The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2488

Liu Hao took a slight puff at the corner of his mouth

This brilliant plan reminded him of Wolong Zhuge Liang, one of the seven great military divisions.

It seems that such an extremely resourceful man never makes a point, but he can win thousands of miles away by strategizing.

At a critical time, a brocade bag can determine the situation, better than 100000 soldiers and armour.

"Before the Marquis left, he invited me to drink in the Purple Orchid Pavilion, and the minister gave him some ideas..."

"Feng Ting and Ji Wuye were military robes and had a deep friendship. I expected that this person would not hand over the right to send troops. He would certainly attract troops and horses to kill general Bai. Therefore, he granted the brocade bag to let the Marquis strike first and kill him with a sword under the city. You must not follow him into the city, or you will be surrounded by the army array."

"What if Feng Ting really defected?"

Han Fei shrugged his shoulders and said, "if he really defected, he would definitely not lead troops out of the city. He would take over the military power from Feng Ting and subdue the border troops by the means of Lord Hou without instructions..."

"Aiqing plans strategies and wins thousands of miles. It\'s a real national soldier!"

Liu Hao did not hesitate to reward him. When the court praised him, "saints have a day and reflect on me three times a day. Those who question Han Qing in the court should really reflect on themselves. Is there such a good plan?"

There was a dead silence above the hall.

Those ministers who had jumped out against Han Fei were red in the face and looked down at their toes. They couldn\'t say a word

One man is killed by one hand.

This removed the great hidden danger of the guard General of the Shangdang army, and Emperor tihan accepted 100000 fierce soldiers without blood.

Han Fei is beating them in the face!

Who can reach the court with only this plan?

Liu Hao just slapped these old ministers from South Korea and didn\'t bother to argue with them.

The foundation of the Han Dynasty is still in the main world. There are thousands of literary ministers and generals. That is the real hero among people, not comparable to these mediocre talents.

When they have the chance to connect the two worlds in the future, these people will not be qualified to stand on the court.

After the meeting, the courtiers scattered, and Liu Hao left Han Fei.

"The coir raincoat guest, one of the four fierce generals at night, has sneaked into the Daliang city of the state of Wei and arranged in advance?"

"According to the news from the coir raincoat guest, long Yangjun of the state of Wei proposed to send troops. According to the military deployment of the state of Wei, it is expected that the king of Wei has ordered to send troops to attack the Han Dynasty. As long as half a year, as short as March, there will be a war between the Wei and Han Dynasties..."

Han Fei bowed down and said solemnly.

There is no just war among the seven countries. War is a common thing in the troubled times of the seven countries.

After Han Fei\'s study, he traveled around the world and saw many murders. Later, he talked with Xunzi, and his heart was gradually relieved.

Such troubled times are like people who are seriously ill. If they want to hang their lives in a gentle way, it is not the king\'s way after all, and it will do more harm to the people.

Only by taking strong medicine, removing the focus in one breath, and then gently recuperating, can we benefit all the people.

Han Fei traveled all over the seven countries, looked at people\'s popularity, and finally made a choice. He stood on the side of Liu Hao, bowed his head and became a minister with a respectful look.

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and sighed: "since you want to fight, fight. I just want to see how arrogant Wei Wuzu is."

Wei Wuzu is the trump card of the state of Wei. Wu Qi, a famous general, trained into this Iron Army in the state of Wei. He really conquered vertically and horizontally. For a time, he couldn\'t lift his head to fight the state of Qi. He fought back and forth with the powerful state of Qin.

"It\'s a pity that some of my famous generals are not here. Otherwise, what\'s the matter with Wei Wuzu? It\'s easy to sweep the seven countries."

Han Feiqi said: "the Lord drives the dragon to break through the air. The purple gas is vast and vast. I don\'t know what kind of world that world is?"

"In that world, powerful generals can defeat thousands of people. Scholars can cultivate the way of Holy Scripture. They can pool talent and kill people. Big men and people are like dragons... One day, you will see it."

Liu Hao used a rather nostalgic tone to describe a magnificent and incomparable prosperous age for Han Fei.

With Han Fei\'s intelligence, Liu Hao revealed a few words, which was enough for him to see the tip of the iceberg of the Han Dynasty.

Han Fei listened to his heart swaying and whispered, "the seven nights of the green dragon involves the struggle for the country\'s Qi and fortune. The Lord wants to swallow the rivers and mountains of the seven countries and establish no Dynasty. There may be three people in the world, which deserve attention."

Liu Hao came to his interest and asked, "who is it?"

"One is Guiguzi. He is a man who runs between the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. He has the ability to connect heaven and earth. Whenever there is a big event, he must be there."

"The second person is the beimingzi of the Taoist Tianzong. The teacher once said that the old Taoist lived more than two Jiazi. He is a living immortal. Knowing the opportunity of vicissitudes, he may master the secrets of ancient times and control the change of human kingship."

"The other person is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the yin-yang family. The inheritance of the yin-yang family originates from ancient times. The cultivation of the Eastern Emperor has also stood at the peak of the world. Over the years, he has been laying out the layout for the seven nights of the green dragon. It is unpredictable and the holy emperor can\'t help it."

Although Han Fei is in xiaoshengxian village and reads the books of sages, he knows the general trend of the world like the back of his hand.

Liu Hao gently tapped the table with his fingers and firmly remembered the names of the three.



"Everything is in a tight net..."

Liu Hao sat on the red gold dragon chair and gently tapped the red sandalwood carved dragon table with his fingers.

Swallowing the Dragon Qi of South Korea, it brings visions of heaven and earth, and the purple Qi comes 30000 miles from the East.

Xinzheng had such an uproar that the other six countries in the seven heroes of the Warring States period were naturally not blind.

In just half a month, not counting the dead, twenty-seven masters with secret identities have been arrested in Xinzheng City.

These people come from different countries, but the only thing they have in common is that they are highly skilled in martial arts and their identity is mysterious. They can\'t find out the details at all.

In other words, these people are the dead spies of various countries.

The seven countries fought against each other, except for the military confrontation in the open, which is the secret espionage and murder in the dark. It is also a bloody battlefield.

The state of Qin has a snare organization of "all around the world, all pervasive". Seven countries with espionage strength dominate. Of course, the other six countries also have corresponding espionage dark sons