The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 58

After the arrangement, Zhang Yu sits on the main hall alone.

"System, open the point exchange."

At this time, Zhang Yu has more than 1700 battlefield points. He wants to see what the effect of these points is.

"Ding ~ congratulations to the host. You can successfully open the battlefield mission, battlefield mission, gain points, and exchange various items."

With the system prompt, Zhang Yu can also view the task items that can be exchanged.

"Famous general card, 10000 points." Sure enough, there are good things. There are famous general cards.

Seeing the famous card, Zhang Yu's heart is beating. A famous card is a top talent. The key is that only 10000 points seems not expensive.

"Money, population, food, weapons." Zhang Yu looked at the list again.

"System, it's easy to understand the money and weapons. How can the population be exchanged?" Zhang Yu was surprised to see that one point could change into ten people.

People are so cheap. One point, ten people. It's human trafficking.

"Host, this system is to transform the system, which transforms the whole world, and the transformation of the world requires sufficient population. Therefore, as long as there is a large population, the global population will increase in the unit administration. "

Zhang Yu was stunned by the system. Zhang Yu asked, "what is unit administration?"

"With the county scale as the unit, as long as the host exchange population, all the county scale units will automatically generate the corresponding population."

Zhang Yu was dizzy, but he didn't investigate how the system "made" human beings. Whether it was from stone or clay, Zhang Yu didn't care. Anyway, the existence of the system was truth.

At present, Zhang Yu has no effect at all.

"One point can be exchanged for 100 copper coins, and ten points can be exchanged for a weapon." Zhang Yu looked and thought about what to change.

Zhang Yu wants to see the others, but is told by the system that these are the only ones that can be changed at present. If he wants to change others, he must have a higher level, and to improve the level is to brush points.

"One hundred bows and arrows first." Zhang Yu chose 100 bows and arrows for weapons. Now Zhang Yu has no place to manufacture weapons. It's not so easy to produce bows and arrows, and long-range attack is essential for them.

Change weapons first, use 1000 points, the others are not worried, the things captured from the mountain bandit are enough for him to spend a while.

With a small win and a good start, Zhang Yu is not so anxious after he has money.

Soldiers have just gone through the battlefield and have seen blood. It needs to be postponed for some time.

So Zhang Yu let Ling Cao take the opportunity to strengthen training. After seeing blood, after strict training, these soldiers had a murderous spirit.

Zhang Yu is not so anxious to launch a new offensive. He mainly wants to unify the soldiers' weapons, and then continue to recruit new soldiers.

Ling Cao trains soldiers and recruits new soldiers. With money, everything is easy to say.

Points can be exchanged for all kinds of things, so there is no need for Zhang Yu to develop slowly. Originally, he only planned to recruit 500 more people, but now there is no shortage of money and food. Zhang Yu asked Ling Cao to recruit 1000 more people and 1500 at a time.

After a few days, Zhang Yu deals with the important things at hand, and then looks at another group of mountain bandits.

This time, the number of mountain bandits is more than 1000.

However, Zhang Yu is confident, because his team had only weapons before, but now some of them have been equipped with armor, and their protection ability has been greatly enhanced. The most important thing is that 100 archers have also formed combat effectiveness.

This time, Zhang Yu still chooses to sneak attack. At night, he stealthily touches the mountain, and then Zhang Yu and Ling Cao rush in.

The archers behind keep up in time to form a suppression.

Although there are few archers, the sharp arrows are very powerful. After a few rounds, the mountain bandits collapse directly, and then Zhang Yu and others take the opportunity to kill them.

These mountain bandits have no protection. How can they bear the sharp arrows.

"Lord, these mountain bandits are vulnerable. With 500 of us, we can wipe out all the mountain bandits in Kuaiji county." Kill the mountain bandits, Ling Cao said disdainfully.

It's really not very difficult for the regular army to fight mountain bandits. The yellow scarf is so huge. It's not easy for the regular army to defeat the officers and soldiers very quickly.

"Lord, this time we have captured more than last time. This mountain bandit is really rich. If we clean up a few more, we'll send it out." According to the statistics, more than 300000 people's wealth and a large amount of grain were found.

There are also hundreds of weapons, but these weapons are not very useful for Zhang Yu now.

What he wants is standard weapons. These miscellaneous weapons can only be recycled and then dissolved.

After killing another group of mountain bandits, Zhang Yu again gets a lot of money and points. Zhang Yu decisively exchanges another 100 bows and arrows.

Zhang Yu found that it was very easy to use bow and arrow to suppress bandits, because these mountain bandits had little protection.

It's another victory. Although there is little damage, it's nothing compared with the profit.

Zhang Yu and his team happily returned to the stronghold outside the city of Wu County.

At this time, it has become a big training ground.

The newly recruited 1500 people are arrogant enough by these aristocratic families. Zhang Yu is training his troops a few miles outside the city. They sent someone to have a look a few days ago, but they haven't appeared since.

Now Zhang Yu has strength, they are not aware of it at all.

With a lot of money, Zhang Yu does two things: one is to train soldiers, the other is to let Xi Zhicai train a group of intelligence personnel. Zhang Yu asks Xi Zhicai to distribute the whole intelligence to every corner of Kuaiji County as soon as possible.

After more than ten days, Zhang Yu wiped out seven or eight mountain bandits in succession, and almost all the mountain bandits in Kuaiji county were wiped out.

During this period, Zhang Yu got a lot of money, food and other materials.

Time soon, slowly, ushered in 184, not only that, Zhang Yu has another army of 1000 people.

These 1000 people were eliminated during Zhang Yu's military training. Although they were eliminated, they were more powerful than ordinary officers and soldiers.

"It's time to settle with them." Zhang Yu stands on the school yard outside the city and looks at Wu County.

Not long ago, the aristocratic families in Wu County United to deal with Zhang Yu. They never thought that Zhang Yu would soon have the strength to kill him.