The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2475

The purple girl looked at Liu Hao with ups and downs in her heart: "the strange scenery of heaven and earth that shook the world a few days ago. Jiulong pulled a coffin and stretched across the sky. Some experts spoke out that the dark chaos was coming to an end, and a saint emperor was born... It is said that the last vision came near the snow clothes castle, and there was an endless stream of spies from seven countries. Should it really be here?"

Liu Hao\'s voice interrupted her meditation: "I want to win the world of the seven countries, fight in troubled times and make all the people live in peace. In terms of intelligence, I have a shallow foundation. Can you help me, Miss purple?"

The purple girl, who was sent by ghosts and gods, blurted out without thinking: "what I wish, I dare not invite you!"

"Good, good!"

Liu Hao was overjoyed. He couldn\'t help holding the purple girl\'s hand and said, "the purple girl is really not an ordinary woman."

If we want to level the seven countries, we must face up to the Qin Empire.

At that time, intelligence is a very important link.

There is a snare organization in the state of Qin, which gathers strange people and scholars and infiltrates the seven countries. It can be said that it is pervasive. Liu Hao subdued Han Fei, Weizhuang and zinv tonight. The prototype of quicksand organization has emerged in the future.

Gathering and dispersing quicksand, life and death without trace, just against the snare.

"Let go... Let go of me."

The purple girl was caught off guard, and the slender hand was held by Liu Hao.

Her pretty face turned red and her heart was a little flustered. She wanted to take her hand back, but she only felt that she was watered by steel and had no response.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. With absolute strength, you have accepted the vertical and horizontal swordsman Weizhuang. The current loyalty of Weizhuang is 82 points. Please make persistent efforts!"

Tip: [if the host will accept both gainie and Weizhuang at the same time, the unique attribute achievement of vertical and horizontal will be automatically triggered, and the attributes of Weizhuang and gainie will be greatly improved!]

"Congratulations to the host, super high charm, invisible flirting with the younger sister, purple woman\'s liking degree + 10, please make persistent efforts!"

A series of sounds like the sounds of nature suddenly sounded in his ears. Liu Hao didn\'t want to feel the soft little hand. He released his hand, stroked his palm and said with a smile: "with the help of the two tonight, the big event can be expected. It should have been revealed, but at present, there is still a big play to see. This glass of wine will be sent temporarily..."


"Has everything been arranged?"

Ji Wuye was tied with a blood stained cloth on her head, her hands were calloused, and unconsciously rubbed the handle of the sword.

The plan to kill and then quickly recapture the new Zheng city can be said to be unpredictable.

Who would have thought that general Ji Wuye, who is already like a lost dog, still has this heroic courage!?

If he can turn the tide and recapture Xinzheng in one fell swoop, he will stand at the peak of power again, and his reputation will rise again. Maybe he can be listed in the list of top generals of the seven countries.


Ji Wuye\'s eyebrows were full of evil spirit, and her teeth were rattling. She said coldly, "I want to kill all the sundries of the snow castle!"


The crow and the white phoenix held their fists.



"Ji Wuye is going to sneak into Xinzheng palace through the secret Road, ready to launch a mutiny and recapture the king\'s city!"

After listening to Han Fei\'s detailed account of Ji Wuye\'s plot, zinv couldn\'t help sighing: "it\'s time to be brave as a tiger and cunning as a fox. She doesn\'t hurry to escape to other countries to save her life and die. What a Ji Wuye, which is really in line with his habits..."

Thinking of this, she couldn\'t help looking at Liu Hao more.

If Liu Hao hadn\'t completely subverted the situation with one person\'s strength, Ji Wuye would only have more and more power in South Korea, and they might become sworn enemies in the future.

"It\'s almost time. Since it\'s arranged properly, I\'ll give general Ji a ride."

Liu Hao brushed his sleeve and left the table, followed by the crowd.


A fire broke out in Xinzheng King City.

There were cries of fire fighting in all directions. Ji Wuye came out of the secret Road, stood high, looked at the fire in the city, and smiled at the success of the conspiracy.

It\'s a mess!

Good mess!

The fire is fierce. The white armour army stationed in the city must rush to fight the fire, and the forces guarding the palace must be weakened.

As long as the decapitation plan can be implemented successfully, the overall situation is still under control. He is still the strongest general in South Korea, and even the most prominent general since South Korea!

As for Han Wang\'an, he died when he died. Anyway, the prince is still there. Han Wang\'an has several sons who can also help him to the throne, which is more convenient for him to control power.

"General, fire is everywhere. Do you want to start!"

"Wait! Wait a little more. It\'s easy to invade the palace."

Ji Wuye also knows the reason of using troops.

When the fire became stronger and stronger, Ji Wuye ordered to go out.

His soldiers came out of the hidden underground secret passage, just in the cold palace of the king\'s city.

It has been abandoned for a long time. No one has set foot here on weekdays. It has been used by Ji Wuye waste to build a secret road outside the city. Unexpectedly, it came in handy at a critical time.

The remnant of the forbidden army was only more than 10000 people, and more than 3000 people broke up and sneaked into all parts of Xinzheng to set fire to create chaos.

After attracting the military defense of the white armour army, the remaining thousands of talents are Ji Wuye\'s real killing moves.


Ji Wuye spit out thick phlegm and shouted with the sword, "go! Follow the general into the palace and kill all the chickens and dogs!"

"Willing to kill the enemy with the general!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

South Korea\'s strongest general in a century is still very skilled in stimulating the morale of its troops.

The remnant generals of the forbidden army under their command are all shouting and murderous!

At the command of Ji Wuye, the whole forbidden army began the crazy plan to attack the palace.

The two confidants, black crow and white Feng, swept up the eaves, exercised their lightness skills, and ran quickly.

Ji Wuye is considerate and sends two people, the crow and Baifeng, who are the best lightness skills, to inquire about the news ahead.

A black and a white figure, ghostly through the palace, the White army seems to have run to put out the fire, the palace is very cold, and the defense force is also very limited.

The crow and Baifeng looked at each other and were overjoyed. They couldn\'t help sighing: "the great general has planned strategies. He has already predicted everything. Tonight is the time to turn the tide!"

Step! Step! Step!

The sound of iron boots stepping on the bluestone ground was heavy and solemn.

Ji Wuye runs with her sword, and the tiger\'s eyes are red. She is running away