The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 70

"Is it her?"

Xia Ya was stunned when she saw the visitor clearly, and then her eyes narrowed slightly.

It wasn\'t anyone else who staggered across the street. It was the student named Myers from aldry!

After a little observation, Xia Ya found that the breath on Meles had almost reached 850 combat effectiveness.

"Oh, it\'s amazing. With such high combat effectiveness at a young age, no wonder you\'ve always been arrogant!"

If you remember correctly, this student of aidry is not five years old. Tut Tut, such combat effectiveness is very rare among senior soldiers. It is said that vegeta can deal with the cultivators when vegeta star is destroyed.

This Maiers\'s talent is probably no less than vegeta, and only vegeta among her peers can beat her.

Fortunately, Meles is a girl. If he were a boy, he would never live so natural and unrestrained as he is now. But people with potential like Meles must be on the training list of King vegeta.

Xia Yayun smiled quietly. Anyway, it didn\'t care about him, so she turned and planned to leave.

But Myers had recognized Xia Ya from the crowd and waved to him from a distance. Xia Ya pretended not to see and walked in the opposite direction!

That guy pretended not to see me! Mel\'s two lovely eyebrows were slightly frozen, puffed up his cheeks with dissatisfaction, and ran after Xia ya, blocking Xia Ya\'s way. His two beautiful eyes glared at him:

"You guy pretended not to see me. Do you know who I am?"

"Eh, isn\'t this miss Meles? I\'m in a hurry to go back now. Would you please get out of the way?"


Myers was very angry with Xia Ya\'s perfunctory attitude. She grabbed Xia Ya\'s sleeve and said calmly: "I tell you, if you weren\'t master aldry\'s nephew, I wouldn\'t bother to pay attention to you!"

With that, Meles raised his head proudly, as if to say that you should be grateful when I talk to you.

"Yes, I have to thank Miss Myers for looking down on me. I must remember Miss Myers\'s kindness."

Xia Ya was startled by the superiority of the other party who didn\'t know where he came from. She really felt funny in her heart. She reflexively wanted to stretch out her hand to touch the other party\'s head, but when she saw that Meles was looking at herself with a small face, he angrily withdrew his hand and laughed.

The other party was just a young girl under the age of five, and Xia Ya was too lazy to argue with her. She dealt with a few words at will to meet Mel\'s little vanity and planned to leave.

But just then, a purple figure appeared from the crowd.

It was a purple creature with long ears, thin face and bony body, just like a corpse just climbing out of the grave, with slightly protruding eye bags and wearing strange costumes similar to the Egyptian Pharaoh.

Because there are all kinds of cosmic people gathered on vegeta, the strange dress of purple creatures did not attract much attention from people around.

But when Xia Ya saw each other\'s first glance, she felt cold and cold sweat seeping out.

"The God of destruction, birus, how did he appear on vegeta?" Xia Ya took a breath. She didn\'t expect to see the figure of the destruction god birus on the star of vegeta.

This is a moody God!

There are too many great gods hidden in the dragon ball world, but those like the destructive God birus are definitely standing at the top of the whole universe. It\'s not too much to say that they are the strongest in the universe!

Annoyed each other, as long as the other person moves his finger, vegeta will completely disappear from the universe.

At the level of destruction god berus, destruction and creation are just a matter of one thought. The so-called heaven and earth are not benevolent, and take all things as ruminant dogs. They are not particularly good or bad to anyone. Good and evil are not so important in their eyes. Their duty is to maintain the balance of the universe without discrimination.

When it\'s time to destroy, we should destroy relentlessly.

The level of destruction god berus has gone beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the evaluation standard of good and evil in the world is meaningless to him. They exercise the rules of the universe, and the good and evil of mortals are only a path in their eyes.

It\'s up to the king of hell to judge.

But what makes Xia ya feel a little relieved is that so far, it seems that no Saiya people have made each other unhappy.

"Eh?" As if he had noticed Xia Ya\'s eyes, birus\'s golden eyes looked at Xia ya. When he noticed Xia Ya and Meles, a smile of interest came out of the corners of his mouth.

The power level of life in the universe is generally not high, and there are not many experts like Xia Ya in the universe. Although the power has been converged, it is meaningless to accept it in the eyes of experts such as the God of destruction birus.

"Hey, hey, it\'s interesting. I didn\'t expect that there are people who have reached this level of cultivation in these wild monkeys!"

With these words, the God of destruction, berus, came towards Xia Ya and them.

"The God of destruction came..."

Xia Ya has some desire to cry without tears. What evil has she done!

Haoduanduan came out to buy something and unexpectedly met such a super God. Due to being locked by the air engine of birus, Xia Ya can\'t use any means at all now, and the surrounding space seems to be frozen.

Berus, the God of destruction, came to Shaya, put his hand on his chin and looked around him like a countryman around a beautiful handicraft.

"Boy, your Kung Fu is good. You know how to hide Qi. Unlike those savage monkeys, you only know how to consume energy foolishly and don\'t know how to restrain at all!"

In the eyes of the God of destruction, the Saiya people\'s behavior of not converging energy at all is like a searchlight turned on at night. The brightness can be seen from a long distance. It\'s really the work of a reckless man who doesn\'t understand civilization!

"Thank you, Lord Beeroth!"

As soon as she finished, Xia Ya would not slap herself. Why did she say the name of birus?

Sure enough, the God of destruction birus brightened his eyes and asked with interest, "do you know the name of this God?"

"When I was on a mission, I saw the portrait of Lord birus in the ancient temple on a planet..." at this time, Xia Ya could only talk nonsense and pushed the origin of birus to the unwarranted temple.

"Well, good!"

Birus, the God of destruction, nodded and was in a very good mood. Although a great God at his level doesn\'t usually come out and walk around, it\'s possible to know his name and leave his portrait for worship.

"Hey, Xia ya, what is this strange creature? You seem to be afraid of him?"

A childish child\'s voice broke the earth and suddenly solidified the atmosphere.

Xia Ya\'s heart suddenly "clicked", and the whole heart was mentioned to the door of her throat.