The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2239

Cao Shaoqin, the head of the royal guards in the East Hall, shouted: "old man, don\'t you kneel down quickly when you see your Majesty the emperor!"

Han qiahu laughed and raised his head: "I\'ve killed many heroes in my life. I\'m the emperor in the past. I used to be the ghost of my sword. It\'s worth it in my life. If you want to kill me, I\'ll kill you. I\'m not a hero if I frown more!"

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Sui Dynasty Shangzhu country and South Korea capture tigers - force 98, intelligence 72, politics 73, command 90!

Stunt 1, catching the tiger: Han caught the tiger at the age of 13 and fought the tiger. After joining the army, he crossed the battlefield and won the Third Army!

When Han captured the tiger, force + 2, double arm strength + 20%!

Stunt 2, Pioneer: break the city and destroy the country, just wait!

When Han Jihu leads the army to fight, command + 2, all soldiers under his command, force + 1, and will temporarily obtain the attribute of fierce fighting!

"If the world\'s great general is also!"

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, a strange light flashed and looked at the famous veteran of the Sui Dynasty.

Generally speaking, at his age, force should gradually go downhill. However, Han Qihoo can still maintain such fierce peak combat power. It can be seen that he is a fierce general at the level of Huang Zhong and Lian Po.

"The old general bravely won the three armies. In the past, the pioneer broke Chen. What a heroic spirit. Today, he was defeated by the lack of Tiandao song. Are you still convinced?"

Liu Hao waved his hand, motioned Cao Shaoqin to step back, took a few steps, and helped Han catch the tiger.

It is the basic accomplishment of an emperor to respect the famous generals through the ages.


Han qiahu\'s old face was slightly red and looked a little embarrassed.

The world called him an unparalleled General of the Sui Dynasty. Today, even song couldn\'t come down without a knife. Even if he didn\'t accept it, it\'s true that his skills are not as good as others.

"I\'ve heard a lot about General Han\'s bravery. I wonder if the general is willing to serve the great man?"

Liu Hao directly untied the rope for Han Jiuhu and calmly threw out the olive branch.

Han qiaohu was slightly stunned, shook his head and said with a smile: "there are only Han qiaohu who died in the war. How can there be Han qiaohu who betrayed his country? Today, he was defeated and captured. Life and death depend on heaven. It is impossible for someone to surrender."

"Hehe, General Han is loyal and brave. It\'s a pity that after today\'s defeat, even if I am released to the DPRK, can Yang Guang accommodate the general?"

Liu Hao said calmly, "the lack of Heavenly Sword song shocked the Jianghu. The influence of song valve in Lingnan is at its peak. Isn\'t it for me? At present, the old general should look at the overall situation and don\'t be hindered by small sections."

Han Qihu frowned.

Liu Hao has insight into people\'s hearts. This sentence can be said to have poked into his heart.

Today\'s Yang Guang is not what he was then.

Since he ascended the throne of the ninth five year plan, he has become more and more determined, moody and suspicious. Many former founding heroes have been killed by him.

Today\'s defeat has damaged hundreds of thousands of troops. The loss is too great. It\'s hard to imagine Yang Guang\'s reaction under his rage

Seeing Han qiaohu\'s expression wavering, Liu Hao added the last fire with a fixed look and said: "good birds choose trees to live, and good ministers choose the Lord to serve. Only those who know the general trend are heroes..."

"When Yang Jian usurped Zhou in the Sui Dynasty, he won the world and spread it to Yang Guang. The national fortune has been exhausted. The Great Han was born according to heaven\'s destiny. Why don\'t General Han obey the Great Han? It\'s also a good story after I\'ve settled the country..."

At this point, Liu Hao stood with his hands down and said calmly: "General Han may not know that the Sui army is divided into two routes. Pei Renji led the army to rush into Sichuan from the other route. I have all the arrangements. Soon, there will be news..."

With that, Liu Hao watched with great interest the sudden change in Han Qiuhu\'s expression.

Liu Hao has finished all that should be said. The rest depends on Han qiahu\'s choice.

If he surrendered, everyone would be happy. There was another experienced veteran in the Han Dynasty. If he was determined not to surrender, Liu Hao would have to go extinct.

After all, one less potential enemy is also one less threat.

After a half silence, Han qiaohu sighed and said, "who would have thought that in the prosperous Sui Dynasty, millions of soldiers attacked the north and the south, and the state was only a few decades, alas..."

"What does general Han think?"

"Han captured the tiger, willing to surrender!"

Han Qihoo pushed Jinshan and fell on the jade pillar, knelt down on the ground, hugged his fist and said, "I\'m dull in qualification, short in strength, and won\'t be abandoned by the holy emperor. I\'m willing to do my best to help the holy emperor achieve his great ambition and achieve his eternal hegemony!"

Under the general situation, Han qiahu made a choice, just as his father Han Xiong, a general of Hussars in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, chose to abandon the Sui Dynasty and vote for the Han Dynasty.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You have accepted the famous general Han capture tiger. At present, the loyalty of Han capture tiger is 88 points, and the additional reward worship value is 3000 points!"

"The host succeeded in digging a corner of the Sui Dynasty with super-high monarch charm. After Yang Guang learned the news, his hatred value to the host was + 100 points!"

The advantage of hiding attribute Charm Value breaking the limit is here.

"General Han, please get up. I have general Han, like a tiger with wings!"

Liu Hao smiled and stepped forward to help Han capture the tiger. As for the system prompt that Yang Guang\'s hatred value was suddenly full, you don\'t have to take it to heart.

After defeating the army sent by the Sui Dynasty to fight for Shu, the foundation of the whole Sui Dynasty will be shaken. It\'s a question how long Yang Guang\'s Dragon chair can last. What should we do regardless of his feelings?

"It\'s urgent for Yue Fei to gather all his strength and gallop north to defeat Pei Renji with Wang Meng!"

Liu Hao secretly decided.



In the Sui army camp, Pei Zi hunted the flag in the wind.

Pei Renji, the general of the Sichuan expedition, was born in Hedong family. His grandfather was Pei Bofeng, the general of Hussars in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The Pei family inherited ronghua for three generations. All of them were prominent and important positions in the imperial court.

Pei Renji is also good at military service. In the past years, he followed Yang Jian to participate in the military service of Tuguhun and Turkic aliens. He has made great achievements and has great prestige in the army.

It was Yang Guang who took a fancy to Pei Renji\'s experience that he sent him as a general in the campaign against Shu. He divided two routes with Han\'s tiger capture soldiers to attack Shu directly.

150000 troops gathered, and the mountains and fields were full of flags and camps of the Sui army.

Pei renjiyun is known as the world\'s famous general. He is not under Han\'s capture of the tiger. He marches and arranges the camp. He is very strict and can\'t find anything wrong