The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 123

"General mu, be careful!"

Lin Chong let out a long roar, directly lifted himself and swept onto the martial arts platform. With a wooden gun in his hand, he confronted Mu Guiying from a distance.

As soon as the master makes a move, he knows whether there is one.

The two men on the point general stage have not made a move yet. Their Qi strength runs through the meridians, and there is already a momentum of forcing people to disperse.

Lin Chong, who has always been brave and enterprising, did not advance rashly in the face of Mu Guiying and adopted a more conservative and cautious attitude.


Seeing this, all the generals under the commanding general took a breath of air-conditioning.

It turned out that Miss Mu left her hand when she started with us!

We don\'t know what to do!


Lin Chong, the leopard\'s head, waited for a long time and suddenly drank. The wooden gun in his hand immediately crossed the air, like a python in the deep sea, and went straight to Mu Guiying\'s snow neck.

The powerful dark awn of the gun tip can\'t breathe and puff!

Liu Hao\'s heart tightened.

Leopard head Lin Chong, for the dignity of the army, finally moved seriously!

As one of the best generals in Liu Hao\'s army, he rushed to the front and killed thieves like hemp.

When shooting, it naturally brings a terrible smell of blood. Ordinary soldiers are afraid to be frightened by such a shot!

However, Mu Guiying\'s beautiful eyes were cold, her slender hands carried a long gun, and her body stood still.

When the spear awn suddenly stabbed in front of her, Mu Guiying\'s feet suddenly touched the ground gently!

The whole person was extremely dexterous. He seemed to shrink into an inch and swept back for several feet in an instant!

Lin Chong\'s rapid gun power suddenly failed, aroused her green silk and went back.

Didn\'t hurt her at all!

"Hoo, awesome!"

The generals looked solemn and breathed, but their eyes did not blink, looking at the competition on the martial arts platform.

The wooden gun in Lin Chong\'s hand did not stop at all. He quickly turned in and directly wanted to work hard to suppress Mu Guiying!

This shot is powerful!

On the body of the gun, it seems to coerce the power of wind and thunder!

"Come on!"

Seeing Lin Chong\'s rapid progress, Mu Guiying\'s beautiful eyes suddenly burst into light.

Here comes the chance!

She scolded, and her body suddenly rose up. When her body method changed, her posture was unspeakable!

Graceful curve, at a glance!

Liu Hao looked straight!

The wooden gun in Mu Guiying\'s hand suddenly turned into a winding and agile dragon and went straight to Lin Chong\'s head!

The spear tip also has a spear awn, which wipes the air and makes the sound of dragon singing, which adds a bit of prestige!

A touch of enlightenment appeared in Liu Hao\'s eyes.

Mu Meimei\'s martial arts are different. Lin Chong\'s gun is heavy and fierce, and her walking speed is first-class.

The gun momentum seems to be slow, real and urgent. It\'s so fast that people can\'t see the gun path at all!

Liao Hua, Zhou Cang and other generals suffered losses here.

At this time, under the martial arts stage.

Almost everyone was taken away by the momentum. Their eyes couldn\'t help focusing on the tip of the gun. Even their breathing seemed to stop!

Liao Hua and Zhou Cang lowered their heads in shame. There was no slightest contempt in their hearts, only deep admiration!

Mu Guiying has defeated several generals with excellent martial arts in a row. Her martial arts are almost in a tie with Lin Chong. Even if she is their commander, she is fully qualified.

In the blink of an eye, the gun shadow shuttled on the martial arts platform.

Mu Guiying and Lin Chong have been fighting for dozens of rounds, and they are still tied.

"You can\'t go on like this. What year and month do you want to fight?"

Liu Hao was anxious. He saw the right time and shouted; "Stop!"

At this time, Lin Chong defended and attacked Mu Guiying\'s long gun. Before the rest of the gun could be launched, Liu Hao hurried to Lingbo micro step and dodged to Mu Guiying\'s side. The emperor\'s true Qi naturally flowed in his body. One hand directly grabbed Mu Guiying\'s waist, whirled with her and retreated more than ten feet.

Liu Hao felt the wonderful touch brought by the great bank in front of Mu Meimei\'s chest, and his heart was very dangerous.

Ding Dong!

"The host observes the martial arts and has a lot of understanding. Force + 1!"

Liu Hao, force 81 (+ 1), intelligence 74, politics 65, command 70, charm 105.

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Liu Hao was slightly stunned. She didn\'t even feel when Mu Meimei broke free.

Can you still play like this?

Then you can let your generals fight disorderly every day and watch it yourself!

Since the last time he accidentally discovered a system bug, Liu Hao has opened his mind all the time and is ready to dig out another system bug.

"The host is still down-to-earth and don\'t daydream. The improvement of force before breaking the limits of the human body depends on talent on the one hand, focus on actual combat on the other hand, and finally insight."

The system splashed a basin of cold water with high cold:

"Otherwise, if the top experts fight with each other, isn\'t it that the melon eating people around can understand the martial arts and become strong?"

"What you said seems very reasonable..."

Liu Hao nodded and accepted the statement.

At this time, Mu Guiying, who was on the stage, blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at Liu Hao and said with a smile, "Lord, what should I do now?"

Lin Chong held his gun and fist and sighed, "general Mu\'s martial arts are light and flexible. At the end of the day, he will do everything he can. He just tries to make a draw!"

The leopard head is really broad-minded. This is talking for mu Guiying. He doesn\'t mind that Mu Guiying will divide his military power.

The other generals under Liu Hao also asked for orders for mu Guiying: "please reuse general Mu!"

Liu Hao stretched out his hand and pressed it. When the people were quiet, he said, "I have my own arrangements for general mu. Now let\'s talk about the military system. After the battle of Yangshan, everyone must have seen the power of cavalry?"

"When a thousand cavalry rush into battle, they can take one as ten!"

The general chicks pecked rice as if nodding, and Lin Chong also said his views in a condensed voice.

"Is the Lord ready to add more cavalry?"

Liu Hao raised his arms high and began his speech: "everyone recognizes the power of cavalry. Good! Now let me talk about my arrangement!".,,.