The Substitute Wife

Chapter 209

"When I heard that you were longmo'er, not Longwan, I was just shocked. I didn't expect that the little woman I love is her sister's stand in, so when you leave, I can't say anything, I can only watch you leave. After thinking for a night, it suddenly dawned on me that what I love is you, not your sister. I only want you. Because I love you, no matter what your identity is, I am still fascinated by you. When I was about to get you back, I received your letter. With your reminding, I thought that your identity at that time was just the substitute of my sister, so I wrote the letter of divorce without hesitation. In the letter of divorce, I explained that I would divorce long Wan'er, the eldest lady of the long family, instead of you, you are my Mo'er! As a result, I arranged for the purchase of betrothal gifts immediately after the divorce letter was sent, which has been delayed until today. I want to marry the second miss of the long family, long Mo'er. I don't want you to live in the shadow of long Wan'er's name. But who knows it's still late. You must be very sad. " Ye Che took her hand and sat on the stone chair beside her. He held her in his arms and slowly told the story of everything.

"Yeche, I,,," she knew everything, really moved, but the nose is sour. He is really good to her, but she, is so distrust him, just in exchange for so many tasteless sad.

"Don't say anything, just answer me a question, will you marry me? Would you like to be my bride? Stay with me for the rest of your life, for the rest of your life? " Ye Che asked gently and solemnly.

"Well, I do. I love you. I don't want anyone but you." Long Mo son tightly hugs Ye Che, put face into his warm arms. It's so good that this moment and even the whole life's warm embrace is hers, and no one can take it away.

Yeche also enjoyed the wonderful moment, his Mo'er came back.

Two people quietly embrace, enjoying this long time again, heart to heart close. After a long time, ye Che spoke in her ear. "Mo'er, should we go to tell our parents? Let them get married at once? "

"Yes." Longmo'er nodded happily and got up from his arms.

"OK, let's go to the front hall together now." Yeche held her hand tightly.

"Well, Cherie." Long Mo son suddenly thought of what, red face stopped, light voice call ye Che. Ye Che stopped and looked at her again. "What's the matter, Mo'er?"

"Well, we're not two now, we're three." Long Mo son hand from ye Che hand to break away, counter hold his big palm stretched to her flat belly, let him gently touch.

This action, plus just long Mo son's words, ye Che immediately surprised in her face and stomach back and forth wandering. "Mo'er, you mean?"

"Yes." Long Mo'er nodded happily and shyly.

"You have it? I'm going to be a father? I'm going to be a father? " Ye Che continued to ask.

Long Mo son continues to nod.

"Oh, great. I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a father." Suddenly, ye Che holds long Mo'er's light body and turns around happily. "Great, I have children. I'm going to be a father soon."

"Yeche, I feel dizzy. Yeche Long Mo'er can feel Ye Che's happiness, but she is pregnant. She can't stand such a violent sloshing.

"Mo'er, I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm sorry. What's the matter?" Ye Che put her down, immediately a large number of her body, for fear of what happened to her.

Such a nervous look, let long Mo'er grin and smile contentedly. "Che, I'm fine."

"If it's OK, if it's OK, I'll be careful in the future." Ye Che saw her unharmed expression, then put down the worry in her heart. Straight Ye Che looking at long Mo son, stretched out his hand to put on long Mo son's shoulder. "Thank you, Mo'er. Thank you very much."

Long Mo'er's smile is bigger.

Ye Che reaches out his hand to help long Mo'er's delicate face, and gradually lowers his head. His warm lips are imprinted on long Mo'er's lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!