The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2491

The black-and-white xuanjian sank in his heart and poured his Qi on his feet. His body was like a huge gate of ten thousand kilograms and fell down.

"You can\'t go."

Xuanjian\'s body method is as fast as lightning flash, but it is no faster than Liu Hao\'s sword.

Immortals are free and unfettered. You can go to heaven and earth.

When xuanjian was about to step on the ground, Liu Hao had come late and landed steadily on the ground.

Xuanjian\'s liver and gallbladder wanted to crack. He was close to the instinct of wild animals. He felt that extreme danger was approaching, and his cold hair stood up.


Liu Hao mercilessly blows out a matchless dragon fist.

In the vigorous sound of the dragon, there is also a deep pit on the ground.

In the shocked eyes of zinv and Weizhuang, xuanjian was hit on the ground by this bully\'s fist.

His whole body sank in, only his head was still outside, spitting blood.

The martial arts master is in the highest realm and traverses the Jianghu. Compared with ordinary experts, he is naturally invincible, but he is not enough to see in front of land immortals.

Xuanjian was shocked by the emperor\'s sword power and received the unparalleled dragon boxing. If Liu Hao hadn\'t received some strength, he would die no matter how talented he was.

Liu Hao stepped in front of xuanjian and bowed his head and said, "are you convinced?"

"Take it! Take it with all your heart! It\'s so happy!"

Xuanjian vomited blood, laughed and said, "if you can die in your hands, you will have no regrets in this life. Please do it."

Snare killers are all trained strictly by non-human beings. They have put life and death out of the question and are not afraid of knives and axes.

As soon as Weizhuang\'s eyes are full of killing opportunities, he mentions the shark tooth sword and is about to cut the head of xuanjian, but Liu Hao holds down his arm.

"I know your name is xuanjian. It\'s one of the eight swords of the king of Yue. I want to accept your black-and-white xuanjian today. Are you willing to surrender?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Liu Hao\'s mouth and said, "black and white double swords, kill the enemy with one sword and repay the kindness with one sword. Your martial arts practice has reached this point and you have been standing on a hundred feet. It\'s not enough to rely on the support of sword intention alone. Do you want to go further and step into the realm of a great master of martial arts?"

Xuanjian looked at Weizhuang and said, "Hey! Is that how you accept the vertical and horizontal swordsman Weizhuang?"

Liu Hao said with a smile, "you don\'t have to make a decision in a hurry. It\'s just a chance. No one in the world can take you to that road except me."

Xuanjian lowered his head and was silent.

There is no denying that he is a little excited.

One side is death, the other side is hope to climb the extreme state of martial arts. Fools know how to choose.

"What do you want to do?"

"I will do whatever King Qin wants to do."

"The news I inquired about in Xinzheng is a newly established state of Han. How can it be compared with the king of Qin?"

Xuanjian licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly.

The state of Han destroyed South Korea with a thunderous momentum. He really admired the young hero who came to the stage and became the emperor. However, the foundation of South Korea\'s national strength was weak. Naturally, it could not be compared with the great Qin Dynasty, which was vaguely known as the Empire.


Liu Hao said calmly, "if you have patience, wait two months to see if it will be different. At present, my patience is running out. What do you think?"

"What can happen in two months?"

"Ji Wuye doesn\'t believe that South Korea will change its master overnight, and she doesn\'t believe that she will lose overnight."

Xuanjian thought for a moment, finally nodded and said, "it\'s only two months. I\'ll listen to you."


The purple girl looked at Liu Hao in disbelief.

Don\'t emperors pay attention to the checks and balances of people, and gradually win the hearts of the people!?

Such a straightforward threat can make a big villain like black-and-white xuanjian bow down and submit!?

Liu Hao smiled and pointed on the ground. There was a crack on the ground, which could just let the big murderer out.

Emperors and people should adapt to the situation.

Although xuanjian is in the net, he is not a fool loyal man who doesn\'t know whether to live or die. On the contrary, he has a crisis intuition of beast instinct.

Liu Hao seems calm. In fact, he is murderous. When he says no, he will be patted on his head without hesitation.

In the face of such a lawless murderer, Liu Hao would be inferior if he played the game of knowing his feelings.

The strong, must have the strong posture!

If you don\'t accept it, you will be satisfied!

Black and white xuanjian meditated, adjusted his breath, sorted out his meridians and internal forces, and suddenly asked, "dare to ask, just a sword, how much did the emperor of Han give?"

He killed people in Yingcheng. Black and white xuanjian sword came out. All the people can\'t be killed. Tonight, he tried his best to bring out the sword, but he still couldn\'t catch Liu Hao\'s sword. This is the first time xuanjian had a frustrated mind.

It seems that it\'s humiliating to throw a sword at Liu Hao.

Liu Hao said calmly, "less than five points."


Xuanjian\'s mouth opened wide and had nothing to say.

In fact, only three points.

Without reaching the top of the great master of martial arts, Liu Hao is not qualified to do his best.

Ah Qing\'s yuenv sword power is close to human immortals, so he is qualified to force Liu Hao\'s seven point means. Finally, he knows that he is inferior, so he will choose to surrender.

In troubled times, big fists are truth.

"If you follow me, you may not have no hope of reaching the top of martial arts... It\'s not difficult to break the constraints of heaven and earth with a brave and enterprising heart."

Liu Hao smiled softly, "but now, I have something for you to do."

"Is the emperor not afraid that I will take the opportunity to flee?"

"You don\'t have to doubt who you are... If you slip away at this opportunity, I really respect you as a man. Try the taste of life and death talisman first..."

Liu Hao separated a wisp of thought and affected the killing potential of the life and death symbol quietly buried in xuanjian. He immediately asked xuanjian to hiss and take a breath

This kind of pain is both physical and mental torture. Regardless of your martial arts, it is as cruel as ants devouring your heart, which is more cruel than any cruel torture means in the world.

For such people, there is no need to preach any big truth. Let them surrender wholeheartedly, and there is only supreme strength.

Xuanjian\'s face changed several times and hugged his fist: "Emperor Han, please order."

"You go to the state of Wei and integrate the news channels of the state of Wei with coir raincoat customers."

Liu Hao brushed his sleeves and said calmly