The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2454


Lonely and lofty, the snow is cold in the world.

Snow castle.

This is a place full of legends.

The dead bones shine on the silver armor, and the snow castle is covered with snow.

This sentence is popular in the Jianghu. It sounds chilly and trembling.

The owner of Xueyi castle is a mysterious Korean marquis. No one knows her real face, because the people who have seen her are dead.

It has become a legend that the former snow clad Marquis killed the whole Jianghu with his double swords.

Xueyi castle is just like its name. The magnificent and mysterious castle is located on Baizhang lonely cliff. Xueyi castle itself is like a cold snow mountain. Ice and snow condenses around it, and cold people\'s teeth tremble.

As the first forbidden area in South Korea, the defense troops of Xueyi castle have also done very well.

When Liu Hao stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the majestic and isolated city in front of him, he couldn\'t help but marvel: "it\'s incredible how to build such a majestic castle on the top of a hundred feet high!"

On the cliff 100 feet high, there stands a magnificent castle 20 or 30 feet high. It is uncanny and can\'t be explained by Science

However, Liu Hao was relieved when he thought that there seemed to be magic craftsmen such as Mohist mechanism city and Luban.

This is the world closest to ancient times. It is not surprising that there are some things that cannot be guessed with common sense.

Although the overall atmosphere of Xueyi castle is gloomy, the design is magnificent.

A suspension bridge is the only entrance to Xueyi castle. Under the bridge, there are bottomless clouds. If it were not for land immortals like Liu Hao, if ordinary troops wanted to attack, there would be 100000 people, I\'m afraid it would be difficult to attack.

The majestic gate marked by bats, several tall statues of soldiers built on both sides, and military flags with bat family badges flying in the wind.

In the snow clothes castle, there are ten steps, one post and one sentry.

Every seven breaths, more than a dozen soldiers in white armor and holding long swords patrol the snow castle with neat and killing steps.

Liu Hao used his body method to enter the snow clothes castle without being aware of it.

Boarded the highest building of Xueyi castle and was silently observing the layout of Xueyi castle. Liu Hao suddenly picked his eyebrow. His mind noticed a cold breath and was approaching quickly

Not long after, a young man swept onto the eaves of the carving house. His eyes were cold and looked at Liu Hao: "who are you, who dares to break into the snow castle without permission?"

The young man was eight feet tall, handsome and cold to the extreme. Wearing a white dress like snow, he set off his cool and lonely temperament.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Bai Yifei - force 97, intelligence 82, politics 64, command 87!

Stunt 1, Hero: Bai is not a gifted man, but a hero among people!

Every ten years old, Bai Yifei\'s three attributes of force, intelligence and command are increased by 2 points!

Stunt 2, human slaughter: Bai is not naturally indifferent. He regards ordinary people as grass mustard and has the same heart. He leads his troops to attack the battlefield and kill. His combat power will be increased by an additional 5%!

Stunt 3, sword Jue: Bai is also not gifted. Hold the sword against the enemy, and the force is + 2!

See demons again!

This young man named Bai Yifei is not old, but he has three attributes. His talent can definitely be described as a demon.

Even among the young talents Liu Hao has met, he can also rank in the top ten.

Xueyi castle is located in South Korea among the seven countries. This cold teenager may be the famous "white blood Hou" in the future

"Snow clothes castle is not a place where everyone can come. There is no one to lead the way. It is absolutely impossible to enter... Is it because there are spies in the castle and the news that mother failed to attack the death pass leaked out?"

White is not a change of mind. On his cold face, a killing opportunity gradually appears.

A wise man must worry more.

Liu Hao saw from his eyes that the young man was not calm. He brushed his sleeves and said calmly, "call the owner of your snow castle out. You are not my opponent."

"Take the sword!"

White is not a sword eyebrow. He doesn\'t talk much. The cold air suddenly broke out, and the surrounding air seemed to drop a few degrees.

In a flash, he had already released his sword.

The long sword pierced the void, and the cold sword gas burst and came straight to the key points around Liu Hao.

Steady, accurate and ruthless!

Bai is not the decision of the sword, and even makes Liu Hao have an illusion of facing Ye Gucheng, the young master of Baiyun city.

However, different from ye Gucheng\'s cold and absolute dust, Bai Yifei\'s sword idea is absolutely cruel and bloodthirsty.

A sword will drink blood and return.

I\'m determined to kill without leaving any room!

The sound of the cutting sword vibrated, and the sound spread all over the snow castle.

"No, someone invaded the snow castle!"

"Bai Jiajun! Ring the horn and assemble!"

The white armour soldier was shocked and ran towards the source of the sound with a long Ge.

Although Bai is not young, he is ruthless. Even his mind is very careful.

The fierce and tyrannical sword is like a wild beast. In an instant, thousands of sword Qi are in the air, completely locking Liu Hao\'s retreat.

"Hum! You\'re trying to die without dodging!"

Seeing Liu Hao standing leisurely with his hands on his back, there was no panic on his face. Bai was not the sword eyebrow, and the sword Qi was more and more prosperous.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

For a moment, the vast white ran through the sky and came straight to Liu Hao\'s key.

"Your talent is OK, and your sword intention is concise, but it\'s far from enough!"

Just when the sword was imminent, Liu Hao suddenly raised his right hand and patted it out of thin air. A giant hand fell boldly.

What murderous sword spirit, what resolute sword spirit!

Under the blow of this blanket, all were annihilated!

"Well, how... How is it possible?"

Bai didn\'t look shocked. His sword spirit was frustrated. He was also affected by the fierce anti shock force. The tiger\'s mouth hurt and flew out upside down.

Bai Yifei is not always arrogant. Among the young generation of the seven countries, apart from the vertical and horizontal swordsmen under the ghost Valley gate, few people in the world can be his opponent.

But such a peerless Tianjiao had a sense of smallness in front of Liu Hao!

What a terrible strength