The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2315

"The holy emperor is right. JAC duvoy agrees!"

"Xu Yuanlang, king of Lu, agrees!"

"The king of Xiangzhou spoke highly of the saint\'s approval!"

"Er Xian Zhuang Shan xiongxin agrees!"

"Yangzhou Shuanglong, raise your hands and feet together!"


It was a small-scale vote, and almost all the votes passed the resolution.

It\'s very simple. If you don\'t talk nonsense, you\'ll be done!

Who can stand at the end is the recognized princes and kings, who can make the heroes become ministers.

Princes everywhere, looking at their generals, are full of confidence. They always regard the heshibi, which symbolizes the peak of power, as something in their bag. They all firmly believe that the generals under their command are the strongest.

The first day of the vassal League meeting ended here.

The princes in the field dispersed one after another, or went back to the Sifang city to deploy the next world martial arts, or returned to the barracks to select the fierce people who can fight the most.

Du Fuwei was about to leave the scene with Shuanglong, but he saw a kind-hearted old eunuch holding a dust brush. He grabbed his feet off the ground and said with a smile: "please stay! Your majesty, please. Several heroes of the Jianghuai army are extraordinary. Your majesty wants to invite some people to talk in the Sifang building."

Kou Zhong was very happy and said with flying eyebrows: "lingshao, I didn\'t expect that we Yangzhou Shuanglong would become famous all over the world so soon. Heroes like the Great Han Emperor would invite us to drink. Do you think he would make me a great general?"

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "it\'s natural to be appreciated with Zhong Shao\'s strength. Let\'s Double Dragons..."

The two cockroaches teased each other, but Du Fuwei looked smelly and said, "smelly boy, how do you know that tonight\'s banquet is not Hongmen banquet?"

When facing Liu Hao, this hero, who is domiciled in the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, was a little afraid.

Kou Zhong shrugged his shoulders and said firmly, "Dad, if your majesty wants to hurt us, why bother? It\'s more convenient to send Tiandao secretly?"

"Besides, I think the emperor of the Han Dynasty acted and manipulated all kinds of things. He is not a villain on the surface or behind. Lingshao, do you think so?"

Xu Ziling nodded and said calmly, "the holy emperor is domiciled in Luoyang. He doesn\'t offend the river with his father. There\'s no need to calculate his father. Don\'t worry."

There was a look of surprise in duvet\'s eyes.

These two careless guys seem to be acting wisely all day.



Night fell.

Sifang city gathers all the heroes in the world and has become a happy city all night.

There are the most mellow wine, the most beautiful women, and the most exciting gambling stalls. The princes are addicted to it and don\'t want to wake up.

Square building, ninth floor.

Liu Hao was wearing a comfortable purple robe and sitting on a red sandalwood seat.

When Shi Feixuan was released, there were still four maids serving Mei Lan, Zhu Ju, serving tea and pouring water. They also peeled the fruit from time to time and sent it to Liu Hao\'s mouth.

Such a scene, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling on the opposite side were dizzy.

These two cockroaches, known as Shuanglong, are actually born as small gangsters. In the final analysis, they are losers. What they want is to live a good life and marry some beautiful daughters-in-law.

Today, I met Liu Hao and immediately worshipped him. He has a great tendency to hold his legs

Dugu fengqiong\'s nose was slightly wrinkled and she glared at the two Xiaoqiang. It seemed that she didn\'t understand why Liu Hao, who was like a God in her heart, entertained these two gangsters on the ninth floor of the Sifang building.

Since entering the ninth floor, Du Fuwei was very restrained and polite. Kou Zhongqi asked, "Dad, what\'s the matter with you?"

Xu Ziling came up and asked, "did you eat your stomach?"

If it weren\'t for the emperor\'s face, duvet would have gone wild and slapped them both.

This is NIMA\'s!

On the ninth floor of the Sifang building, there are several martial masters standing in Yuanzhi Pavilion.

In particular, a young man with a full moon machete looked ordinary to Du Fuwei, but his momentum was unfathomable. Du Fuwei was cold before the knife was out of its sheath. It was hard to imagine what a bright light it was when it was out of its sheath

There are so many great masters standing around Liu Hao like the stars and the moon.

Where is this stomachache? It\'s a pain in the skull. It\'s cold in the heart!

Du Fuwei was not afraid. At this time, he was afraid that he had brought Jianghu habits and showed disrespect. He was killed on the spot by several great masters

The universe in the sleeve: Du Fuwei - force 95, intelligence 75, politics 66, command 84!

Stunt 1, Yishou: Du Fuwei sets up troops in Jianghuai and dominates Jianghuai. His force + 2 and Command + 2!

All the generals of the Jianghuai military headquarters under his command, water warfare + 2!

Stunt 2, know English; Du Fuwei has the wisdom of knowing people with Shuanglong!

Double Dragons attribute increases by 1-3 points at random!

"Du Fuwei\'s martial arts is one step away from the master, but his righteousness first attribute is a sharp weapon in water warfare. If you have a chance, you should accept it..."

Liu Haoyun looked at Du Fuwei and reached a conclusion.

Deng\'s eyes fell on Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, and suddenly lit up slightly.

Kou Zhong (rapidly improving) - force 89, intelligence 83, politics 76, command 80!

Stunt 1, Shuanglong: every setback or war will increase Kou Zhong\'s force and command attributes to a certain extent!

Kou Zhong\'s basic force + 2, command + 2!

Stunt 2, Changsheng · Yang: Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling practice Changsheng Jue Qi together, with infinite potential!

Kou Zhong\'s combat power increased by 5% - 10%!

When they are promoted, it is easy to realize that their force and command attributes will be doubled!

Xu Ziling (rapidly improving) - force 88, intelligence 86, politics 77, command 78!

Stunt 1, Shuanglong: every setback or war will increase Xu Ziling\'s force and intelligence attributes to a certain extent!

Xu Ziling\'s force + 2, intelligence + 2!

Stunt 2, immortality · Yin: Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong practice the immortality formula together. The potential is endless!

Xu Ziling\'s combat power increased by 5% - 10%!

When it is promoted, it is easy to have an epiphany, and its force and intelligence attributes will be doubled!

The evildoer.

Absolute evil.

After reading the attributes of these two Xiaoqiang, Liu Hao had only these two words left in his heart