to Junlin City. At this time, the army rushed to help Junlin City, and the city was soon in sight.

At this moment, in the lush jungle beside the road, a desolate and chilling horn sounded suddenly.

A cavalry rolled the smoke billowing, and flew out from the road.

"Big Han Zhao Yun is here!"

Zhao Yun, who was wearing a white dragon shirt, galloped out on his horse, and the white horse cavalry instantly appeared like a six-in-one blue dragon, and surrounded the forward guards of the coalition forces.

Originally, galloping and intercepting was the unique skill of the dynasty\'s heavy snow wolf cavalry, but now the killing god Bai Qi and the king of heaven, Ran Min, led the wolf cavalry to slaughter the grasslands, and 100,000 white horses went out with the army.

Zhao Yunyi, a special service officer of the Five Tigers, was armed like a dragon, and took the lead in piercing the enemy line. The overbearing White Dragon weapon exploded, and the coalition guards in front of him flew away as if flying through the clouds, and fell heavily into the crowd, causing a riot. .

Ned, the head of House Stark, was stunned.

He has lived in the north for a long time and has extremely rich combat experience, but even a savage giant in the extreme north cannot have such domineering power!

This general who charged with a weapon, wearing a white robe, with black hair on the temples and the white dragon cloak on his back, fluttered together. His appearance was completely different from the northerners of Westeros, but the fighting power that erupted was unparalleled.

In an instant, the allied soldiers at the vanguard had already fallen, and no one could stop that terrifying weapon.

ah ah ah ah! !

The young Storm\'s End Lord Robert Baratheon had his hair and beard open, and a dull roar erupted in his throat, wielding two heavy silver hammers, and slammed down the white-robed cavalry in front of him.

As the strong man who killed the last true dragon of the Targaryen family, Robert was not only born with divine power, but also had a talent for fanatical fighting.

"Tear him apart!!!"

The knights of Storm\'s End raised their riding weapons, roared wildly, and cheered for their masters.

But Zhao Yun\'s face was calm, he raised the white dragon weapon in his right hand, looked at the berserk warrior in front of him, raised his hand and stabbed out another weapon.

Weapons out of the White Dragon Dance!

The martial arts master\'s combat power is already at the peak of the world. Zhao Yun\'s weapon pierced through the void unpredictably, passed through Robert\'s double hammer, stabbed him in the throat, and smashed the two-hundred-pound weapon. The huge male body was picked up in the air.

"My God, Lord Robert, the battle... is dead!"

"I... am I dreaming?"

"The gods are above, Robert was conferred a god in a battle on the banks of the Trident, and is expected to ascend to the Iron Throne, and now... Now he is assassinated by a weapon!?"


The shouting stopped abruptly.

In its place was the sound of gasping for air.

There was a sense of panic in the guards of the coalition forces. He had never seen such a powerful enemy, whether it was a god or a human! ?

Zhao Yun has rich combat experience. After picking and killing Robert with a weapon, he slowly raised his left hand and made a cavalry cover-kill gesture.

When the three armies are in command, their morale will inevitably drop. Taking advantage of the fear and confusion of the enemy, they will immediately cover and kill with cavalry, which can catch the enemy by surprise.

"The white horse is unparalleled in the world!"

The cavalry of the Han Dynasty was like a rainbow, and the horn of the charge resounded through the golden road of Westeros.



night and day.

When the first ray of morning light in the east fell on the head of Jun\'s Landing, the people of Jun\'s Landing who had been worried all night can finally relax a little.

Because the thunderous killing noise in the ears has gradually subsided, Jun\'s Landing has returned to its former calm, but the coalition flag at the head of the city has been removed and replaced by a flaming red dragon flag.

All the 30,000 Imperial Forest Iron Guards died in battle, except for the kingslayer who was captured alive!

After Han Xin heard the news, he nodded with satisfaction.

He walked quickly to Liu Zhao, the eldest princess of the dynasty, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists, and said respectfully, "Fortunately, I have not humiliated my life, and I have already taken all the city of King\'s Landing. Is your Highness okay?"

In this thrilling battle of breaking the city last night, the eldest princess Liu Zhao took the phoenix to control the sky and attacked Junlin City with arrows and stones. Han Xin was afraid that Liu Zhao would be injured in the slightest.

Liu Zhao rubbed Zhu Fengniao\'s head. Zhu Fengniao showed his full strength for the first time, and lost too much spiritual power. After the war, he seemed to be a little sluggish. Excited, he rubbed his head against the owner\'s palm to show intimacy.

Liu Zhao said indifferently: "I\'m fine. On the side of the ambush, Han Shuai has worked a lot, and he must thoroughly clean the King\'s Landing for the father before dawn!"

"Sir, obey!"

Han Xin clasped his fists and led the order away.


When Liu Hao left the border, Junlin City was completely under the control of the Han Dynasty.

Han Xin ruled the imperial army and waged a world-shattering battle against a coalition of hundreds of thousands of nobles in the north of Westeros.

Tywin Lannister, Ned Stark, including Robert Baratheon, who had died in battle, are all outstanding men in the world, and the Secret Service is outstanding.

However, the guards of the coalition army, which are of mixed quality and bad, seem to be powerful. Compared with the iron-blooded division of the dynasty, there is a clear gap in combat power.


Since the encounter between the two armies, the trend of the war has been one-sided.

After the Five Tigers Special Service Officer Zhao Yunyi killed Robert Baratheon, who was the most courageous in the noble coalition, the cavalry of Storm\'s End was crushed by the White Horse Yicong. Also, martyrdom to the old master.

The guards of the north brought by Ned Stark, the king of the north, also suffered heavy losses. Several of his sons were lost in the chaos of the army and captured by the dynasty.

Tywin Lannister suffered a losing streak, leading the defenders to retreat northward.

The powerful coalition of hundreds of thousands of ancient nobles was defeated overnight. ....