The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2246

"Pei\'s two dragons and one tiger are all heroes and heroines. Do you have the talent of an unparalleled general? Congratulations, your majesty!"

Yue Fei was also filled with emotion and congratulated Liu Hao.

Great Han generals, congratulations.

An unparalleled general means that the Dynasty\'s heritage is strengthened again.

Liu Hao looked at XIONG Shi and smiled: "happy! It\'s a pity that there is no wine at this time, otherwise it should be revealed 1"

When he entered the enemy camp in green clothes, he persuaded the enemy\'s main general to surrender and disarmed 100000 troops.

Such a feat can be recorded in history and passed down through the ages. In any case, it can be called a national scholar!

"Minister, I\'m lucky to live up to my life!"

Wang Meng also saw Liu Hao\'s Kowloon car, walked slowly to the front of the car, knelt on the ground, bowed and bowed his head, Qiang ran said.

"The scenery is a little fast. Please get up!"

Liu Hao picked up Wang Meng, patted him on the shoulder and back, and smiled: "I have the help of JINGLUE to wipe out the world, just like an anti palm."

Wang Meng bowed and said, "I\'m just doing my little bit. It\'s not worth mentioning. Your majesty is mighty. The soldiers of the three armed forces work hard to make the heroes of the world return."

It is worthy of being "the first person to cover Zhuge". Wang Meng\'s peak ability is no less than Zhuge Liang, the seven great military division.

Liu Hao naturally appreciated Wang Meng more and more. He only heard the system prompt sound suddenly sounded:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, Wang Mengda has become the title of intellectual achievement award - unparalleled national scholar!"

Guoshi unparalleled: when a Guoshi meets a minister, the minister\'s old countryman reports it. Wang Meng\'s green shirt enters the enemy camp, persuades Pei Renji and 100000 troops to vote, and successfully triggers Guoshi unparalleled evaluation!

According to Wang Mengda\'s assessment, loyalty reaches the full value of 100, intelligence permanent + 2, politics permanent + 2, command permanent + 2!

Wang Meng obtains the unparalleled special skill of national officials: when attacking the literature and Taoism, he can cause additional spiritual suppression to the enemy whose intelligence is not as good as his own, make the enemy\'s spirit tremble and produce illusion!


Liu Hao felt a little happy and could only use a series of 666 to express his inner ecstasy.

After Mei Changsu completed the Qilin talent task, he also triggered the unparalleled evaluation title, which is similar to the exclusive military division title of the seven great military divisions.

Wang Mengzhi\'s talent is not inferior to Mei Changsu. Now it is a feat of sufficient weight to reduce 100000 troops, which naturally triggered the unparalleled national scholar.

Liu Hao comforted Wang Meng a few words, went forward, helped up Pei\'s father and son, patted Pei\'s father and son on the shoulder and back, and said with a smile: "Aiqing\'s father and son are all famous generals in the world. Today, Aiqing can help you like a tiger!"

Pei Renji was still a little nervous. After all, he gave up everything to take refuge in the big man. When he heard Liu Hao\'s warm voice, the stone in his heart finally fell down.

"In front of the holy emperor, Pei Renji is just a defeated general. How dare he call himself a famous general?"

Pei Renji quickly bowed and hugged his fist and said that Pei Xingyan and Pei Yuanqing naturally gave priority to their father and also saluted Liu Hao.

"Hehe, Aiqing doesn\'t have to be modest. He Dong Pei, manmen Yingjie, two dragons and one tiger, I\'ve heard of them for a long time. When I saw them today, they were all generals."

Liu Hao smiled and looked at Pei Xingyan and Pei Yuanqing. The more he looked, the more he liked it.

Unparalleled generals, and unparalleled generals with unlimited potential, came two at once.

Then, Yu Jian, Pei Xingjian and others were released. Yue Yun held two giant hammers and stared at Pei Yuanqing\'s silver hammer hanging on the horse\'s back. Tut tut said, "this hammer is really powerful."

Pei Yuanqing grinned and said, "Hey, your is not bad."

Yue Yun was born with divine power. After being tempered by the thunder pond, the golden hammer of drum beating urn was even more overbearing. The left and right handles weighed more than 200 kg respectively, but Pei Yuanqing\'s twin hammers were forged with secret silver meteorite iron. One handle weighed 360 kg!

If an ordinary mount can\'t bear such a weight, Pei Yuanqing\'s mount is also a rare alien. It looks like a tiger and is called a land grabber.

Han qiahu shook his head and sighed, "there are talented people in the generation of rivers and mountains. Although the son of tigers and leopards is unwritten, he has the spirit of eating cattle. It will be yours in the future."

Pei Renji and Han qiahu were ministers in the same hall. Naturally, they knew each other well. At this time, their hearts were full of emotion and looked at each other with complex expressions.

"Well, now they are all a family. First integrate 100000 Sui troops."

After greeting the generals for a while, Liu Hao ordered in awe.

Although the 100000 Sui troops surrendered, even if they are Han recruits, the rules still have to be told.

Pei Renji understood, nodded and said, "be thrifty. You are safe and take people to accept and integrate the old department."

Pei Xingjian hugged his fist and said, "yes!"

After arranging the reception of the remnants of the Sui army, Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction and said, "send orders to everyone and discuss business in the account."


All the officials of the Han Dynasty, their spirits perked up, and Qiang ran hugged his fist to answer the way.

In the wide imperial tent.

Liu Hao sat high on the throne, and Wen Chen and Wu Jiang stood on the left and right sides respectively.

The military meeting was in progress, and there were no miscellaneous people in the account. All the people in the Han Dynasty, civil and military, looked up at the military map hanging high in the account, and the atmosphere was also very solemn.

Liu Hao flicked his finger on the table and asked, "what do you think of the next strategic layout?"

Pei Renji hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, Yang Guang is now boating in the river capital, drunk and dreaming of death, while there is chaos in all parts of the north, the rebels are everywhere, and the unified army Marshal Zhang xutuo is invincible... I think your majesty can take the South as the foundation, wait until the time is ripe, and then mention the army to attack the Central Plains in the North..."


Liu Hao nodded slightly, but did not comment.

From this point of view, Pei Renji was born in Pei\'s big valve, and his strategic vision and ability to understand the situation are still in place.

People with a clear eye know that the Sui Dynasty was so tossed by Yang Guang that it was the end of a powerful crossbow.

The princes of the separatist party are waiting for the time. As soon as the time comes, they will disturb the world with the power of thunder.

The officials of the Han Dynasty discussed one after another. Liu Hao asked, "Jing Lue, Kong Ming, what do you two say?"

Zhuge Liang gently shook the goose feather fan and said with a smile, "Jing Lue has already made up his mind. Liang is ready to listen."