The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 879

"God? No, it\'s not like an angel. How do you exist?"

The great God official stood in the void with his hands on his back, and his purple eyes stared into the distance. Not far from him, the blue figure lowered his head and made a roaring sound of "sobbing" in his mouth. A strong threat immediately rolled over like a mountain. Affected by this, Xia Ya and others groaned as if they had been hit hard, turned pale, and quickly withdrew from a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

Ten thousand meters away, the pressure weakened enough to bear. Xia Ya turned back in horror and tried her best to resist the pressure transmitted by the powerful power.

"Goo ~ ~"

He opened his hand and propped up a transparent air mask in front of him. Xia Ya finally stabilized his body. Others drew gourds and soon stabilized their feet. But this is only temporary. As the space under their feet fluctuates up and down like sea water, they can only constantly adjust their position.

In the front, the great God confronted the green shadow for a while, and neither of the two sides gave way. At this time, the great God officer approached the other side for a few steps tentatively. The blue figure reacted, sent out an unknown roar in his mouth, and suddenly disappeared from his place and appeared in front of the great God officer.


Raise an arm across the head to block an attack from the cyan figure. Suddenly, the strong energy afterwave is transmitted in all directions in the form of spatial tremor.

The great God official\'s face changed for a moment and said solemnly, "it\'s a high level on the fifth floor of the realm of God. It\'s not an ordinary person!"

The other side is also an expert on the fifth floor of the realm of God, which is a strong one that even the great gods have to take seriously. Quietly looking at the blue figure, his eyes suddenly burst out. He saw their figures disappear at the same time and appear somewhere at the same time. After a few attempts at each other, the two sides began to fight at high speed.

People in the distance could not see the action of both sides, and the surrounding void fell down like fragments. Moreover, because it was the master of the fifth layer of the realm of God, the rules of the whole universe avoided one after another, and the broken space was not repaired at the first time.


Seeing the surging energy sweeping over like a tide, Xia Ya and the angels looked bad. They could only retreat again and again, and soon withdrew from the distance of a star system.

However, these distances are not enough. As the battle level is higher and higher, the scope of influence is wider and wider. Too much energy has been accumulated around, which has become a dangerous area of high explosion. Suddenly, a dazzling flash rose, and the void in Xia Ya\'s vision began to collapse, together with the nearby stars, and then a huge explosion disappeared the whole stellar system.

"What a powerful destructive force!" Seeing a star system condensed into a small dot, Xia Ya\'s whole scalp became numb and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At the same time, in other parts of the fifth universe, the aftermath of the battle has been transmitted to all parts of the universe through space. Birus has just "destroyed" the alien life of a spaceship. Suddenly, he keenly felt that there was a terrible wave in the space. The worry in his eyes had just emerged and had not responded. He roared and fell violently, shaking him a stagger, The whole person was very embarrassed and fell directly on the ground.

In another place, elephant Palmer, who has repeatedly reaped the fruits of the war, is making a blink on the shoulder of the aderat. Suddenly, his whole body is cold and looks like being stared at by something. His whole body is wrinkled with a layer of goose bumps. At the next moment, the instant movement of the aderat is abruptly interrupted. Elephant Palmer and the aderat are thrown out from the "process" of the instant movement. For a moment, golden flowers appear in their eyes and produce an urge to vomit. Looked at the distance suspiciously, then shrunk his neck and felt deep fear.

"Woo woo, it\'s bad."

The king god world, the king God of the old world, the king God of the east world and Fuwa, the king God of the world, watched the changes of the lower world nervously. At the same time, the whole King god world also raised a large amount of dust like an earthquake.


"Kakarot, do you feel it?" Vegeta stopped her attack and looked at the monkey king with a dignified face.

Monkey King nodded seriously. In his perception, the whole universe was shaking. It can be imagined that there must be a fierce battle somewhere in the universe.

"It\'s terrible. I feel shaking all over." It seems to be a subconscious fear. Even the monkey king himself can\'t tell why.


Where the spirit king\'s palace appeared, the big God official and the blue virtual shadow still kept fighting. As the battle became more and more intense, the great God officer also had a wound on his body. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and looked at the fading figure of the other party. The great God officer remained silent for a while and continued to struggle with the virtual shadow.

"Peng" "Peng" "Peng"

Every attack has the power of destroying the sky and earth, and the extraordinary speed has already exceeded all perceptions.

"This is the battle on the fifth floor of the realm of God. It\'s so fierce!" Xia Ya has never been so rude. She was deeply shocked by the battle between the great God and the blue virtual shadow. She didn\'t want to be so terrible once the gentle great God fought.

