The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 732

At this moment, the great deity was full of surprises, while lanxius and Bardis were listless, like leaves hit by autumn frost, and their eyes were distracted.

Run!! At this time, they have no plans to stay.

It doesn\'t make sense anymore.

But this time, the big heavenly official didn\'t let them go. He waved his arms and swayed his green sleeves. The bright power produced colorful stars, and then flew all over the sky. The bright stars were stacked one after another, with great power.

At this moment, the fifth floor of the realm of God is just like a child in front of the great heavenly official.

Puff, time goes back, time switches.

Lanxiusi and badis are clearly running away from the core, but after the distortion of time and space, far and near, front and back, up and down, all the rules have changed, and they can never escape the blockade of the great heavenly official.

After several efforts, all of them ended in failure, and despair appeared on the faces of lansius and others.

Just like the sentencing, the great heavenly officer\'s lips opened and closed, and the cold voice sounded like a nightmare in the ears of lansius and badis: "the disruptor of time and space, the dark Archangel lansius · original sin, and the dark Archangel badis, today I pronounce you, death penalty, in the name of the great heavenly officer of time!"

"Space time erasure!!"

The dazzling glow was shining, and the sacred was irresistible. Lanxius and Bardis struggled frantically and shouted hysterically, but the heavenly officials turned a blind eye, and then their bodies turned into powder bit by bit in their desperate eyes.

In a short time, lanceus and Bardis completely disappeared from time and space.

Just like the "extinction" ability given to Xia Ya by the king of the time, once the "erasure of time and space" is launched, their past will be destroyed together. Not only that, but also lansius, who is still under seal in other parallel time and space, will be erased together.

After all this, the core of the universe returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

The great God official looked at the place where lansius and badis disappeared with a complex look, and turned back to salute the great God official: "thank you for coming to help, your excellency, the great God official. No, you should be called Lord God."

Any master beyond the realm of God is enough to be called God by him. I didn\'t know the strength of the great heavenly official before, but now I know it. It\'s not easy for the great divine official to talk with his peers.

"No need to be polite."

The heavenly official smiled and answered calmly.

At this time, the deep eyes saw through the void and seemed to see something interesting. Then the jade hand grabbed forward and directly penetrated the space.

The seventh universe, above the cyan planet.

Eve secretly peeped at the battle taking place in the core of the whole universe. She was stunned when the great celestial official appeared at that time, but she couldn\'t help peeking. At this time, she suddenly saw the great celestial official stretching out his arm to the void. Eve felt bad immediately in her heart.

Hua La, a white flawless arm broke the space and appeared in front of her, and then picked her up regardless of her struggle.

"Woo woo, let go of me."

Eve regretted that if she had known, she shouldn\'t have peeped with her time and space. Now it\'s in the hands of the heavenly official, and she can\'t escape.

Seeing a little girl of four or five years old carried by the big heavenly official in the air, the big divine official asked strangely: "Lord God, this is..."

"A space-time force controller of the seventh universe, a guy named TOVA in his previous life." The big heavenly official said gently that TOVA is in the past. Because of the special means, the little girl in front of her has no causal relationship with TOVA.


The great God officer was stunned. He had heard of the name. The woman who killed demigula with a pit before looked at the little Lori wrapped in a red jacket with purple eyes, and there was indeed a shadow of TOVA.

But now it\'s in the hands of the heavenly official. He can\'t control how to arrange it.

"Lord God, if there is nothing else, I will leave."

The archdeacon retreated to the archdeacon. Because of the action of the dark angel, twelve universes in the whole universe have been traumatized to varying degrees. Now he needs to go back and discuss with Lord Wang how to arrange the next things. Those remaining dark angels also need to be expelled as soon as possible.

The big heavenly official nodded slightly and left before the big divine official.

Seeing this, the great God officer was stunned, turned to a faint sigh and returned to the king\'s palace where the king lived.

At this time, the whole king and his two bodyguards have not come back. They should still clean up the dark angels in the universe below.

About ten minutes later, in a golden light, the whole king came back happily. When he saw the great God official, he shouted happily: "Nah, it\'s interesting below. I destroyed three, five... Many, many bad angels. I want to play more."

The great God smiled and looked at the whole King holding his fingers. He nodded to the two guards and led the whole king to sit on the tall throne.

"Lord Wang, the disaster of the dark angel has passed. Next, we should arrange to encircle and suppress those dark angels who escaped, and those who performed well in this disaster need to be rewarded." The great God bowed respectfully and reported the situation of the whole universe.

"Well, then call them over."

"Lord Quan, please wait."

The archdeacon stood up, took out his staff and began to contact the angels below.


"Xia ya, the great God has contacted us. It seems that the disaster of the whole universe has passed." Wes, who was on the red mountain star, saw the divine staff flash twice and got the will of the great God official after connecting.

Next, Kesi got the same will.

Xia Ya nodded with a smile and looked a lot relaxed.

A few great people came down in the palace, and then the whole King appeared again. The two sides in front of the whole King\'s hall are divided into two rows. All the angels have come. The destruction god is the last nine, and in addition to the destruction god, the nine universal King gods have also come.

Tapien of the tenth universe came to the king\'s palace for the first time. He looked a little nervous when he saw so many destruction gods and boundary King gods in different forms.

"Xia ya, where is this place? Why are there so many gods? They are the king God and the destroyer God?" TAPION whispered to Shaya.

"Yes, this is the palace of the whole king. The great God called everyone here to announce something." Xia Ya explained in a low voice.

"Lord Wang!!"

TAPION turned pale and raised his voice a little. Then he saw the high gods with different expressions nearby and lowered his voice again.

"Hum, the universe has never seen the world, and the king and God of the world are just new people." Ironically, quetra, the destructive God of the fourth universe, has been in line with the tenth universe since he was publicly humiliated by Xia ya.

In the past, what he hated most was billus, the destructive God of the seventh universe. Now Shaya has replaced billus and become the most hated God of quetra.