The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 151

Liu Hao was overjoyed when he heard the speech and asked, "where is it? Have you found the emperor\'s Royal driving?"

"Lord, general Lin found manager Cao Zhengchun in the eastern suburb of Luoyang. Manager Cao protected the Empress Dowager for refuge. It seems that the emperor is not around!"

"Good, good, good, send an additional team immediately to protect the Empress Dowager!"

Liu Hao was relieved. Xu Shu smiled and said, "Congratulations, Lord, you have won a great general and saved Fengjia! In this way, we have completed half of the purpose of coming to Luoyang City. Let Shu do the rest!"

Xu Shu understood Liu Hao\'s mind and came to Luoyang not with the idea of serving the country with death.

Instead, we should absorb the vitality of Luoyang City as much as possible and strengthen ourselves!

In other words, Xu Shu had long regarded Liu Hao as the last hope of a big man!

"In that case, everything is entrusted to the military division!"

Liu Hao held Xu Shu\'s hands tightly and said solemnly.

None of the others under his command has the resourcefulness and ability to deal with changes like Xu Shu. Only Xu Shu can reassure him.

"Where is Yang Zaixing!"

"The end is coming!" Yang Zaixing stood solemnly with a long gun, like a javelin.

"I order you to order the headquarters of the Yulin army to assist Xu Shu\'s military division in dealing with Luoyang. You must ensure the safety of the military division!"

Liu Haoqiang ordered.

Yang Zaixing said loudly, "the last general will obey! If the military master has a great life, the last general will live. If the military master has any mistakes, he will die!"

"Good, good, good..."

Liu Hao said hello three times and immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Dian Wei, the other fierce soldiers of Huben, can go to the eastern suburb of Luoyang with me, but meet the Empress Dowager Fengjia!"


Dianwei shouted loudly, took the double halberd and ordered Qi people and horses.


At this time, the northern suburb of Luoyang City.

A white horse galloped wildly on the official road.

The knight on horseback, dressed in white robes and vigorous, is Changshan Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong who resigned from Youzhou and said goodbye!

"No, there\'s a horn!"

Zhao Yunren was on his horse\'s back and suddenly pulled the reins. His sword eyebrows wrinkled. He had keenly heard the murderous bleak horn in the distance, and an unknown premonition appeared in his heart.

He came from Youzhou and drove all the way. On the way, he met soldiers from several important towns, all of whom had abnormal movements. When he was close to the place of Sili, he also saw many Xiliang cavalry who robbed villages in various counties.

Of course, these Xiliang cavalry who went to rob villages in various counties were killed by Zhao Yun one by one.

"All the troops and horses gathered in the place of Sili. What happened to Luoyang City?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun was awe inspiring.

As he accelerated towards Luoyang, a carriage rolled wheels and rolled smoke and dust, and was also moving forward at a high speed.

In the carriage, a fat old man was crying bitterly, "Oh, kill me, kill me, coachman, slow down..."

This fat old man complaining is the great eunuch of the Han Dynasty, Zhao Zhong!

Zhao Zhong is obviously a lot more lucky than Zhang let\'s be urged by bad luck.

He and Zhang rang took away the emperor Liu Bian and Chen Liuwang Liu Xie.

The soldiers fled in two directions.

Zhang rang was a little too back. He directly ran into Dong Zhuo\'s iron horse and was killed by the tyrannical Dong Zhuo.

Zhao Zhong was quick witted. He took Chen Liu, Wang Liu Xie and his men to change into the coarse cloth clothes of the common people and fled directly to the northeast. He planned to escape to Youzhou or Jizhou in Hedong.

After running away for a long time, the carriage was not fast. It bumped up and killed Zhao Zhong.

The coachman slowed down his driving speed, which made him feel better.

But his luck is over!

"Nei, Zhao Changshi, it\'s bad... There\'s a team of iron cavalry in front of me..."

Outside the door came the sound of the little eunuch pumping air-conditioning.


Zhao Zhong shakily opened the curtain and got out of the carriage. Seeing the magnificent scene in front of him, he was so dark that he almost fell off the carriage!

It\'s over!

After running for a long time, I was still faster than Xiliang iron riding. I was caught!

At this time, the night was like ink, and the dark clouds hid the moon behind the clouds.

In the endless darkness, a cavalry, like ghosts and pawns from Jiuyou hell, swept in.

Absolutely no one can keep calm after seeing the terrible Xiliang iron horse!


Zhao Zhongtan sat on the carriage, suddenly took a breath, and his body trembled!

"Zhao Changshi, what\'s the matter?"

Chen Liu, Wang Liu Xie, a teenager, opened the curtain of the carriage and asked.

"Your Highness... No, Xiliang iron cavalry is coming. Don\'t get off!"

Zhao Zhong trembled.

He was not sure whether the murderous Xiliang cavalry was a friend or an enemy.

In the face of the unknown, people always have the psychology of fear.



Liu Haojun, in Liao Hua\'s army, rode a exploring horse and rushed to report:

"General Liao Hua, the former army urgently explored ahead and found a carriage. It seems that there is still a trace of Xiliang iron cavalry!"


Liao Hua led his troops to drive the horse to a hill, sat on the horse\'s back, straightened himself solemnly and looked at it from a distance.

Vaguely, I saw Zhao Zhong and his party standing on the carriage.

"There\'s a ghost!"

His eyes brightened and he said in his heart, "how can there be civilians who can raise such a noble spirit and bring so many servants?"

Liao Hua has been a bandit for many years and has developed a pair of golden eyes that are good at seeing people.

Zhao Zhong was well behaved, that is, he put on civilian clothes, but the existence of several small eunuchs betrayed him.


Liao Hua suddenly exclaimed. He saw that the boundless Xiliang iron cavalry rushed in like a tide and rolled Zhao Zhong\'s carriage in.

"It\'s probably the emperor\'s car ahead. Brothers, the Lord told me to find the emperor and kill him with me to get back the emperor\'s car."

Liao Hua galloped down the hill with his horse, stood up his long gun and roared!



The fierce soldiers of Huben camp roared one after another. The sword shield hand slapped the shield with a knife and made a loud noise.

The sharp spear in the spear Walker\'s hand stood up obliquely, followed behind the sword shield hand, and killed in front step by step.,,.