The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 121

Liu Hao sighed in his heart, but gently in his mouth: "I dreamed of God last night and said that I would get a good general to help me support the Han River and mountains today. Early this morning, magpies were singing on the branches, and then miss Mu came to work. Besides, I have never seen such a beautiful woman before. How can I be a bandit?"

Mu Guiying, who was still a little nervous, immediately relaxed when she heard Liu Hao\'s words. Zhan Yan smiled and said, "my Lord, although GUI Ying is a female, she is not inferior to men in the world when it comes to martial arts." zhenniang hummed, "your martial arts are just so so."

In front of her lover, zhenniang doesn\'t want to be despised by Liu Hao. Liu Hao captures her psychology and says with a faint smile: "zhenniang, your martial arts and that of Miss Mu are absolutely the first-class level in the world. Dianwei, don\'t you think so!"

"Uh huh..."

Dianwei scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Hum, please please please your beauty. I\'ll teach Xiaoyu to practice martial arts!"

Zhang zhenniang flew over with a white eye and turned away angrily.

Alas, zhenniang is good everywhere, but she is a little jealous!

Liu Hao stroked his forehead.

As expected, women are changeable. Last night, they still loved Lang Chang and their husband was short. This time they were jealous and had a small temper. It was so inexplicable and unreasonable.

In the future, we should implement more family laws!

Liu Hao thought to himself.

Mu Guiying has been looking up and down at Liu Hao. She finds that the prefect in front of her is so young and handsome. Her heart is shocked.

In particular, there is a deep temperament between Liu Hao\'s eyebrows. In the invisible, it produces an intoxicating taste.

Ding Dong!

"As the charm of the host breaks through the limit, Mu Guiying\'s favor with the host increases, and the additional reward worship value is 266 points!"

Liu Hao is happy. It seems that he is too handsome. He is also an intangible capital!

"People\'s women have no empty words. Do you want to test my martial arts?"

Mu Guiying is a rare figure after all. She quickly adjusted her mood and asked Liu Hao.

Liu Hao said with a faint smile, "you can fight with zhenniang in a tie. GUI Ying, you are a rare expert in the world!"

Dianwei also nodded and said, "the Lord is right. I also think Miss Mu\'s martial arts are very good."

"Hum, if I fight right away, I won\'t lose to her!"

Mu Guiying thought that she was suppressed by zhenniang\'s light and easy body method, so she was a little dissatisfied in her tone.

"Ha ha, don\'t care about these details. They are all equally powerful. Come to the martial arts arena with me!"

Several people went to the martial arts field. The generals who were training soldiers immediately stopped what they were busy with and shouted, "you straw bags, don\'t have eyes? Don\'t look who\'s coming!"

"Good Lord!"

In the martial arts arena, thousands of young men are standing in a military posture, with a body as straight as a javelin.

Zhou Cang suddenly burst out and shouted, "used to be yellow scarf thieves with their heads hanging on their belts, but now they are all women!"


"My Lord, I have three meals a day and one meat every two days. I haven\'t satisfied you!"


"Are you making the Lord laugh?"

Zhou Cang suddenly roared. He shouted three times in a row, and the soldiers who directly excited him screamed.

"Good Lord!"

"Lord Liu, the general of the military training is no small thing. He can train the yellow scarf thief into such a fierce soldier?"

The mountain roared like a tsunami, and the people\'s eardrums hurt. Mu Guiying was surprised and asked strangely, "what are these soldiers doing standing in place like long guns?"

She is familiar with military books. She has excellent martial arts and high vision. At a glance, she can see that Liu Hao\'s army is full of powerful soldiers, especially at the spiritual level, which is very cohesive.

In this way, the army can initially be called an elite soldier.

But standing like this, I don\'t know what I\'m doing.

"Hehe, these means of motivating soldiers are called standing posture. They were put forward by the Lord and will be admired by the end!"

Lin Chong smiled and came forward to salute Liu Hao.

After winning the war, his generals have practiced for several days. These undisciplined bandits have finally made a lot of progress.

"My Lord is really a great talent. I can think of such wonderful ideas... People\'s women admire..."

Mu Guiying suddenly realized.

"There are many items, but those are military secrets."

Lin Chong explained with a smile.

At this time, Mu Meimei\'s eyes at Liu Hao completely changed.

It\'s like the fanatical fans of later generations looking at their favorite idols.

It\'s amazing!

Ding Dong!

"Mu Guiying\'s popularity has been greatly improved, and the additional reward worship value is 666 points."

Feeling Mu Meimei\'s adoring eyes, Liu Hao nodded slightly. It was a comfortable feeling. It was so cool.

In fact, in addition to this standing posture, there are many advanced training programs for future troops, such as sandbag binding, cross-country running and frog jumping, all of which were set up at his suggestion.

These advanced methods of training soldiers\' strength and physical fitness are absolutely epoch-making. All the Yellow scarves and bandits were treated and obeyed.

Liu Hao respected and feared in their hearts, just like God.

Mu Guiying\'s beautiful eyes coagulated and said sincerely, "it\'s easy to sweep the thieves in Yuzhou with such fierce soldiers under the Lord\'s command!"

Liu Hao smiled faintly; "Miss mu, you are so good at martial arts. Now you join the army. What position do you think I should grant you?"

Mu Guiying frowned and said firmly; "Lord, GUI Ying\'s dream is to be the commander of the three armed forces!"

She was intelligent by nature. When she heard that everyone called Lord Liu Hao, she also followed suit.

But these words were groundbreaking.

In the martial arts arena, the air gradually calmed down.

Hua Rong, Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, Pei yuanshao, Liu PI and other generals all looked at Mu Guiying with disbelief in their eyes.,,.