The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 119

Noodles are root by root, full of elasticity, and the taste must be flexible.

The noodle soup is also clear and crystal, fresh and attractive, and there are a few green onions floating on it, like the finishing touch of a painting dragon!

The strong aroma of flour and green onion mixed directly made Liu Hao\'s saliva flow down unconsciously!


It smells great!

A bowl of ordinary noodles can make such a fragrance. The method of my beautiful cook is really powerful!

"Delicious, what are you waiting for?"

Liu Hao couldn\'t help but carry the noodle bowl and eat directly!

The Kang Shuai Fu of later generations, unified, all smell sweet, and there is no such smell at all.

Compared with the noodles made by Zhanyun, they are all rubbish and can\'t be imported at all!

Zhanyun\'s noodles!

Only one word can be used to describe: delicious in the world!

It\'s delicious!

With one mouthful, Liu Hao\'s taste buds were directly impacted by strong delicacy.

Vaguely felt like the deep aroma of chicken juice, perfectly integrated into the noodles.

"I knew Zixuan was coming back, but I cooked it all night with chicken soup!"

Zhan Yun sat opposite Liu Hao, holding snow cheeks in both hands, looking at Liu Hao\'s large flowers, and his beautiful eyes flashed a light of satisfaction and happiness.

Women are easily moved when they watch their beloved men enjoy the fruits of their hard work.

"I don\'t know what seasoning the beautiful cook added. It tastes good. If she opens a restaurant in the future, she will be rich..."

Liu Hao didn\'t even let go of the bottom of the soup, thinking about it in his heart.

Just finished eating the noodles. Before I could wipe my mouth, a herald spy hurried in outside the door and shouted:

"Lord... Lord, I found Lord zhenniang..."

"What, where?"

Hearing the news of zhenniang, Liu Hao put down his dishes and chopsticks and suddenly got up. There was a series of silver bell like laughter at the door.


Seeing Xiaoyu standing in front of Qiaosheng, Liu Hao hurried forward, picked up her Jiaoxiao body and turned several circles in the air.

"Brother, sister zhenniang has made great achievements this time!"

Xiaoyu enjoyed the feeling in Liu Hao\'s arms and arched his body on Liu Hao\'s shoulder.

Liu Hao was surprised and asked, "what great work have you done? Where have you been?"

There was no one else in the inner house.

Zhen Niang proudly hummed and directly opened the cloth bag she was carrying in her hand. She saw a big head standing on it!

This is not Kong Hui, but who is it?

"No wonder Dianwei missed. It turned out that Kong Zhuo was assassinated by zhenniang!"

Liu Hao suddenly realized, but his face gradually sank down.

Dianwei went to Qiaojun before he set out. After being taken the lead, he just came back overnight.

Unexpectedly, zhenniang robbed her head.

"Master, sister zhenniang has made great contributions. How can you reward her?"

Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying, two female maidservants, still smiled like flowers and stood in place happily, waiting for Liu Hao to praise them.

"No, brother Liu Hao is going to get angry!"

Xiaoyu is still smart. When he saw the slight change in Liu Hao\'s face, he immediately jumped down from Liu Hao\'s arms and pulled La zhenniang\'s sleeve.

They quietly distanced themselves from Liu Hao.


Liu Hao snorted coldly, grabbed one with one hand and resolutely implemented the family law!

He didn\'t exert any force, but symbolically hit the buttocks of two handmaids.

"Master, we helped sister zhenniang make contributions. How can we punish us?"

Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying smiled like flowers one moment, and the next moment they were beautiful. They rubbed their tearful eyes. They didn\'t know what they had done wrong.

Zhenniang and Xiaoyu are big and small. Two beauties are patting their breasts. Their heart is very dangerous.

However, as soon as they saw a flower, Liu Hao disappeared directly in situ!

Lingbo micro step!

Phantom remnant, flying empty!

I don\'t know when Liu Hao has stood between zhenniang and Xiaoyu.

"Sneak out for so long and do such dangerous things without telling me?"

Liu Hao\'s gloomy face is terrible.

Zhenniang and Xiaoyu, two beauties of the first year and the second year, unconsciously stood up straight, as if later students were punished by their teachers. They felt a little guilty.

"Do you dare to make claims in the future?"

Liu Hao snorted and said.

Zhenniang has made great contributions, but she is the head of the family. The rules of the family should be established as soon as possible.

Liu Hao, we must establish supreme authority.

Zhen Niang apologized weakly: "Zixuan... Don\'t dare next time..."

Listening to Zhen Niang playing coquettish, Liu Hao\'s heart was melting, and his flat face showed an imperceptible smile.

Zhao Yu threw out his lovely little tongue and hummed in his heart:

Brother hit a stick and gave sweet dates to eat!

Liu Hao, as a prefect of a county, has become more and more familiar with this method.

"Well, now the fault has been punished. It\'s time to reward on merit!"

Liu Hao\'s face cleared up after the rain. Hey, ran smiled.

"What reward?"

Zhenniang stood in place at a loss and found that Zhanyun and other women were looking at her with eyes that people from the past knew.

His cheeks suddenly turned red!

Beautiful things can\'t be done!

Liu Hao smiled, holding zhenniang\'s waist in one hand and the knee side of Meizu in the other hand, holding zhenniang horizontally and walking directly into the inner room.

Hum, bad brother!

Zhao Yu\'s beautiful lips, but they pouted high.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host. Zhang zhenniang has conquered the charm value of 94. The current progress of the Yellow Emperor\'s Royal daughter\'s Heart Sutra is 610."

"The periodic reward of the Yellow Emperor\'s Royal daughter\'s Heart Sutra is automatically triggered. All attributes + 3!"

Liu Hao, force 80, intelligence 74, politics 65, command 70, charm 105.

Liu Haoxi looked at his attributes Zizi, quite strange; "The last time the force value seemed to be 77 o\'clock, and intelligence and command seemed wrong?"

Ding Dong!

"After commanding the army to exterminate tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves, the host\'s attributes have been slightly improved.".,,.