The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 76

Xia Ya calmed down and felt that there was a vast energy running in his body, but as long as his mind moved a little, all these energies would calm down obediently.

His control of energy has been free, retracted and released freely, and his control ability is higher.

"Although there is no deliberate cultivation, the strength is still steadily improving. These are the benefits of consciousness cultivation!" He shook his fist and a faint smile hung on Xia Ya\'s face.

"Xia ya, my combat effectiveness is almost 120000!"

After a short rest, Xiling raised her head, and her small white face as white as snow was slightly red because of excitement.

During this period of time, she chased hard and finally increased her combat effectiveness by 118000, almost equal to Xia ya a year ago. The growth rate is not fast, but the gap between her and Xia Ya has not narrowed.

"My combat effectiveness has just reached 145000!" Xia Ya chuckled.

Xiling was discouraged when she heard this. "Woo, I\'ve worked so hard. Why can\'t I catch up with you!"

Put your hand on her head and feel the delicate touch of her hair. Xia Ya said: "don\'t think about these things all day. It will be very tired and meaningless. You should know that haste makes waste. Sometimes worrying too much will lead to confusion. It\'s better to think about others."

"What do you think?"

"For example, delicious food..."

"Xia ya!" Xiling purred twice, patted the other party\'s hand on her head and touched her smooth stomach, "I\'m not happy, I want to have a big meal!"

Xia Ya looked at her a little funny. Every time this guy came to this time, he would turn grief and anger into appetite! Fortunately, it\'s Saiya and has a strong stomach. If you were an ordinary person, you would have deformed your body by eating like this.

"Good, good!"

Xia Ya answered her, opened the dimensional space, took out a lot of food from it, and then watched the girl eat crazy with interest.

That\'s not beautiful and elegant, but it\'s interesting to watch Xiling eat it.


The distribution center near the baijita spaceport.

There was no trace of life on the endless open plain. On the other side of the foothills along the east-west direction of the plain, dozens of simple sunshades are built behind the raised rock frame.

At this time, it is noon, and the hot sun has risen to the top of the head. The rising heat makes the line of sight a little blurred.

Hundreds of Saiya people have gathered in the sunshade behind the foothills. They either gather together to chat or lie down alone to rest, quietly waiting for more people to arrive. At this time, Saiya people gathered from all directions, and soon more than 1000 Saiya people gathered in the distribution center.

Among these saiyas, there are low-level soldiers and high-level soldiers. They look excited and brush their hands one by one in order to participate in the large-scale battle mission on vegeta once a year.

At that time, the more than 1000 saiyas will form a team and start together to enjoy the pleasure of fighting!

This large-scale campaign mission is defined as a special level mission by the Mission Management Bureau, which requires senior soldiers with a combat capacity of nearly 10000.

And this mission is to conquer the mysterious kanafloxacin.

"Badak, you should pay attention to safety when you arrive at kanafloxacin. You can\'t take too much risk!" A petite but beautiful Saiya woman straightened her husband\'s hair and tied his headscarf again.

Badak laughed and patted the woman\'s shoulder with his broad palm. A gentle smile appeared on the face with a scar on one side.

"Ji nei, do you still know my strength? The little kanafloxacin can\'t beat me. Just relax!"

"Then be careful!" Ji neibai glanced at her husband.

It turned out that these two people were Sun Wukong\'s biological parents, badak and his wife Jinai.

At this time, it has been 12 years since Xia Ya first met badak. Now badak has grown into a mature and strong soldier and married Ji Nei of the logistics department.

GinaI is a petite Saiya like Alice. Among these rough Saiya, she is like a minor child. However, such a Petite Female Saiya has now given birth to two children.

This time, badak is about to set out to participate in the task of crusading against kanafloxacin, while Jinai is responsible for the logistics of meat processing and will stay on the star of vegeta.

"By the way, how\'s latiz now?" Badak tidied his bags and asked.

Referring to the eldest son, Genet\'s face showed a happy smile: "ratiz went out on a mission with Prince vegeta. He should have reached the mission planet by now!"

Badak nodded. His eldest son, ratiz, was just a low-level soldier like him. Unexpectedly, he was arranged by the task management office to perform the task with Prince vegeta, and he didn\'t know how the task management office arranged the task.

Maybe it\'s just to add a burden to Prince vegeta!

Badak was a little self deprecating.

However, badak is not ashamed of being a low-level soldier, because he knows that even if he was born as a low-level soldier, he can be no weaker than a high-level soldier through combat and cultivation, and he himself is a good example.

Because his strength has far exceeded that of ordinary senior soldiers, as the commander of this mission, badak\'s combat effectiveness has been close to 10000, and he is one of the few low-level soldiers who can achieve such achievements.


The headquarters of Felisa is more than two months away from the begeta star.

In the luxury palace.

Feliza was floating by the porthole on a small aircraft in the shape of an egg, with a long tail hanging down and swinging in mid air.

"King Frisa, this is all the data about the Saiyan spacecraft launched in recent years!" A Taj man waved his arm to Felisa.

Feliza\'s aircraft turned, his scarlet eyes glowing with evil, his purple lips slightly open, and said coldly to Doria standing on one side:

"Mr. dordoria, send orders and let the people of the Frisa Legion kill all the Saiyan children sent out on duty according to the list. Remember, I want none left!"

"Well, it\'s a secret for the time being. You can\'t let the Saia people on vegeta know!"

"Yes, king!"

Dodolia\'s face was cold and answered immediately. Then he hesitated and said, "my subordinates heard that king bejita\'s son has also gone out to participate in the mission. Do you want to..."

Frisa waved her hand and said, "forget it, vegeta. He\'s a very good toy. Just keep him for a while! By the way, is Mr. dordoria interested in going to see a fireworks with me?"

Dorothy was immediately delighted and said excitedly, "is the king going to destroy vegeta?"

Finally, we can see the gorgeous and gorgeous scene again. Doria looked excited. Since the last time I saw the magnificent destruction of the planet, dodolia has never forgotten it. How I wish I could see it again!

"Yes, this is the task assigned by Lord birus. I wanted to keep those Saiya people for a while, but now it seems that I can\'t!"

Said feliza faintly.

Frisa\'s father once told him that there are two characters in the universe who dare not provoke even the frozen family, one is the ancient demon boo, and the other is the legendary god of destruction birus!

Originally, feliza didn\'t believe in this, but when the God of destruction billus really appeared in front of him, he knew that the God of destruction billus really couldn\'t be provoked!

Originally, I wanted the Saiya people to exist for a long time, but since it was to destroy the order of Lord birus, he could not disobey it.

"Lord Beeroth?"

Dorothy was stunned. She was sure she had never heard of the name, but since even King feliza wanted to call him an adult, she was also a very great man. Hey, hey, these Saiya people are really troublesome. Unexpectedly, another big man wants to destroy them!

"Alas, if only Mr. Shangbo were still there, otherwise he could see beautiful fireworks." Feliza sighed with regret. What a pity that there was no one to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Speaking of chambo, duodoria\'s face is a little gloomy. His partner for many years died in fidaya. Up to now, he doesn\'t even know who the murderer is.

A few years ago, when the kinut team arrived at fidaya, it was already empty, leaving only a hot planet full of lava.