The Struggles of Being A Mother of Villains

Chapter 51:

"Uh...that\'s too expensive."

Ji Xuan asked, "How about that?"

"How do you say, good is good. Both Besen and Shi Tan are among the top four pianos. But Shi Tan is not the best among them, but the price is not cheap." Xiao Yu said.

"Which is better?" Ji Xuan continued to ask.

Xiao Yu smiled at him: "Are you really buying me?"

"Buy." Ji Xuan replied, "No matter how much money you make, if you don\'t spend it, it\'s all paper."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "If you make a profit, you will spend it. I still agree with this! But I can\'t afford to pay if you buy it."

"You don\'t need to pay it back." Ji Xuan answered.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry to use your things for nothing."

Ji Xuan looked at her strangely: "There is money to be given to you, besides, you are a mother of two children. It is a gift from two children, right, Xiaoyu."

"Yes! Mom, this is a gift from Xiaoyu. You can pick a robed piano and Xiaoyu buys it for you." Ji Yu said this very calmly.

Xiao Yu was about to say something, think about it wrong! So Ji Yu asked: "How much money do you have?"

Ji Yu bowed his head and started counting, and after a while, he said, "It seems like 200? 300?"

Xiao Yu: "..."

Ji Xuan helped Ji Yu explain: "3.56 million."

Xiao Yu: "..."

Ji Xuan and Ji Yu both frowned and looked at Xiao Yu and asked, "What\'s the matter?"

"You gave her 3.56 million pocket money?" Xiao Yu asked back.

Ji Xuan also asked, "What\'s wrong?"

"Is it too much?" Xiao Yu continued to ask.

"Many?" Ji Xuan said strangely: "No! This is all her lucky money."

Ji Yu also said: "Not much! I have saved them all."

Xiao Yu smiled slightly: "Yeah." Sorry, poverty limits my imagination.

Ji Xuan also added: "She has more shares each year, and I have helped her save it in another card. Speaking of this, Xiaoguang should also share some shares."

Xiao Yu: "Oh, more than 3 million is only a fraction!"

Then, she saw Ji Xuan and Ji Yu both look at her with a look of, "Isn\'t this of course?"

Xiao Yu looked serious: "Let\'s watch the piano!"

So the family began to watch the piano slowly. As I walked, I ran into the group of students in front of me. I was seeing the group of students talking with the family of three.

When Xiao Yu passed by, I was hearing the girl who attacked her and the little girl say: "For piano practitioners, how important is the piano? It is not good for our hearing to use a low-quality piano all the time. You Look, how many people have the same results with the same effort on the piano? When the piano practice time is the same, but they get different results, it may be a hardware problem."

The girl patted a piano in front of her and said: "This piano shop doesn\'t look very big. It is a rare piano shop in Kyoto, including top pianos and a piano shop that has category c pianos. The most important thing is here. Every piano in China has been tuned and the price is not high."

The little girl was struck by the stars in her eyes, and she nodded her head with admiration. The girl’s proud nose seems to be a little longer. She said, “So! For this Besson 170, the price of 600,000 is not expensive, and its price abroad is about 112,000 US dollars! If the boss is willing to sell it , Practicing piano with this is a kind of enjoyment."

The little girl was said to look back at her father. Her father smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had never thought that cultivating an artist would cost such money. The piano in his family was bought in a second-hand store and was purchased for only 4800 yuan. I thought it would be the end. Later, my daughter\'s piano became better and better, and gradually I had to participate in various competitions. The formal grade examination was not bad.

Those non-regular games, you have to pay 5,000 yuan to the above once going out. Later, I learned from a group of pianos that this kind of piano competition was held in the name of collecting money, and it was actually not recognized.

Of course, apart from these, the cost of learning piano is also a lot. When I was in kindergarten, I only enrolled my daughter for the piano class because everyone enrolled. He thought that his daughter could not lose, a teacher with more than 10 students, a class of 60 minutes, 95 yuan each. Not to mention the cost of one-to-one teaching for the teachers hired by her daughter when she grew up. They are basically around 200.

Later, the parents in the group said that they could invite college students at school, most of which were only around 120. This made the burden lighter.

It was the first time he knew about a piano worth 800,000. Not to mention this 600,000 one, even 100,000 he can\'t get it out. He thought that it was 12,000 yuan, mortgage and car loans, and the expenses of the two elderly people would not be enough. Where can I buy a high-end piano.

At this time, looking at the look in his daughter\'s expectant eyes, he only felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He was originally a dull character. This kind of thing would not think about whether his daughter\'s request was too much, but instead felt that his own uselessness caused her daughter to suffer with him.

At this moment, he heard a sweet female voice saying: "Being a pianist by hardware? I think the problem may not be the hardware? Isn\'t the talent insufficient?"

Xiao Yu is a person who seldom denies the efforts of others. Even Fei Yutong has been telling her that piano is a kind of practice that requires constant practice until you burn your fingers until you can have emotions. Then, you might It succeeded.

