The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 83: What a double happiness!

The little guy is tired for a day, this will be particularly unhappy, Mo Heng wants to make her happy.

Stone thought for a while, and dragged a large wooden bucket over from the backyard. Mo Heng took a look and quickly went up to help the handle. He moved the wooden bucket back to the bedroom where they were borrowing and filled it with water.

"Stone, thank you so much for today! You are a good boy." Mo Heng praised sincerely.

Shishi's shy face was black and red, and his eyes were shining at Mo Heng, looking forward to Mo Heng asking him to do something more, but Shishi's mother opened the door abruptly and shouted at him: "Shishi, come back to sleep!"

The stone lingered and refused to go back.

Mo Heng rubbed his head: "Go back! Brother is going to bathe Tangtang. Tangtang is a little girl, Shishi is a little boy, Brother Shishi has to avoid it!"

Hearing the stone, he hurriedly ran to the room, making sure as he ran, "I won't peek, Brother Mo Heng, don't worry."

Mo Heng smiled.

Mo Heng took Tangtang back to the room, and after confirming that the doors and windows were closed, he took towels and clothes to wrap all the cameras in the room tightly.

"Xiao Tangtang is going to take a shower, everyone close your eyes!" Mo Heng finished, Chong Tangtang made a booing motion, and then threw her into the wooden barrel.

The little guy fluttered happily in the bucket twice, and when he floated up, he became a cute little mermaid.

Mo Heng sat on the edge of the bed, watching Tangtang thumping in a wooden barrel with limited space, and asked with a smile, "Does Tangtang like to take a bath?"

Tangtang put the fleshy arm on the wooden barrel, his tail fluttered up and down, "I like it~~"

It's just that this wooden barrel can't be used, and it's restricted everywhere. Tangtang can only take a bath at best.

Thinking of the happiness of wandering freely in the sea, Tangtang's expression became sad without realizing it.

Mo Heng couldn't bear it, afraid that he would be recorded by the camera, so he leaned in Tangtang's ear and whispered, "Don't be sad, brother find a chance to take Tangtang to swim in the river, okay?"

When Tangtang heard this, he opened his eyebrows and smiled, hugged Mo Heng's neck, and kissed his face with a big mouthful of water and saliva, "I like the anti-brother~~"

Mo Heng, who once disliked the mermaid's saliva, was so embarrassed that he even pointed at the other face, "Is there any?"

Also took the initiative to send the other face up.

The cute little Tangtang was responsive, and on the other side of Mo Heng's face, Ba Chi kissed again.

What a double happiness!

The first day of recording the show ended in such joy and exhaustion.

The next day, Mo Heng was awakened by the crow of the Stone Family's rooster.

When I woke up, I looked at the strange white mosquito net above my head, feeling a little confused about where I was.

There was a small group of meat next to him moving, and Mo Heng remembered everything in a daze. He raised his eyes and almost burst out a smile.

I saw that last night I slept obediently in the pink dumplings on his arms. This time I would put my buttocks in bloomers on his face.

The sleeping position of the little guy is also very funny, kneeling on the bed, face down, close to the bed, arms spread backwards like soft dough, little **** sticks up high, two little feet, stepping On his arm...

Mo Heng refrained from smiling, not only did not dislike it, but he also grabbed the little guy's white and tender feet with affection, and gave him a kiss.

Under this kiss, Mo Heng suddenly found something was wrong.

He reached out to touch his neck and found that the sheets and hair were a bit damp...

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.