The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 107

Ding Dong!

"Xu Jing was shocked. His loyalty to the host reached 85 and his reward and worship value was 300."

"Xu Shao was shocked. His loyalty to the host reached 88 and his reward worship value was 350."

Liu Hao smiled with satisfaction.

If the loyalty is above 85, the talents who take refuge will basically not rebel.

Xu Shu, the military master, laughed and said, "gentlemen, now all the yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan county have been cleared by the Lord!"

The Xu brothers looked at each other. Xu Jing sighed and said, "my lord... Your majesty is wise. Kong Yuzhou has made a terrible mistake!"

Now that he has defected to Liu Hao, he is thinking from the standpoint of Liu Hao.

Shake off Kong Fu\'s plot on the spot!

"My Lord, this hole is really inferior to pigs and dogs!"

"As long as the Lord gives an order, the last general is willing to kill the dog official!"

In the camp, the generals Zhou Cang and Dianwei were filled with righteous indignation. They wanted to immediately raise a knife and give Kong Fu a knife.

"OK, OK, what a hole! Let the court decide this!"

These "good" words seemed to burst out from Liu Hao\'s teeth.

True Qi was flowing, and a golden flame of anger flashed between his eyes.

"The Lord is right. Several generals, don\'t be impulsive. If the governor of Yuzhou does such things, he will naturally report to the court and ask the emperor and his ministers to make a ruling!"

Xu Shu also said with a sneer.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat stagnant, Liu Hao resumed his calm expression and asked jokingly, "it is said that Runan Xu Shao is a famous scholar in the world. He never looks away. I don\'t know whether he can evaluate the civil and military affairs under Liu?"

What a Liu Zixuan who didn\'t change his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front!

What a kind-hearted Liu Zixuan!

Xu Jing and Xu Shao had a kind of lofty admiration in their hearts!

"Ding, Xu Jing\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to 89, reward worship value, 330."

"Ding, Xu Shao\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to 90 and the reward worship value is 352."

Liu Hao eased the atmosphere in the camp very well, and everyone\'s eyes shifted to Xu Shao one after another.

Xu Shao is a great celebrity.

The comment on Cao ahui\'s sentence "a capable minister in governing the world and a hero in troubled times" can be said to have been spread all over the world and become a household name.

Look at people, look at gas?

Liu Hao thought to himself that the system had prompted him to upgrade his insight and know talents. He wanted to get the secret strategy of Qi watching. I don\'t know what it has to do with Xu Shao.

Just now, Xu Shao\'s attributes were tested successfully, but he couldn\'t see the specific skill effect of Wang Qi.

So Liu Hao wants to test.

Xu Shao stroked his short beard under his chin and said with a light smile, "the Lord\'s order, Shao... How dare you not obey?"

He looked at Dianwei, his eyes flashed and said, "this strong man has the courage of thousands of people. He is guarding the noble people and is getting his job..."

"Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, is the talent of Zhang Liang and Chen Ping. His eyebrows are a little angry. Have you ever killed people with a sword in a rage recently? But if you succeed in the future, you may not be under the three princes and nine Qing. Xu Shao is polite!"

Xu Shao saluted Xu Shu deeply.

"Xu Zijiang really has eyes like a torch."

Xu Shu was a little embarrassed. In the street of Yingxian County, if Liu Hao hadn\'t done it, he almost drew his sword and slaughtered Wang Zhongna\'s fat pig in the street.

Liu Hao looked surprised and thought: there is a set! This is a very good person.


"A leopard\'s head and eyes run through thousands of Jun. when the general meets the Lord, he meets a noble man. Congratulations, Lord. He has won a great general!"

When Lin Chong heard Xu Shao\'s comment, he couldn\'t help but rejoice. He hugged his fist and said with a smile, "Mr. Tuo\'s auspicious words!"

Xu Shao nodded and smiled. He commented on Liu Hao\'s civil and military skills one by one. There was nothing wrong with them until his eyes turned to Liu Hao.

Xu Shao was very unusual. He brushed his sleeves with his hands, threw them back, and bowed directly to the ground. He made a big gift, saying:

"As for the Lord, he has the spirit of emperor. The real dragon protects the body. You can\'t say anything. Shao... Don\'t dare to say anything!"

I was shocked.

Shocked beyond measure.

Emperor, real dragon, you can\'t talk nonsense!

"Lord, it\'s normal for you to comment..."

Xu Shu smiled and played round, but there was a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"I wipe, this guy, can\'t it be flattering too much into the play!?"

Liu Hao, who has the acting skills of the movie emperor, looked at the respectful Xu Shao and muttered in his heart.

Dare not talk nonsense.

Either flattering, ignoring the imperial taboos, or what he saw from Qi skill, is indeed the result.

It\'s really unlikely that it\'s acting. If you can really cheat Liu Hao, it\'s at least Liu da\'er\'s level.

"Zixuan is just the prefect of Yingchuan. Sir, he\'s praised too much..."

Liu Hao quickly picked up Xu Shao, who was frightened, changed the topic and said, "I\'m a little interested in the art of looking at people\'s popularity. I don\'t know if you can give me some advice?"

"This strange skill is handed down by an old Taoist priest. Since the Lord is interested, does Xu Shao have the reason to cherish himself?"

Xu Shao looked around and was a little embarrassed.

Xu Shu understood, winked at the left and right, took the lead in getting up and smiling and said, "there seems to be something else in the army. Lord, I\'ll go out first!"

"Lord, I\'ll go and see if the prisoners have run away. I\'ll leave first."

"Lord, I\'m going to practice those thieves. I\'ll go first!"


In the blink of an eye, all the civil and military in the hall slipped away.

"Well, Lord, I\'ll go out and have a look at the moonlight..."

Even Zhou Cang, who had no eyes, pretended to follow everyone\'s footsteps and left.

The camp was deserted immediately, leaving only Liu Hao and Xu Shao.

"Lord, please look!"

Xu Shao took out an ancient book from his wide sleeve and handed it to Liu Hao.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the king level secret strategy" Qi watching skill ".,,.