"It\'s incredible that there are still people in the world who can compete with the great God official!" The angels looked solemn and awe inspiring.

Wes\'s face was dignified and said to xiaya on the side: "xiaya, let\'s leave quickly. We can\'t intervene here anymore."

"We left. What about the fifth universe?" Shaya looked at WES and asked.

"Leave it to fate. I hope this battle will not destroy the whole universe." Wes shook his head and said helplessly. Now the situation is very clear. Even if all their angels work together, they can\'t resist the energy burst out in the battle between the great God and the blue figure.

Xia Ya also knew that there was no way, so he was very upset. Gandhi, um, was ready to leave with Wes and them.

But when they were ready to leave, five figures appeared not far from them, three black robes and two gray robes, which were the dark angels summoned by the spirit king\'s palace.

"They\'re here!" Xia Ya\'s expression changed slightly after seeing the whereabouts of the dark angel. It\'s really a leaky house. It rains at night. The situation here hasn\'t improved a bit, and those dark angels appear again.

"Those who come are not good!" The angel on the opposite side of Shaya said.

"It should also be for the spirit king\'s palace..." Weiss nodded and saw the purpose of the dark angel.

At this time, the dark angel also saw Xia Ya and them. They just faced the ten angels standing together in front of them. The five dark angels didn\'t know how to describe their mood. Anyway, they were very uncomfortable. They felt like they were caught in a trap, and their faces were black.

"What\'s the matter? Why are there ten angels here?" The leading grey cannon dark angel\'s expression twitched, and his heart was covered with a layer of haze. "Are all these traps laid by those angels to lure us to appear? Are they trying to catch us all? But what about the strong call from the bottom of his heart?"

The call from the bottom of my heart can\'t be fake. If those angels had this ability, they would have found them long ago.

Neither side acted rashly. For a time, the two camps were not far away from each other, but they fell into strange silence.

After a long time, Xia Ya saw that the appearance of the dark angels was just an accident. She first reacted and shouted to everyone: "let\'s fight together and don\'t let those dark angels leave!"

"Yes, the opportunity is rare. We can\'t let the dark angel leave again."

Although the weight of the dark angel has become very light after the appearance of the spirit king\'s palace, since the dark angel appears, they can\'t be left alone. In this idea, Xia Ya and the angels are consistent, so in just a few words, Xia Ya and ten angels shot together and made a strong impact on the dark angel.

As the battle started here, in the open starry sky, the scope of the battle was suddenly divided into two parts. The great God officer and the cyan virtual shadow were still fighting in a distant place. The battle was the most intense, and the destructive power of Xia Ya and the dark angel should not be underestimated.

Eleven to five, Xia ya, they can say that they took advantage.

"Kayin, it\'s too dangerous here. We have to stay away." Feeling the thunder like breath riots, next to Kaiyin, a female time King God hurriedly urged.

"Yes." Kaiyin also knew that it was too dangerous here now, so she looked at the battle in front of her nervously and nodded quickly.

At this time, they can only continue to fly away from a long distance, and then look at it from a distance, because they have no ability to intervene in the battle between the fourth floor of the realm of God.

The battle continued for a while. Five dark angels fought ten angels. The balance of victory and defeat was not too much in suspense. Even though the dark angels had gone through a long time and their strength was above that of ordinary angels, two to one was still too reluctant for them.

Not long after the battle began, there were countless grass mud horses running by in the hearts of the five dark angels, and their spirit was about to collapse. Seeing that the five dark angels had been dragged by the angels, Xia Ya knew that the opportunity came, so he wandered to the periphery of the war and took out several small bottles from the dimensional space.

Yes, Xia Ya is going to seal these dark angels with magic seal wave!

But the idea was beautiful. Just when he was ready to take action, the accident happened again. I only heard the sound of several "bells" echoing in my ears through the void. Xia Ya turned her head, but unexpectedly, a golden palace penetrated out of the void, just between Xia Ya and the dark angels.

"But this time!" Xia Ya was so angry that she could only take the small bottle into her arms.

"Isn\'t the spirit king\'s palace supposed to be on the side of the great God officer? How can it appear here?"

"Ha ha, it\'s the palace of lansius. This is our base camp!" A dark angel who was beaten out by Weiss and others laughed and his face was full of pride, but his smile didn\'t last long.

"Be careful." The voice of his companion rang out.


The dark angel looked back blankly, but found that a dark and cruel energy gushed from a door of the palace. The surging energy was full of traction. The dark angel had no time to respond, and the whole person had been swallowed up by the black energy. Then the door was closed, and the dark angel had been sucked in.