The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 85: The same is Tianya bedwetting baby, who dislikes whom!

When Xiao Cai stretched out his hand to Tangtang, the little guy let out a scream of excitement, lowered down, lay down on the bed, and crawled forward with both hands and feet.

Climbing so fast, Xiao Cai was emptied!

Mo Heng hugged his arms, smiling to see this freshman chasing on the bed laughing and having fun early in the morning.

While having fun, Xiao Cai saw the traces on the bed.

But she didn't take it seriously.

It is very common for a three-year-old child to wet the bed.

To be honest, she was still wetting the bed when she was six years old.

Her cousin is still bedwetting at the age of ten!

Now everyone is not just a little fairy who looks like a dog, and hasn't grown up to be a big man with feet!

The same is Tianya bedwetting baby, who dislikes whom!

While Xiao Cai was playing with Tangtang, Mo Heng opened the mission card.

[Good morning, please go to the entrance of the village to pick up breakfast, the number is limited, first come first served. 】

Thinking of the urinary **** of the program group, Mo Heng urged: "Xiao Cai, you can take care of Tangtang for a while, and I will get breakfast."

Don't be late, the breakfast is really finished.

Don't let Tangtang get hungry, this is Mo Heng's bottom line.

Little Cai was eager to play with Tangtang for a while, and waved his hand without looking back: "Go, go."

Mo Heng stroked his nose.

In the past, when filming, young staff like Xiao Cai were particularly easy to be fans of him.

But this time... Mo Heng seemed to have suffered the charm of Waterloo.

Fortunately, can top him three.

No loss in blood!

With inexplicable pride, Mo Heng hurriedly went out before his image was too late.

When Mo Heng walked to the entrance of the village and found a place to receive breakfast, he found that there were already guests.

Huang Xinyan took Xie Yaoyao, Yu Jianrong took Yu Hao and Yu Xiaoxuan, they were already choosing breakfast.

When Yu Xiaoxuan saw Mo Heng, she swooped over, hugged his leg, and shouted sweetly: "Brother Mo Heng, are you here for breakfast?"

Since Mo Heng picked up Tangtang, he was not as afraid of this innocent and cheerful little girl as before. He grabbed Yu Xiaoxuan's arm and held her in the air for half a week before putting it down, "Yes, I'm here. Take breakfast, Xiao Xuan got up so early?"

Yu Xiaoxuan giggled, and waited until her feet touched the ground, she said proudly to Mo Heng: "My brother and I have been up long ago. Dad got up late, or we called him!"

Yu Jianrong on the side didn't expect to be hacked by his daughter, so he touched his nose in a whisper and greeted Mo Heng, "Did you sleep well last night?"

With her arms around the soft Xiaotangtang, Mo Heng slept very peacefully. The bed selection and insomnia that were common in filming in the past were gone. He slept until dawn and he was very energetic.

Mo Heng replied easily: "Sleep well."

Yu Jianrong was envious, and let Yu Xiaoxuan continue to choose breakfast, lowered her voice and uttered to Mo Heng: "You didn't know that our two children were excited just after living in the Diaojiaolou. They had a good time, and they are going to bed at night. Crying and screaming for my mother, it caused me most of the night, look, my dark circles are coming out!"

This is only the first night!

Almost all Yu Jianrong's strength was consumed.

The exhausted Yu Jianrong and the refreshing Mo Heng formed a sharp contrast, which made Yu Jianrong jokingly suggest: "Otherwise, let's change tonight, you take twins, and I take Xiao Tangtang~~"

Mo Heng laughed, "Brother Yu, are you willing?"

Yu Jianrong whispered: "To be willing is to be willing, I am afraid that my wife will divorce me when the show is broadcast!"

Mo Heng couldn't hold back: "Puff——"

Yu Jianrong has expressed his fear of his wife in public on more than one occasion, making fans who know him brave and invincible on the basketball court by surprise.

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.