The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2180

Like the roar of the raging waves, Zhu ignored and swept out of the hall and landed steadily on the square.

The disorderly Ming Imperial Army, who was originally killed by the Great Han master, saw Zhu\'s disregard for the power, as if they had found the backbone, plundered it out one after another and gathered behind him again.

Lu Xiaofeng was awe inspiring. She just felt that Zhu ignored his momentum and had reached the peak, majestic and unimaginable.

"Zhu ignored, someone came to fight you!"

Among the Great Han masters array, Xiao Feng took the lead in taking a step. Like a fierce tiger down the mountain, he splashed green bricks and gravel on the ground and went to kill Zhu.


Xiao Feng\'s first move was the Dragon subduing palm. When this palm was struck, the vigorous palm strength condensed into a golden real dragon, which ran through the sky and went to kill Zhu.

"Good! What a domineering palm!"

Zhu ignored the twist and stood up. His eyes flashed. Turning his hands was a palm, and he went forward to meet him.


The two palms intersected, and a violent noise broke out. The air waves churned like the raging tide of the river and the sea.

Zhu ignored that his body was shaking slightly, while Xiao Feng only felt his arms trembling. The Dragon subduing palm seemed to hit an unfathomable mountain. Under the force of the earthquake, he flew back.

"Hiss! What a domineering internal power!"

At the time of retrogression, the Qi scattered in the air finally exploded, and countless green bricks on the ground broke and flew up.

Although the imperial guards of Daming could not see the specific situation, they also knew that Zhu ignored and prevailed. They immediately felt excited and couldn\'t help shouting: "the emperor is invincible!"

"The emperor is invincible!"

Xiao Feng settled down, but there was a trace of blood on his mouth. In his eyes, he was full of war and shouted, "come again!"

He is a natural God of war. When he meets a strong man, he will be strong. When he meets Zhu, how can he admit defeat?

In the air, the Dragon subduing palm roared through the air, and Zhu ignored that his expression was gradually solemn. He held his arms in the air and fought with Xiao Feng.

The war between the two people was purely a combination of powerful internal forces. Where the body method moved rapidly, the ground was smashed, mud, dust and stones poured into the sky, and smoke billowed like a dragon.

Zhu ignored Xiao Feng and didn\'t know how many hands he had passed. He could only hear the sound of the collision of fist and palm Qi in the air.

The great masters of the Han Dynasty also watched attentively and did not rush into the hall.

When you reach the level of martial arts master, you are all proud people with your own character. You will never intervene in a fair duel.

"Break it for me!"

Regardless of his killing ability, Zhu roared wildly, showing a brilliant golden light on his body. Suddenly, his fists burst out, and his Qi was overwhelming. He broke all the Dragon subduing palms that had just been fierce without a couple, and shook Xiao Feng back more than ten steps again!

"Such strong internal force... How can there be such strong internal force!?"

Lu Xiaofeng looked creepy.

He was extremely curious about Liu Hao. He knew all the master materials of the temple like the back of his hand.

Xiao Feng\'s unique skill, dragon subduing palm, is known as the first fierce martial arts under the holy emperor\'s dragon fist. It\'s no small matter.

As a result, Zhu ignored a blow and retreated. At this time, even Xiao Feng couldn\'t hold his blood and spit out a mouthful of dark blood. It can also be seen that Zhu ignored his strength, which is really unfathomable.

"Your qualifications are fair and your skills are too shallow. Why compete with me?"

Zhu ignored and stood on the stone dragon in the square of dragon mountain villa, with his hands on his back and looking up at Xiong, as if he had become the master of heaven and earth and mastered the changes.

"Take my sword!"

However, the purple Marquis fluttered and threw his sword into the air.

The ancient and noble long sword, driven by strong Qi, turned into a long dragon and howled in the air.

The purple figure merges with the light of the sword. It looks like a noble prince walking against the dragon and stabbing with a sword.

"Good, good, good, good!"

Zhu ignored his squint and sneered and stood still until the sword Qi of the purple Hou reached more than ten meters in front of him, and then slowly raised his right hand.


There was only a sudden sound of gold and iron. Zhu ignored his two fingers, like gold and iron, and pressed the dragon\'s dragon head in the air, emitting a whine.

Lu Xiaofeng was shocked and murmured, "what martial arts is this?"

With a touch of his soul, he can resist thousands of soldiers in the world, which can be said to be wonderful, but he can\'t say that he can resist the fierce Prince\'s sword of the prince in purple.

"King Kong is not bad! The power absorbing Dharma?"

Ziyi Hou\'s expression suddenly changed. He felt that the whole space seemed to be fixed. On the sword edge, there seemed to be a bottomless black hole, which continuously absorbed his internal power

Zhu ignored and finally used his martial arts to press the bottom of the box. King Kong is not bad and absorbs the great skill!

One main guard, seamless, one main attack, invincible.

No madman, no survival.

Today, if you want to fight a path of blood among so many martial arts masters, you can only use this unique divine skill to nourish the war, replenish your own energy, save your life, and launch the final impact towards the supreme state.


When the purple clothes Hou missed the sword, he made a quick decision. Thousands of sword shadows covered his whole body, Ling Xu stepped into the air, the purple clothes moved quickly, natural and unrestrained to the pole, and then turned back.

"It\'s not so easy to want to go! Don\'t want to go today!"

Zhu ignored that at this time, he had actually soared to the extreme, his Qi ran through the top, and the whole person risked a brilliant golden awn.

The violent momentum moved, and he was like an arrow off the string, chasing after the purple marquis.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

At this time, there were several sharp sounds breaking through the air.

The ghost needle shadow of the sunflower magic skill shuttles through the void and generates electricity as fast as the void. Even if Zhu ignores Xiong Kuo, he can\'t help feeling a little afraid. When people are in the air, they spin and fall down.

The eastern invincible sneered and said, "it\'s up to you. You dare to speak wildly. When your Majesty the holy emperor makes a move, it\'s heaven and earth. You\'re really invincible. You\'re far from it!"

"Unexpectedly, in the past, the Tianzong leader of heimuya became the running dog of the emperor of the Han Dynasty!"

Zhu ignored the glance, but felt that there were all the great masters of the Han Dynasty, so he became more and more jealous of Liu Hao. His eyes turned fierce and sneered: "if the emperor of the Han Dynasty is brave enough, he will come to fight with our hall. If he doesn\'t kill him today, I\'ll see him!"

It\'s true that Liu Hao, Liu Hao came to the outside of HuLong villa. Suddenly someone shouted loudly, and the voice was like thunder:

"Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

"Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"