The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2466

"In the world of seven countries, I want 99!"

Liu HAOSI made no secret of her ambition. She was domineering and directly exposed her heart. Then she brushed her sleeve and asked, "Mr. Han Fei, how are you thinking?"

To tell the truth, Liu Hao is not afraid that Han Fei will refuse.

Because smart people must know how to make the most favorable choice in adverse circumstances.

At present, hundreds of thousands of White army raids Xinzheng. It is obvious that all counties and counties in South Korea are unable to dispatch troops. The forbidden army of King Xinzheng is only 30000 or 40000. How can we resist the White army?

Ji Wuye, seeing that the situation is wrong, may take the lead in surrender!

"Your Excellency, Han Fei Mingxiao, just has a request. I hope the emperor of Han can agree."

"Yes, sir."

Liu haoduanran sat in a listening posture.

Han Fei\'s eyes were bright and said, "after breaking the city, please order not to kill innocent Korean civilians and not the Korean royal family."

"It\'s easy!"

Liu Hao agreed without thinking about it and said, "there is a lack of marching Sima in the army. Sir has the talent to stabilize the country and can enforce the law with the army. Anyone who dares not to obey can carry a sword and kill him!"

Between Han Fei\'s eyes, a strange light flashed and looked at Liu Hao, with more admiration and appreciation in his heart.

If it is said that Liu Hao\'s taking over Xueyi castle and raiding Xinzheng with 100000 white armour troops is the ultimate deception of soldiers, it is also the highest of benevolence and righteousness to love Korean people at present.

Such a monarch with great talent and virtue is the ideal monarch in Han Fei\'s heart.

Han Fei thought that he could learn the arts of literature and martial arts, assist Mingjun and cure troubled times.

The heart was choppy, but Han Fei\'s face was very calm. He bowed his hands and saluted the monarchs and ministers. He solemnly said, "Han Fei, obedience is better than respect."

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. I have accepted Han Fei. At present, Han Fei\'s loyalty is 88 points and the additional reward worship value is 3000 points!"

Tip: [if the host fails to deploy South Korea, or goes back on its word and kills innocent people indiscriminately, it may lead to a sharp drop in Han Fei\'s loyalty. Raising Han Fei\'s loyalty to full value will trigger a hidden task. Please let the host know!]

After Liu Hao was promoted to immortality, the system was magically upgraded once.

Looking at the Dragon pupil of the emperor of heaven, he not only knows Han Fei\'s current loyalty, but also sees the hidden tasks that may be attached to him clearly and has infinite wonderful uses.

"Good! With your help today, why don\'t you worry about a big deal?"

Liu Hao picked up Han Fei and smiled.

Breaking the void, I came to the middle thousand world and was isolated from the contact of the Great Han Lord.

At present, he is in urgent need of talents. Now Wu Youbai is not. He can be alone, but there is a lack of advisers.

Now Han Fei and other wise people are under his command, which can be regarded as the beginning of the team.

Han Fei said, "I don\'t know what the Lord will do next?"

Liu Hao said, "one hundred thousand white armor raids Xinzheng. Ji Wuye has no defense. If he is willing to surrender, he will kill him..."

Han Fei nodded solemnly and arched his hand and said, "the strategy of attacking Xinzheng is unpredictable. Ji Wuye is like a tiger. She is quite a city government, but she never expected... Lord Gao Zhi can decide the world in a war."

Bai Jia\'s army fought back and raided Xinzheng. Ji had no time to dispatch troops at night. She had to lose.

At that time, he will appease King Han, hold all officials, and admire Liu Hao\'s strategy with Han Fei\'s wisdom.

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "South Korea is weak. Take it as the reverse palm. If you want to take the world of the seven countries, why can you teach me, sir?"

South Korea is definitely the weakest among the seven heroes of the Warring States period.

When the great Qin Dynasty destroyed South Korea, it only used diplomatic and political pressure to ask South Korea to cede land and compensate for concessions. The government and the public were terrified.

Finally, the imperial generals sent troops to capture Xinzheng. South Korea was in chaos first. Some even captured Han Wang an Xiancheng directly and surrendered. South Korea was destroyed

The seven countries fought in chaos and the law of the jungle. South Korea was the first to perish and its strength was the weakest.

Hearing Liu Hao\'s question about the policy, Han Fei pondered for a while and said slowly, "if you don\'t have a policy, you can settle the world."

Liu Hao said solemnly, "please speak, sir."

"First take the land of South Korea as the pedal. The Lord can officially embark on the stage of competing for hegemony, and then go south to destroy the state of Wei. The king of Qin will send troops. At that time, the Lord can send vertical and horizontal men to unite Zhao and Chu against Qin. If the plan is successful, wave troops to the East, the state of Qi is weak and the monarch is incompetent. He can take all the land of Qi and the heroes of Qi. Such a general trend can be achieved..."

Liu Hao listened carefully and nodded slightly.

Han Fei\'s analysis and grasp of the situation is still in place.

South Korea\'s national strength is weak. Relying on the strength of one country alone, it must not be able to push the seven countries horizontally.

Liu Hao\'s strength can be developed in the shortest time by adopting a vertical and horizontal strategy, exchanging distant and close attacks, annexing the relatively weak Wei and Qi among the seven countries, and then integrating them.

Only then will we have the capital to face up to the millions of Imperial troops on the battlefield.

"Sir, if this plan can be successfully implemented, sir will take great credit!"

Liu Hao recognized Han Fei\'s strategic layout with sincere eyes, which also gave the young counselor a warm feeling of recognition.

Although they talked about the general situation of the world, they didn\'t know how long it would take. They only heard footsteps outside and the soldiers of the white armour army shouted:

"Lord, we are going to Xinzheng soon."

"Let Bai Yifei command, and everything will be carried out according to the original plan."

Liu Hao waved his hand, didn\'t care, and continued to sit with Han Fei.

The whole Xinzheng, even the whole South Korea, is not a big deal in his eyes, even worse than Han Fei alone.



Zuo Sima Liu Yi, wearing heavy armor, paced back and forth according to his sword in the city.

He is the confidant of general Ji Wuye. He is eight feet long, brave and has made many war achievements. He can be regarded as a fierce general in the army.

"My Lord, the motorcade of snow castle is coming!"

"Strange! But why are so many people here? Let Bai Yifei station the army outside the city and send someone to inform the general..."

The soldiers at the head of the city talked one after another. Liu Yi looked away and saw the smoke and dust rolling in the distance, and the snow clothes Castle army was as winding as a long dragon. He immediately had doubts in his heart.

It\'s enough for xiongwutao weather to level the King City