The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 136


Jian Shuo, who was tall and strong, smiled grimly: "the Yulin army was handed over to our family by the former Emperor. He Jin, this vulgar butcher, will never command, but it will take a day or two to mobilize and assemble!"

"What else should we pay attention to?"

Zhang let Bai Mei lock up and muttered to himself: "Huang Fusong and Zhu Yu, two troublesome old men, have been sent to guard against the Huns in the border. Even if he Jin ordered them to come back, it would take at least a month. Liu Hao is also a cruel man who can lead the troops, but he is still in Yingchuan county. I never thought there would be such a big change in Luoyang!"

The plan has come here naturally and seamlessly.

Zhang asked Huoran to get up and sneered: "poisonous snakes bite people. We should pay attention to the opportunity. We have insiders there now. We should be ready now. As soon as the news comes from there, we will start immediately and kill any butcher!"

"He butcher must be killed!"

"He butcher must be killed!"

In the side hall, a burst of cold laughter broke out one after another.

The forces on both sides, which are incompatible with fire and water, are at war.

Although they are planning and preparing secretly and think they are secret, Empress Dowager he, who has lived in the deep palace for a long time, has felt the coming of the crisis through Cao Zhengchun\'s men.

"Grandpa Cao, what you said is true!"

Empress Dowager he is high as a Phoenix. Take a deep breath. A pair of majestic peaks can\'t stop undulating!

Although she was above ten thousand people, she also lost control of the development of the situation in Luoyang.

Almost all the eunuch and maid in the vicinity are all ears and eyes that Zhang lets ten often serve.

"When I returned to the empress dowager, it was true. The old slave made it clear that the senior general contacted Dong Zhuo. 30000 cavalry, as a pioneer army, were stationed in the city of the County West of Luoyang, and Zhang rang was also crazy to mobilize the army."

"War is imminent!"

Cao Zhengchun had long been ordered by Liu Hao to enter the deep palace to help the Empress Dowager.

Now his role as a chess piece has finally come into play!

"Alas, if Zixuan... The former general was around AI\'s house, it would be good..." Empress Dowager he was restless and lost his mind. She almost leaked her mouth here in Cao Zhengchun.

"The Empress Dowager can rest assured that the old slave will protect the Empress Dowager\'s safety! My Lord has a far-reaching vision and will be able to see through the situation. He will raise his troops quickly and hurry for 500 Li. It will only take about three days!"

Cao Zhengchun had unlimited confidence in Liu Hao and bowed down.

"In that case..."

Empress Dowager he, with her beautiful eyes flowing, said in a deep voice, "the Imperial Envoys are sent out in front. We can\'t trust them completely. This time, we have to send the dead men of our father-in-law to send back several secret edicts to Zixuan, so it\'s safe!"

Cao Zhengchun bowed and said, "old slave, follow your orders!"


The angel from Luoyang, who publicized the will, galloped all night since he came out of Luoyang and killed several horses all the way. Finally, the news that Liu Hao was granted long live Pavilion Marquis and worshipped the former general reached Liu Hao of Yingchuan county.

"Ding, the Han Dynasty announced to the world that the host was officially recognized. The additional reward is worth 5000 points!"

At the same time, Liu Hao also received a cold system prompt tone.

When Liu Hao saw the angel in front of him, he wanted to stop talking. He moved in his heart, waved back directly, frowned and asked.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"Lord Liu, the Empress Dowager asked someone to bring a secret letter. Be sure to let the adult open it in person!"

After bending over and presenting empress dowager Ho\'s secret letter with both hands, the angel was very knowledgeable and retired directly.

Liu Hao\'s eyes moved, swept up and down, and his face suddenly changed!


Yu\'er is in charge of the harem and has always been very calm. In this secret letter today, it is a little abnormal.

I was asked to raise my troops as soon as possible and go straight to the place of Sili!

Liu Hao Huoran got up and set his eyes on Luoyang City:

"Is the chaos in Luoyang coming early?"


Zheng Xuan really failed Liu Hao\'s expectations. From that day on, he worked day and night with 300 blacksmiths, and finally handed over the complete 800 sets of dragon scale armor to Liu Hao on the fourth day.

At the time of delivery, he and the three hundred blacksmiths were so tired that they fainted that they only had time to say, "a blacksmith can do meritorious service if he does not live up to the Lord\'s trust!"


Liu Hao took a deep breath, dressed in dragon scales, dark light and heavy armor, and stood high on the commanding officer\'s stage.

Stand high in the wind and have a panoramic view of everything below.

Dense, like ants attached to the whole earth.

These are his soldiers!

Liu Hao felt a strong sense of pride.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, according to the regular military establishment: five people in a column, two in a group, five in a team and two in an official group.

Two officials compose music, two tunes are the Department, two parts are the school, two schools are the benefit, and two benefits are the army.

According to the number of people, there are 200 people in a song, 400 people in a department, 800 people in a school and 3200 people in an army.

After Liu Hao broke up the yellow scarf thieves and reorganized them, the overall strength in his hands has reached an amazing more than 10000 people.

Even if it\'s called the three services, it makes sense.

The most elite 800 fierce people among 10000 people are called dragon scale and heavy armor riding!

The other secondary elite, more than 6000 young and strong, collectively known as Huben army!

The rest are ordinary soldiers with average combat effectiveness.

Because there were not many horses, most of them were soldiers under generals such as Lin Chong, Liao Hua and Zhou Cang.

Liu Hao\'s elite troops stood upright like javelins.

Holding spears one by one, they pointed to the sky and condensed their murderous spirit.

Most soldiers are armed with spears.

This kind of straight and sharp stabbing weapon has become the main equipment of the army in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

In addition, there were more than 500 archers. Liu Hao gave them all to commander Hua Rong.

Since ancient times, bowmen have often hung B. he hasn\'t forgotten the anti sky Bowman skill that Huarong brought with him.

Liu Hao was about to say something when he heard a systematic prompt sound in his ear:

Ding Dong!

"Hide the task, and open step 5!".,,.