The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2515

After the death of King Anli of Wei, the situation in the city was chaotic. The king of Xinling, Zhang Jianbi, cleared the field and guarded Daliang city with strict troops, making the festival for the great Wei Dynasty.

However, the long Yangjun secretly gathered the disciples, mobilized private soldiers, made trouble in the city at night and killed with the guards under the command of xinlingjun.

Liu Hao\'s dark son black-and-white xuanjian buried in Daliang city also attacked at night and captured xinlingjun alive in the chaos.

At night, the dead man also desperately opened the gate of Daliang city and let the white armour army lying in ambush outside the city into the city. The situation in Daliang city fell, and Longyang junsuo cut off the head of King Anli of Wei and offered the city to surrender.


A burst of footsteps came from my ears. I couldn\'t hear the distance clearly, but it seemed that there was some rhythm, deep and thick, stepping on people\'s heartstrings.

Long Yangjun looked at the palace gate with awe inspiring in his heart. Suddenly, he was stared at horizontally by a cold look, his neck was cold, and he lowered his head.

"Sin minister... Meet your Majesty the emperor of Han Dynasty!"

Long Yangjun fell to his knees in front of Liu Hao, with an extremely respectful expression.

Liu Hao said calmly, "are you the longyangjun who offered Daliang city?"

"It is the sinner."

Long Yangjun walked a few steps on his knees and said, "the sinner advised the king of Wei several times that he should repair with the Great Han Dynasty for generations. He must not fight rashly. However, the king of Wei insisted on listening to the treacherous words of the king of Lingling. Today\'s defeat is his own fault. Please forgive the sinner\'s cheap life for his meritorious contribution to the city..."

"Look up."

A cold radian hung from the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth.

Long Yangjun looked up weakly. There was a kind of Yin, charm and neutral beauty on his face. If he was born thousands of years later, it would be the debut of C in the men\'s group

Long Yangjun was terrified, but the corner of his eye kept sweeping and swimming. He noticed that Liu Hao\'s eyes fell on him and his heart moved slightly.

"Does this young emperor also like men\'s style?"

Naturally, he was very confident in his appearance. Otherwise, King li of Wei\'an would not spoil him alone.

Long Yangjun\'s hidden attribute charm value is as high as 100, and it is the kind of beauty that tends to be feminine

However, seeing long Yangjun sweep his sideburns and throw a hidden wink, Liu Hao took a slight puff at the corner of his mouth and almost didn\'t spit it out on the spot

"Before the old master\'s bones were cold, this man cut off the old master\'s head and flattered him. What is the face of such a cool and thin man standing between heaven and earth?"

Liu Hao waved his big sleeve and said, "drag it down and cut it."

Long Yangjun\'s dead soul took a big risk, an agitated spirit, hurriedly kowtowed and cried: "Your Majesty, spare your life, your majesty, the sinner is willing to do anything..."

Liu Hao\'s lips were hooked, a sneer appeared, rolled his sleeves, never looked at this guy again, and walked towards the king of Wei palace.

In the shadow, xuanjian\'s figure flashed, and a sword headed dragon Yangjun.

At this moment, the handsome man who charmed the Wei palace before his death looked ferocious and frightened after his death


Wei palace.

Liu Hao sits high on the Throne made of red gold, with Zhang Liang, Weizhuang, xuanjian, Mingzhu and others standing next.

Although the number is small, he is already a capable member of Liu Hao\'s team.

"Zifang, the battle to destroy Wei, you should take the lead."

Liu Hao took the lead in opening his mouth, and Mingzhu Jiao said with a smile: "Mr. Zifang has no choice but to settle the country for his majesty as soon as he makes a move. I really want to see what kind of expression those people waiting to see Mr. Zifang can\'t stand down."

Zhang Liang arched his hand and said, "thanks to your Majesty\'s love, you can\'t do anything good. Now your majesty is powerful enough to break the enemy and stabilize the town of Daliang city. The overall situation of the state of Qi is in turmoil. It\'s a pity that the state of Qi transferred its troops to take away many cities of the state of Xi while the situation is still uncertain."

Zhang Liang has the wisdom of heaven, and Sun Bin, the military master of the state of Qi, also has the plan of spirit and God.

This time, he sent troops, removed Pang Juan, an old enemy, and expanded the territory of the state of Qi. His prestige may not be as good as Liu Hao, but he actually got a lot of benefits.

"What do you think you should do next?"

"According to the established strategy of destroying the country, to unify the seven countries, it is necessary to have internal stability, and then adopt the strategy of long-distance communication and close attack. The next step is to destroy the Qi country in the East."

Zhang Liang was confident and said, "there are many talents in the small sage villa on the shore of the fish sea. If your majesty can get the help of Confucianism, his power will be higher at that time."

The turbulent times of the Warring States period were, in the final analysis, an era of contention among a hundred schools of thought.

Confucianism, strategists, Taoists, farmers, Mohists and yin-yang schools all made their debut, leaving a strong mark in history.

Among them, Confucianism has the deepest influence.

The Han Dynasty, which had a lot of roots with Liu Hao, took Confucianism as the general idea.

Later generations of scholars all claimed to be Confucian students. Later, there was a saying that scholars managed the country on horseback.

"If you have the opportunity, I\'d like to introduce you to Xunzi. I still have some questions to ask Xunzi."

Liu Hao learned many secrets of ancient times from the Taoist Tianzong beimingzi, and he already had some speculation in his heart.

Xunzi is the only outstanding scholar in the world, known as the second sage. Liu Hao, a teacher who taught students like Zhang Liang and Han Fei, may have a certain understanding of ancient times.

"The teacher must also be interested in sitting down with his majesty and having a good discussion."

Zhang Liang smiled and nodded.

Of course, the arrangement of meeting Xunzi must be arranged after the extinction of the state of Qi.

Sun Bin was giving advice to the king of Qi and Xiang. To enter the state of Qi, the Han Army still needed favorable conditions of time, place and people.

Naturally, when the Han Dynasty completely integrated the national strength of the state of Shea, Bai did not refuse to strengthen Qin outside Shangdang county.

Both are essential conditions.

In terms of geographical advantage, the Great Han Dynasty borders the state of Qi after attacking and destroying the state of Xi, which is regarded as the successful achievement of geographical advantage.

As for human harmony, it depends on the appeasement measures of Zhang Liang and others.

The great man pursues the iron and blood strategy of supporting the war by war. Every time he attacks a place, he needs a period of time to recuperate and restore peace within the government.

Only with internal stability can the morale of the military unite, support the war with war and expand rapidly.

"Your Majesty, this battle to destroy Wei is really tragic."

After a while, Zhang Liang suddenly said with emotion, "without your Majesty\'s knife that shocked the world, I\'m afraid there will be more casualties at this time."