The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2192

"All heroes, let\'s get flat. I\'m just here to have a look today."

Liu Hao pushed open the curtain of the carriage and got off slowly. As he walked up the steps, he said to Haitang with a warm voice, "how\'s the selection?"

Begonia\'s heart was warm and said with a smile, "there are a lot of people here. I don\'t know how many are worth using. Your majesty works hard on state affairs. How can you come here when you have time?"

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "the matter of Begonia is my matter. I love rivers and mountains and beautiful people more."

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You have succeeded in flirting with your sister. Shangguan Begonia has a concussion. It is full of spring. The additional reward worship value is 3000 points!"

With the sound system prompting the sound, Liu Hao hung a satisfied radian around his mouth.

I\'m full of favoritism. Are there any rewards for flirting with girls?

I can tease her day and night!

If it weren\'t for being in full view of the public at this time, Haitang almost wanted to jump into Liu Hao\'s arms to express his joy and happiness. He felt valued by his sweetheart, as if he was emitting brilliant and beautiful light all over his body.

This is the highest level of the old driver flirting with his sister. What he does is always more important than what he says.


Walking side by side with Begonia, when he was about to step into the threshold, Liu Hao suddenly felt that there seemed to be a look, looking at himself curiously behind his back.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Right and wrong - force 82, intelligence 87, politics 43, command 56!

Stunt 1, talent: Cheng is a man of great talent. When he practices martial arts, his chance of suddenly realizing martial arts increases!

Every three years, right and wrong force + 1, and the upper limit is increased by 12 points!

Stunt 2, quick wit: when facing an emergency, intelligence temporarily + 3, and there is a chance to come up with a solution to the problem.

"It\'s this Teaser..."

Liu Hao saw the iconic instant noodles head and couldn\'t help laughing.

Shangguan Haitang was slightly stunned and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, do you recognize this person?"

Liu Hao smiled and said, "this man is the son of the invincible urchin Gu Santong. His qualification is unusual..."

After searching for news during this period of time, Liu Hao finally figured out the background of this big integrated world.

The general direction has not changed. Zhu ignores that he is still the big boos behind the scenes, but Suxin died many years ago, leaving only one son to be right and wrong.

The first story in the world has been destroyed by Liu Hao\'s participation. Cheng right and wrong and Gu Santong\'s father and son can\'t see each other again after all. Liu Hao also found the dried body of Gu Santong at the end of the prison.

The most powerful man in the world wanted to show his ability in front of the holy emperor. He stepped out one step and shouted, "boy, if you want to enter the Dragon protection villa, you should pass me first!"

His muscles were fast and twisted, like an iron giant, stepping towards right and wrong, and the ground began to tremble.


Hercules smashed his fist towards right and wrong. The fist sound roared. It was heavy and powerful!

Facing the strong wind, a light golden awn appeared on Cheng right and wrong, which resisted the fierce boxing style.

"What\'s going on!? this boy is made of copper and iron!"

The Hercules was a little stunned. In a moment, he was distracted. His eyes turned disorderly, but he took advantage of this moment to make an action.

He was born as a street gangster and didn\'t care about face. As soon as he was short, he rolled on the spot, and then drilled into the crotch of the lux giant.

"Monkeys steal peaches!"

In the crowd\'s uproar, Cheng Shifei moved very fast and made a cruel move. The Hercules\' legs shrank and his face was blue and red. It was really painful.

"King Kong is not bad!?"

Liu Hao\'s eyesight is so sharp that when he only looks at it, he is convinced that this is King Kong\'s immortal Kung Fu.

"It seems that the ancient three links had already arranged their backhands. When they were still a fetus, they used the internal breath of Vajra not to damage the divine power to measure the right and wrong in the body..."

This is equivalent to a master at the peak of martial arts, who spends his own efforts to wash bones and cut marrow for people.

In other words, let Cheng win right and wrong at the starting line.

Ordinary people may not be able to get through the meridians all their life. They may not realize that they are born and have one of the most magical martial arts in the world. For more than 20 years, the true Qi of King Kong flows naturally in his body and his meridians are naturally unblocked. If they come into contact with martial arts, they will surely move thousands of miles with their qualifications.

"Your Majesty is the first in the world. I\'m the second expert in the future. You big man, no!"

Right and wrong got entangled with the world\'s No. 1 Hercules. Relying on the congenital rough skin and thick flesh, they wandered around and fought with all kinds of indiscriminate means, they even teased the Hercules in embarrassment and vaguely gained the upper hand

Liu Hao waved his hand and said, "stop it. You can join the Dragon protection villa."

When they heard the speech, they all sweated wildly:

"This... This... This is OK!"

"This little gangster, fighting in the street, has no advanced martial arts at all!"

"It seems that I\'m sure to join the Dragon protection villa!"


The crowd at the Baiyu stage was so excited that they all wanted to come forward immediately. They wanted to pass the examination, so they joined the Dragon protection villa and prospered.

Success or failure is elated. He came up with a smile and flattered: "Your Majesty is really brilliant and divine. Today, with your majesty present, I feel that my skills have become stronger. When I succeed in my divine skills in the future, your majesty is the first person in the world, and I\'ll be the second in the world..."

The man\'s mouth turned and flattered again. He wanted to get close to Liu Hao, but Cao Zhengchun stopped him.

"Hey, hey!"

Cheng Shifei scratched his instant noodles head, licked his face and said, "Your Majesty, will I become an official after I enter the Dragon protection villa?"

"HuLong mountain villa is a particularly important department of the dynasty. Naturally, you are an official of the imperial court."

Liu Hao was amused. He turned sideways and said, "the end of the world, a knife, right and wrong will be handed over to HuLong villa. He doesn\'t have enough experience. Teach him well."

Dragon protection villa, the world is dark and yellow.

Tianzi No. 1 spy Duan Tianya and dizi No. 1 spy return to the sea. Xuanzi No. 1 spy is Shangguan Haitang and yellow spy. It has been vacant all the time. It is quite suitable for right and wrong

However, this lengtouqing has to go through devil training while sitting in the position of No. 1 secret agent