The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 65

At this moment, Zhang Yu is cold-blooded.

These yellow scarves must be exterminated. At the same time, this group of cannibal aristocratic families must also be exterminated.

Huang Jin was unable to resist, and these aristocratic families who had been attacked by Huang Jin had no ability to resist.

Soon, Zhang Zhao in the city sent 1000 soldiers to support and surrounded the whole area.

The two sides began to fight.

"Kneel down and surrender." Zhang Yu yelled, and then led the soldiers to continue the killing.

The soldiers yelled and killed at the same time.

Those who don't have time to react, or who are scared silly or slow, as long as they don't throw away their weapons and are still standing, kill them all.

Regardless of the yellow scarf, regardless of the family, as long as they do not surrender, all killed.

After Huang Jin was surrounded, there was only one end.

They don't have many weapons, they don't have much protection.

"Surround the whole place. No one is allowed to leave. Those who disobey will be killed." Control the situation, most of the yellow scarf and aristocratic families are eliminated, Zhang Yu will control this area.

After all, the reputation of killing these aristocratic families is not very good, so Zhang Yu should try to prevent too much news from spreading.

Zhang Yu asked the soldiers to start searching, not only for people, but also for property.

Many of the family's properties were looted by Huang Jin, and then they were attacked by Zhang Yu. After that, they scattered all over the place.

Zhang Yu wants to collect them all.

Thousands of yellow scarves were cut and killed, and at last there were about 1000 people left, who were taken care of.

A day later, most of the bodies were cleared away, some were buried, some were thrown directly into the aristocratic mansion, and then burned together.

Several aristocratic families were also ransacked. The difference is that these properties are all in Zhang Yu's hands.

"Lord, we found this during the search." A soldier who could read the words gave Zhang Yu several chapters of sheepskin.

"Hum, I know that these people have a bad heart, and they have united so many people to go to Luoyang to sue me, but they don't know. Before there is no response from Luoyang, they are all destroyed by me." Zhang Yu saw that the pledge of the alliance was written on the sheepskin, and he united to get rid of Zhang Yu.

They did send people to Luoyang early to inform Zhang Yu.

But Zhang Yu gave Zhang rang and others a lot of money in advance, so their plan was doomed to failure.

People are dead, Zhang Yu of course will not go to investigate, put these things on fire.

Another day later, the property was collected. These were just small families. The biggest property was land, so the collected funds only looked like three or four million copper coins.

But this is a lot of money for Zhang Yu, enough for him to use for a period of time.

Zhang Yu blocked this place for two days. After two days, all the people here were taken away. No one knew what happened here.

But they all know that the Yellow turban army attacked and looted here.

But these aristocratic families are destroyed, the accusation also falls on Huang Jin's head of course.

Zhang Yu sent people to transport the property back.

At the same time, he announced that Taiping Dao was an anti thief and had rebelled. He also announced how many yellow scarves the government had sent troops to wipe out.

Before the yellow scarf was spread out, it was destroyed by Zhang Yu

Almost at the same time, Ling Cao and Xi Zhicai almost achieved their goal.

"Congratulations, my Lord. Congratulations, my Lord." Back to the prefecture, Zhang Zhao said to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu is very happy. The plan is so perfect.

"Ha ha, where is the joy?" Zhang Yu asked knowingly.

With a smile, Zhang Zhao touched his newly grown beard and said, "not only the yellow scarf has been wiped out by the Lord, but also those aristocratic families who opposed the LORD have been wiped out. Today's Kuaiji county has no power to shake the Lord. The Lord will soon be able to control the whole County."

Zhang Yu nodded, his goal has indeed been achieved.

Most of the Yellow scarves in Kuaiji county were destroyed, but Zhang Yu did not call back the general, but went to all counties to inspect.

Clean up the yellow towel thoroughly, and don't let them relapse.

After several days of suppression, there are not many Taiping roads in Kuaiji county. This is mainly because Zhang Yu knew that they would rebel and made arrangements early.

At that time, Taiping Road was still open to the public. It was easy to track them. After the operation, it would be convenient.

The overall situation has been decided, Zhang Yu once again called his several teams together.

"Lord, now the overall situation has been decided and Kuaiji county has stabilized. Please make the next step." Zhang Zhao asked.

"Now no one in Kuaiji County dares to challenge our authority. Zibu can start to divide the land, encourage the reclamation of wasteland, protect the interests of farmers, and suppress the aristocratic family at an appropriate time." Zhang Yu said.

"Nuo, please rest assured and make every effort to develop Kuaiji county."

"Chief Xiang, there is an important matter that you need to do in person." Zhang Yu said modestly to Xiang Heng.

Without Xiang Heng, there would be no Zhang Yu's present position. Xiang Heng had all of Xiang's family. Even his granddaughter gave it to Zhang Yu, which made Zhang Yu develop so rapidly.

"My Lord, please tell me that as long as I can move, I will try my best to help my lord accomplish his great task." Xiang Heng touched his beard and said with a smile.

"Well, then you'll have the leader of Lao Xiang." Zhang Yu said to Xiang Heng, "this time we have exposed a serious shortage of talents. In more than 20 counties in the whole county, Kan Kan has matched the county magistrate and the county Cheng. There are still a large number of officials who can't match them. Therefore, I want Xiang clan leader to open a college to cultivate our own talents."

Talent, the lower the demand for talent, often high-level talent as long as a few people is enough, but the bottom talent, a county will be more than ten to dozens, the whole county needs hundreds of talents.

That's why Zhang Yu is in urgent need.

"My Lord, it's not three or five years that the training of talents can take effect. I'm afraid it's too late." Xiang Heng said.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "no matter how long it takes, we need to do it. There are no talents. In the future, we will be subject to the family. In addition, we will need more and more talents in the future."

"Not only that, but we also need to establish echelon education, so that talents can not be cut off. Before we leave, I will make a detailed plan."

Zhang Yu has offended his family. The family will treat him as an enemy. There is no talent to use, so Zhang Yu trains himself.

This plan needs a lot of financial support, and Zhang Yu is not stingy in this regard. He allocated a large amount of funds to Xiang Heng.

After arranging all aspects, Zhang Yu said to several people, "I will lead 5000 people to go to collect Huang Jin. Zhicai and Ling Cao will accompany us. But our foundation is Kuaiji county. We must make full efforts to develop it. We should not be stingy with money. We can earn money again when we have no money, but we have no time to waste."

It took Zhang Yu two days to make a clear plan for the future development of Kuaiji county.

At this time, it was already mid February, and the yellow scarf was in full swing. However, the imperial court still had no reaction and was still in chaos.