The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2310

At this time, someone in the Sifang building shouted: "this time, the heroes of the world gather together. Look at Li Zitong. He supports millions of soldiers. He can be called a hero. Maybe he can frighten the heroes and seize the Heshi Bi!"

In the restaurant, someone immediately refuted: "Li Zitong is a bird\'s hair. Du Fuwei, the overlord of Jianghuai, is the hero. The power of heaven and earth in his sleeve. The Sui emperor Yang Guangdu is cold hearted and dare not step out of Jiangdu!"

"Hehe, these are just mountain bandits and bandits. How dare you call them heroes?"

On the four high-rise buildings, someone sneered: "Yang Lin, the patron king, used to prison the dragon with a stick of water and fire, breaking the country and seizing the city, just like eating and drinking water. This time, he met those thieves and killed one by one!"

This man was obviously from the Sui Dynasty. When he said the words of war, he immediately made the whole restaurant boiling.

Many people clapped the table, yelled and scolded.

Youyun 18 rode in a corner of the ground floor. One of the Knights said with a sneer: "from a certain point of view, most of the princes in the central plains are people who fish for fame. Where can they compare with the Lord of Youzhou in the north of Xiongzhen?"

"Little Lord, this martial arts success is invincible among your peers. At that time, you will shine brightly and move eight watches."

Luo Cheng took a sip of wine and said calmly, "my uncles and father Shuai said that we are coming to Siming Mountain. There are mountains outside the mountain and people outside the people. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is a dragon among people, and there are many capable and different people under him. We\'d better keep a low profile."

Youyun shibaqi is an old subordinate of Luo Yi. He has followed Luo Yi to conquer Mobei for decades and invited more brothers. Luo Cheng has always treated them with the courtesy of his elders.

Listening to several people talking, a thick black man sitting at the side table came up and asked, "little brother, are you the son of the Yan King\'s family in Youzhou?"

This man has a familiar face and a thick skin. He is Cheng Yaojin, one of the 36 Xuanwu generals of the dynasty!

Since hanging Xianfeng seal was hanged and beaten by Wu Yunzhao, Cheng Yaojin was fined three months\' salary, and even the Maotai immortal wine specially provided by the interior government was gone. He was depressed and went to the Sifang building to drink. Unexpectedly, he met Luo Cheng and his party.

"It\'s me."

Luo Cheng had an excellent tutor and saluted Cheng Yaojin with a fist.

Cheng Yaojin patted his thigh and said with a grin, "it\'s Lao Luo\'s son. I think you\'re a figure. Come on, brother Cheng invited you to drink today."

This guy had a thick skin and a thief. He moved a bench and sat next to Luo Cheng. He frowned and said with a smile, "Xiao Luo, dry a bowl first."


Luo Cheng speechless opened the distance between Cheng Yaojin and him.

"Stay away from our little Lord."

Youyun shibaqi stared at Cheng Yaojin with a bad look.

Luo Cheng basically has no Jianghu experience, but they are powerful dead men killed in a sea of corpses. Each of them has powerful martial arts and has very old experience.

As the saying goes, it\'s a big problem for Cheng Yaojin to offer hospitality when he has nothing to do.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the eighteen riders of Youyun with awe in his heart:

That look!

When I look at him, it\'s like staring at a dead man!

Experience told him that there were many lives under the hands of the majestic man at the table in front of him.

Youyun\'s eighteen riders crisscross Mobei. I don\'t know how many Turks have been killed. The Turks who killed them were frightened by the name of Youyun\'s eighteen riders, and they were haunted with a faint evil spirit.

Niu Gao, sitting next to Cheng Yaojin, was also a lengtouqing. He shouted, "general Cheng treats you to drink. He thinks highly of you. He doesn\'t accept solo practice. He\'s afraid of women!"

"Hum! I\'m afraid you won\'t succeed!"

Youyun\'s eighteen riders were furious and all stood up.

Luo Cheng is also very helpless. His uncles are tough and unyielding. It\'s impossible to do anything good. Cheng Yaojin is also a fierce bandit. He has a hot temper. He doesn\'t agree with Youyun\'s 18th cavalry, so he\'s going out of the city to do it alone.

Hemostasis and killing are forbidden in Sifang City, but you can go out of the city to solve grievances privately.

They drove their horses to the open wasteland outside the city. The two sides put on a posture and saw that a dead fight was imminent.

Luo Cheng drove his horse out and hugged his fist: "today is a rude day, but since there is a dispute, let\'s speak with real skills. I\'ll take over this one."

Youyun\'s ability to ride together and attack is unique in the world, but the means of fighting alone can not be regarded as extreme.

Cheng Yaojin\'s momentum is vigorous, and the pair of axes in his hand are extraordinary at first sight. He is absolutely cruel.

If more than a dozen people go together, it is to deceive the less with more. It is wrong to lose the face of Youzhou Luoyi.

Luo Cheng stood in front of the crowd with a five hook Flying Magic gun. He was also extraordinary in his white robe and silver gun.

Cheng Yaojin laughed and said, "good boy, brave enough! Brother Cheng will teach you a lesson today. What is a Dynasty general!"


Cheng Yaojin roared wildly, waved Tiangang\'s double axes, like two big wheels, and cut at Luo Cheng.

The power of these two axes, I\'m afraid, can open mountains and level the sea, with great momentum.

Youyun Shiba\'s face changed. They didn\'t expect Cheng Yaojin, a cheeky guy, to be so fierce

"Come on!"

The ferocious axe power surged to Luo Cheng. Luo Cheng was not afraid. The five hook Flying Magic gun in his palm suddenly lifted, and the gun tip burst out countless spears, facing Cheng Yaojin\'s axe power.


There was only a violent roar of Qi, and the air wave dissipated, like the river and sea rolling down.

Luo Cheng turned his body and skillfully removed his strength, while Cheng Yaojin was shocked by the force of the anti shock. He stepped back seven steps before he stood firm.

"What did the boy eat and grow up? How can he have such strength in his arms?"

Cheng Yaojin moved the throbbing tiger\'s mouth. He was shocked and inexplicable.

He relied on the three moves of Tiangang\'s thirty-six axes to kill, and became one of the thirty-six generals of Xuanwu.

If an ordinary fierce general meets this Tiangang\'s first axe, he is afraid to be split into two pieces!

Luo Cheng, however, rolled his Tiangang axe like an angry Jiao, which was very rare.

"Boy, be careful. Brother Cheng is going to work hard!"

Cheng Yaojin screamed in his mouth, waved Tiangang\'s axe with both hands, killed him again and fought with Luo Cheng.

The two men were black and white. Their guns came and went. It was like a dragon fighting with a black tiger. The people on the side were swaying. About 30 moves away, Luo Chengxuan brushed Cheng Yaojin\'s axe and gold. He twisted his body and raised his gun. He stabbed it out from under his ribs, just breaking Cheng Yaojin\'s left sleeve

If Cheng Yaojin hadn\'t dodged and retreated in time, this shot would have pierced his heart