The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2237

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the three armies hurried and soon killed outside the Han Army camp.

Han captured the tiger and observed the enemy camp. The Han army was indeed loosely defended. Even soldiers patrolling the camp fell asleep with long guns. In the camp, they snored like thunder.

"Launch rockets and create chaos!"

Han qiahu was overjoyed and quickly waved and ordered.

"Han Shuai has orders to release rockets and burn baggage!"

"Han Shuai has orders to release rockets and burn baggage!"

This Sui army can also be called elite. When the military order was issued, the archers were in place immediately.

Whew, whew, whew!

The arrows in the air broke through the air and made a sharp noise. The arrows were bound with fire oil and burned towards the Han Army camp

Shot away.

The Han military camp caught fire immediately. Watching the tents burned down and the chaos in the Han military camp, Han Qihoo raised his golden knife and laughed: "the day is dead, the Han bandits will rush into the array with our commander and break through the enemy camp!"

"Willing to break through the enemy camp with Han Shuai!"

"Willing to break through the enemy camp with Han Shuai!"

The generals of the Sui army began to raise their swords and guns and roar like wild animals.

Han captured the tiger hundreds of times in such a battle. He rushed into the array and killed the general, grabbed the flag and stepped on the camp. For him, it was not much different from eating and drinking water.


The horn sounded suddenly. Han captured the tiger and took the gold Dao. He took the lead and entered the Han Army camp.

Kill! Kill!

The generals of the Sui army attracted 100000 troops, like the outbreak of river flood, and recklessly launched an assault on the Han Army camp.

"Han Shuai, the Han military camp is empty. Where have all the people gone!?"

The lower part of the command will wonder.

He broke through several camps one after another and got nothing. Han Qihu\'s face suddenly sank.

The veteran\'s experience told him that it was too easy to set foot in the camp tonight. The Han Army\'s camp was almost completely defenseless. They easily broke through the defense line, and there was no shadow in the camp.

"No, there is fraud!"

Han qiahu suddenly thought of a terrible possibility in his mind. He hissed and breathed a cold breath and shouted, "back quickly, you\'re in the trap!"

Just a hundred thousand troops, surging up, even if Han Qianhu is a famous general in the world, how can he immediately convey the order?

The Sui army swarmed into the Han Army camp and fought their own battles. At this time, a thunderous roar shook the night.


It was as if the God of thunder had lowered his anger, and the whole ground began to shake.

The bleak and solemn horn suddenly rang through the long night!

Listening to the roaring sound of killing in all directions, there was a cold sweat in front of Han Qiuhu\'s forehead: "Damn it! The Han army chief General had already been prepared. In the ambush camp, he was waiting for me to fall into the net!"

"Don\'t mess up! The front army changes the rear array. Follow the commander to make a gap from the southeast corner. Those who dare to retreat will be cut off!"

Han qiahu is worthy of being a famous general of the Sui Dynasty. In the face of such a dangerous situation, he did not mess at all. Instead, he raised his knife and shouted wildly. He even killed several random soldiers, which finally suppressed the situation.

The Sui army followed closely behind the tiger captured by Han and launched a breakthrough towards the southeast corner.

After a bloody battle, I was about to rush out of the camp gate, but I saw a thick black man in the distance, carrying a big axe in both hands and galloping from a distance on a black Zhui horse.

"Wow! Where are you going!"

Cheng Yaojin saw where the flag of the Sui army commander was. His face was full of ecstasy. Tiangang and Disha double axes waved like a wheel.

After being tempered in the thunder pool, the power of Tiangang Disha double axes has been strengthened again. The left and right giant axes, each weighing more than 100 kg, dance in the air and have unparalleled strength. The generals of the Sui Dynasty will die if they touch them. They will be cruel when they get them. They are very violent and ferocious.

"Every man dares to be rampant!"

When Han catches the tiger, he must be angry. Zhang pours the gold Dao. The throne of true Qi. The flying horse carries the Dao and comes to fight Cheng Yaojin.

Swords and axes collided, and the sound of gold and iron in the air was heard all the time. The two men were well matched and would meet good talents.

One is a veteran of the three dynasties, who has been around for decades and has solid knife skills. The other is the thirty-six Xuanwu generals of the Han Dynasty, who are extremely powerful.

The two men fought for dozens of rounds in the battlefield. The soldiers were awestruck in the battlefield.

"This guy is so brave!"

Han qiahu became more and more impatient. He shocked Cheng Yaojin with a knife. His arms were also very weak. Looking around, he saw that another majestic Han general was killed in the battlefield.

The Han general was like gold paper and held a pair of gold Maces. He went through the Sui army array left and right. With each mace, Sui soldiers rolled to the ground and died.

"Here comes another fierce general, who can\'t fight..."

Han Jihu rarely had a feeling of fear of war. At that moment, he falsely shook a knife, turned back and took the knife and left.

"Shit! Don\'t run, old man. My credit!"

Cheng Yaojin yelled behind his back and chased with his axe.

Han\'s experience in catching tigers was old. He didn\'t fight to death. He just drove his horse back, but he also withdrew from the center of the battlefield.

The sound of killing was like thunder. There were the roar of the Han Army and the scream of the Sui Army soldiers everywhere. Han Qihu clenched his fists and hated it deeply:

"Hateful! Hateful! Today\'s defeat lost tens of thousands of troops in World War I!"

Such a record is a disgrace to Han qiahu, who has made great achievements in war.

However, the ambush was intercepted and killed, and there was no way. Han qiahu led the remnant army to retreat towards the southeast. On the way, he did not encounter the pursuit of the Han army.

Han qiahu relaxed a little and said with a smile, "if you don\'t die in a great disaster, you will have a blessing. You are plotted by the enemy today, and you will be repaid in the future!"

The commander-in-chief is the soul of the three services. At this time, the more calm he is, the more stable the mood of his soldiers will be.

"First withdraw to the camp, wait for the opportunity, and attack Sichuan with Pei Renji. If you work together in such a two pronged way and occupy an absolute military advantage, you will be victorious!"

Han Jihu thought about the countermeasures and galloped his horse.

However, at this time, there was a thundering sound of horse hoofs in the southeast, and smoke billowed up on the official road.


The former army scout Pegasus came to report and said in a hurry: "Han Shuai, there are hundreds of riders in front of us. I don\'t know what force it is..."

"Just a few hundred ride?"

Han Qihu\'s beard rustled and said with a sneer: "continue to March. If they dare to come and die, I can kill you with one hand......"