The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2408

Then, after discussing the government affairs for a while, the court meeting finally dispersed, and all the ministers filed out of the hall, still discussing the bank warmly.

This policy was unanimously approved by Shangshutai. There is no doubt that it will be the state policy of the king.

Among the officials of the Han Dynasty, some people have calculated to deposit all their family money in the Han bank to obtain interest


Liu Hao drove back to the West Palace.

Before I stepped into the palace, I heard a crisp laugh like a silver bell.

He Yu, Cai Mei, Cai Wenji and Bai Lingyun are playing mahjong around the red sandalwood carved table.

It\'s rare that both the East and West palaces gather together to play mahjong. Liu Hao stood on the side and Rao watched it with interest for a while, then returned to the imperial study. Because of the system panel, the red alarm symbolizing war came again.

Open the system panel, move the mind and change the perspective.

The king\'s troops were unstoppable. Chen Qingzhi, the God of war in white, had moved westward, pushed across the ancient Persian country, conquered Parthia again, and hit the Mediterranean all the way to open up territory for the Han Dynasty. This was an unprecedented feat.

General Ma Chao, the five tigers general, started from the western regions. The white lion slaughtered thousands of miles. The blood flowed thousands of miles, and he really made the reputation of general Shenwei Tianjun.

Western countries were afraid of Ma Chao and even gave him the title of horse butcher.

"Keep fighting! Fight me hard!"

Liu Hao felt happy and inexplicable. In his eyes, there was a bright light of wisdom.

The territory of the Roman Empire, surrounded by the Mediterranean, is also vast.

Now Chen Qingzhi is about to reach the boundary of the Roman Empire. The reason why Rome can become the most powerful empire can not be underestimated.

There may be several hard battles to fight next.

"After the upgrading of the thunder pool, the thunder horse and the snow wolf will come out. By the way, the level of the emperor\'s soul tower will be upgraded. The combat power of the Han army will reach the peak. At that time, it will destroy the Roman Empire!"

Liu Hao did it when he thought of it.

Opened the longfu Shangshu platform, and the ministers agreed on the small things, waiting for Liu Hao to read and give instructions.

The first is the western war. Ma Chao, the general of shenweitian, has made a great reputation. When Western barbarians listen to Ma Chao, the five tigers General of the big man, children dare not cry at night.

The attributes of the white robed God of war Chen Qingzhi\'s siege have been accumulated and superimposed, and the command attribute has increased to an extremely terrible level.

Dozens of cities in the West have been laid down one after another, but this time the front is too long, which is quite unfavorable for logistics supply.

"It would be much more convenient if there were a directional transmission array to transport food and grass and transfer soldiers..."

Liu Hao covered his scroll and meditated.

The transmission array is not infeasible, but needs to consume too much, and it can not be achieved in a day.

However, Liu Hao didn\'t think much, because he still had the trump card of Luosheng gate in his hand. If he opened Luosheng gate at the critical time, he could cross thousands of miles and reach the Western battlefield.

At that time, we can use the power of China to suppress Rome and achieve the prosperity of the dynasty.

At this time, outside the hall, a burst of light and rapid footsteps sounded.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, with a heavy face, hurried to Liu Hao, bowed down and said, "I inform your majesty that old general Xu Da vomited blood for days and went last night..."


Liu Hao Jianmei jumped and checked the system. Sure enough, a news of the death of veteran Xu Da came.

In ancient times, people who were over fifty did not die.

Xu Da is in his 70s and 80s this year, and his skills are gradually declining. If he can stabilize the martial arts master\'s realm, Shouyuan will be stable, and he may live a few more years.

Unfortunately, when he fought on the battlefield, there were too many hidden diseases on his body. Even if he was a miracle doctor in the hospital, there was no way to recover.

"It\'s a pity to be such a good general!"