However, upon hearing that girl\'s statement, she still managed the nosy out loud. Wouldn\'t you look at other people\'s family situation? 600000? A family may not even have 100,000.

Xiao Yu is a person with no money. She had suffered from a hardship in her last life. When she was a child, she had no money at home, and she didn\'t starve the three of them to death several times. Later, he didn\'t even have money to go to school, so he made money for his younger brother to study early. Said she had lived a rich life, purely because she had a rich ex-boyfriend.

The topic is too far apart. In Xiao Yu\'s life, no money took up most of the time. And she has deeply experienced how difficult it is to survive without money.

When she didn\'t have money, she couldn\'t even get 10 yuan, piano? She even had to survive by picking up trash under the scorching sun.

Therefore, Xiao Yu had a deep aversion to girls\' words. What she said would leave this little girl with a longing, and possibly despair, which made her lose worship for her father.

After all, he couldn\'t even provide her with a decent piano. Of course, not every child is like this, but there are always children who can\'t stand the temptation. At this moment, in the eyes of the little girl, there is this kind of starlight, she wants and wants this piano.

When she heard Xiao Yu\'s voice, the girl who was talking was taken aback, turned to look at Xiao Yu, and said angrily, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly: "The first time I heard that you can become a pianist by changing a good piano, eh, I don’t mean anything. You said that I have practiced piano for more than 20 years. How about the D282? That one costs nearly 2 million, right? Do you think I can be a pianist after I bought it? My dream since I was a child is to be a pianist." Xiao Yu pointed to a black triangle in the distance piano.

The girl was taken aback when she was said, her face flushed, and she cursed: "Can you buy Bessie D282? If you can practice using this piano since childhood, you are afraid that you won\'t be a pianist?"

Xiao Yu laughed hahahaha, and then said, "I\'m sorry, I have been practicing with Bessie D282 since I was a child, but I don\'t care what to use. It\'s just that my father is a little more particular. I have become a grand pianist!" Then he sighed and said, "Oh, I\'m 25 years old, and I haven\'t even participated in a serious competition."

Girl: "..."

The girl’s friend, Lallana, said, “Said, don’t say anything, your theory is strange.”

small star:"……"

"Your name is Xiaoxing! Hello, my surname is Xiao, Xiao Yu. I am sorry! Having said so much, look at this kid so small, is there any other piano you can recommend?" Xiao Rain smiled.

Xiaoxing: "...If you don\'t have money, use domestic production."

Xiao Yu turned his head and squatted slightly, and said to the girl: "The so-called pianist is made by practicing day and night. Of course, when you entangle on the piano and give up practicing music, in fact, you have already left. The piano is getting farther and farther. At the same time of materiality, have you ever thought that you may be farther and farther away from your parents? Look back at your own father."

The girl was about 12 or 3 years old. She looked back at her father, Xiao Yu\'s voice sounded in her ears again: "How much have you learned since you learned the piano? Have these been converted into tiredness on your father\'s face?"

Xiao Yu smiled and patted her head, then stood up and said to the girl’s parents: "Your daughter is still young, and ordinary piano is enough for her to practice. You can refer to the three domestic brands of Hailun, Xinghai, and Zhujiang. It is considered to be the three best brands in our country. If the budget is less than 20,000, I recommend using Helen, which is a classic and very suitable for home use. Moreover, among the three pianos at the same price, Helen has the highest configuration. Of course, The above are all my personal opinions, you can consider them."

The girl\'s parents were very pleasantly surprised, thanking them again and again, and the girl stopped talking.

Xiao Yu saw the girl\'s parents with a relieved expression before leaving with the two children behind him and Ji Xuan.

Ji Yu followed Xiao Yu and said, "Mom, we will buy the piano you mentioned."

Xiao Yu turned around and asked, "What?"

"That\'s what 282, just that, just buy that." Ji Yu was anxious.

"No, mom chooses one by herself."

"No." Ji Yu hugged Xiao Yu\'s legs and dragged her towards the piano, and said while pulling: "You want that one. You used the one to practice piano since you were young. You must be more accustomed to that one. I want that one, I want that one, I want that one for my mother to practice." Ji Yu said loudly.

Xiao Ruoguang looked at it ignorantly, and then asked, "Doesn\'t mom like it?"

Xiao Yu touched his chin and said, "That\'s not true, after all, it\'s really too beautiful, and its sound is really good."

"Then buy it! Mom likes it!" Xiao Ruoguang said.

Xiao Yu laughed and said, "But my mother has no money, so my mother doesn\'t want to buy with sister\'s money."

Xiao Ruoguang tilted his head and said, "Use mine. I will make money later and return it to my sister."

As a result, both babies received Xiao Yu\'s loving embrace.

Ji Xuan: "..." All three of them promised to buy her, but the treatment was different and unfair.