The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2707

"Tell Li Shuai that general Han Xin sent Bahou Xiangyu, who first climbed Hangu pass, to lead Jiangdong\'s soldiers to attack Julu. Under the insider of the night master, he attacked Julu city overnight!"

"Good, everything is planned!"

Zhugeliang gently shook the goose feather fan and pointed to the direction of Julu city. Qingliang Danfeng\'s eyes flashed infinite killing intention, saying, "special agent Wang Jian, should die of Julu!"


After breaking Hangu pass, Liu Hao was not in a hurry to attack the central part of the pass.

Because there are still hundreds of thousands of fierce soldiers of the state of Qin in Guanzhong. When their families are broken and people die, these people may hold the idea of a decisive battle and burst out with extremely terrible combat power.

The sky darkened, and there was no star in the sky.

Wang Jian commanded the Qin army in Yandi. Stepping into the night, he had withdrawn hundreds of miles from Yandi and retreated to the old languo Xiongguan Julu city.

Julu city is located in the north. Although it is not as important as Lishi fortress in the dispute between Qin and Han Dynasties, it is also a vital military town. It is a four battle field and a hub connecting Guanzhong and the north.

When the army came to the city, the Qin army was jubilant up and down. After several days of hurried March, not only the spirit was tense, but also the soleplate of his feet came out of blood bubbles. Now it\'s Julu, and he can finally have a good rest

Veteran Wang Jian looked up at the imposing Julu City, but his thick eyebrows, like two knives, were tightly wrinkled.


Years of experience in the battlefield expedition told the world-renowned secret service officer that the sky above the Julu Xiongguan in front of him was unusually wide, and the air seemed to float a light amount of blood gas, and the atmosphere was very strange

Anything abnormal is a demon!

This strange feeling on the battlefield is often the beginning of the bad omen of the sword!

Wang Jian raised his hand solemnly, rode his horse, and white beard rustled. After drinking, the three armies approached Julu city and shouted, "where is the guard General of Julu City, Zhao Xiong!?"

With Wang Jian\'s qualifications, among the Qin army, it is only inferior to the old Taiwei Wei. I don\'t know how many Qin army generals were his subordinates. Zhao Xiong, the garrison general of Julu City, is also one of them.

However, there was no response on the top of the city. Wang Jian\'s instinct was creepy, and he hurried to order: "the giant deer has lost, pass the general\'s order, the former army changes the rear array, turn the formation, and the solid shield comes first... Build a good defensive formation!"

Before the words fell, the bleak and desolate horn sounded suddenly on Julu city!

The war drums roared like thunder, and a red dragon flag, which was as hot as blood, suddenly rose at the head of Julu City, and the flag sounded in the wind.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of Qin troops under the city were silent, holding the posture of looking up at the city head, completely stunned!

This What is the situation!?

Julu city is an important town of the state of Qin and a hub connecting several important places in the north. How can it fall into an enemy!?

On the head of Julu City, a young man, wearing a purple and gold dragon helmet, wearing a seven sea dragon armor and a overlord cloak, hunted in the wind, carrying seven red and gold dragon weapons, flashing bright stars!

It\'s not Xiang Yu who killed through Hangu pass, but who is it!?

Xiang Yu stepped on the battlements with one foot, threw a big head with one hand, and said with a grim smile, "General Han Xin had expected this. Zhao Xiong\'s head is here, and Wang Jian, an old man, doesn\'t get off his horse and die

The head of Julu city guard Zhao Xiong fell in front of veteran Wang Jian\'s horse, rolling on the ground for several times, with yellow beard and red hair. The eyes of Zhang Touhu\'s fierce general Zhao Xiong before his death were still full of horror!!

Zhao Xiong is dead!

Julu city Fall!?

Rao Shi, Wang Jian, experienced and experienced, still felt a little suffocated and his brain was blank when he encountered such a blow

Han Xin!

It\'s this young student again!

This is the second time to hear this name in a month. The first time is Han Xin\'s back water battle, which defeated the imperial Taiwei and the strategist Saint Wei Liao. The second time is to send troops to attack suddenly, which mysteriously broke through Julu city and intercepted hundreds of thousands of Qin troops retreating from the North outside the Xiongguan pass!

It was dark, and pine oil torches had been lit on Julu City, which illuminated the whole Xiongguan as bright as day.

Countless Han soldiers stood at the head of the city, and had already prepared powerful crossbows and arrows. As soon as the Qin army entered the attack range, it immediately began to kill.

Han Xin also stood at the head of Julu City, with his hands on his back, looked coldly at the bottom of the city, nodded and said, "Wang Jian, an imperial secret service officer, really deserves his reputation, secretly transferred hundreds of thousands of Qin troops into the central pass, but today, he should die of Julu."

"Haha! General Han devised strategies and dispatched troops from Hangu pass to raid Julu. He came down to Xiongguan in the first battle. Today, Wang Jian, an old man, couldn\'t escape!"

Ying Bu, the commander of Lei leopard camp, looked excited and looked at Han Xin with a color of incomparable admiration.

From the nobody in Huaiyin, to the beheading of imperial Taiwei Weixuan in a battle against the enemy, to the breaking of Hangu pass in one fell swoop, now he has joined hands with herbalist Li to hunt down imperial secret service officer Wang Jian. Han Xin has used his perfect performance to conquer yingbu and the entire Jiangdong Army

All the officers and men of the three services are respectful.

Han army generals rubbed their fists and could not wait to get out of the pass and rush to kill, but Han Xin kept absolutely calm and calm, slowly spitting out a word:


The gate of Julu city was closed tightly, and the people on the city were surging. I didn\'t know how many Han troops were guarding the city. I only saw powerful crossbows and cold arrow clusters facing the city, with infinite killing power.

"It\'s over, it\'s all fucking over, the Han Army actually broke through Julu, and the road ahead is dead!"

"Han Xin! It\'s Han Xin again. It\'s said that this Han Xin is the reincarnation of a soldier fairy. He will win the war and win the attack. How can he fight this war!"

"The sound of killing in the city is shocking. I\'m afraid there are tens of thousands of Han troops stationed!"

"Not only tens of thousands, I saw more than 200000 Han troops, crowded with Julu City, waiting for us to get into the trap!"


The louder the battle drums in Julu City, the more panic and terror the Qin army under the city.

Panic, as if it would be contagious, spread wantonly among the Qin army. The hundred battle armor piercing army, known for its discipline and iron blood, began to be scattered under the floating hearts of the people.

"Who dares to disturb the morale of the army again, and there is no amnesty for killing!"

Wang Jian pulled out his golden knife and cut several fierce soldiers of the Qin army who were afraid to retreat in succession. His cheeks spattered with blood, and his tiger eyes glanced sideways. He looked at Han Xin on Julu City, with fierce and violent eyes.

"The changing times have made this man famous. If I get out of trouble today, I will swear not to be a man if I don\'t kill Han Xin in the central Shaanxi plain battlefield in the future!"