The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 64

It was getting dark in the evening.

Stepping on the last afterglow before sunset, Mr. and Mrs. aldry came back from the outside. As soon as they entered the house, they saw Xia Ya sitting in the living room, holding an e-reader to check the information on vegeta.

Aidry stepped forward with a faint smile on his face and said, "Xia ya, we have contacted a group of Saiya people and agreed that they will gather in the desert two thousand kilometers to the West in two days. What\'s the matter with you?"

"Two days later?" Xia Ya put down her e-reader and thought, "Hongshan star has let the fidaya people start building a life circle. It should be completed in two days."

"Then we\'ll start the first evacuation in two days."

As soon as aldry heard that there was no problem with xiaya, he said with some excitement that the situation of vegeta star is becoming more and more uncertain, and it will be more dangerous to stay one more day. Aldry still decided to kill the mess quickly and transfer some Saiya people out as soon as possible.

Xia Ya nodded and said, "OK, then start evacuating in two days. I\'ll make preparations for hongshanxing."

"Eh, where\'s Xiling?"

After coming back so long, Rebecca asked before she saw Xiling coming out. According to the usual, the girl had already run out in a rage.

"She used to do exercise, but now she\'s tired and sleeping in the house." Xia Ya smiled gently and said, while picking up the kettle, put the cups upside down on the tea table right, and then fill them up in turn.

"The girl doesn\'t know the weight. What if she hurts her body?" Rebecca frowned. As a senior soldier, she knows that cultivation needs to be relaxed. She blindly hopes to improve in a short time. Like a spring that has been pressed tightly, it is easy to cause rigidity failure and can no longer restore the original elasticity.

To tell the truth, Rebecca is worried about her daughter\'s extraordinary persistence in cultivation. After all, the child is still so young. It is the time of growth and development. Too intense cultivation is always bad.

However, aidry praised her daughter\'s fighting spirit very much. "It\'s good for Xiling to have this momentum. She\'s promoted so fast now. How many Saiya people can match? Rebecca, don\'t worry."

Rebecca stares at aidry when she hears the speech, as if she is questioning whether Xiling is his daughter. Then Rebecca asks Xia ya to take care of Xiling in the future, and Xia Ya agrees.

But why does that sound so weird? You are clearly Xiling\'s parents. Why should he take care of you? It\'s as if she gave him Xiling. It\'s free and easy for her parents to do so.


at night.

The stove in the kitchen was ablaze with fire, and the rich and attractive fragrance came from it.

Rebecca has prepared a table of good dishes. Because the Saiya people eat a lot, they consume a lot of ingredients every meal. This is Rebecca\'s busiest time.

Promoted, whenever the Saiya people launch large-scale operations, it is a great test for logistics support. In addition to the cosmos, there will be a group of people in charge of meat processing among the Saia people. In the original book, the mother of Monkey King, Ji nei, is responsible for this work.

"Xiaoya rice has been prepared. Go and call Xiling over for dinner." Rebecca came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of food, slammed it on the table and said to Xia ya.


Xia Ya answered, put down what she was doing and walked to Xiling\'s room.

With the knock of "buckle", Xia Ya walked into Xiling\'s boudoir. On the small bed, Xiling lay on the side with two hands holding the quilt. White underwear and pink thighs like curd were exposed outside, and one foot was hooked on the quilt and pressed on the quilt.

It\'s like holding a big pillow. It\'s very indecent to be lazy!

Smiled and walked to Xiling\'s bed. Xia Ya patted her face and woke her up and said, "Aunt Rebecca asked me to ask you to eat."

"Oh, you go out first and I\'ll change my clothes!" Xiling opened her eyes and stared at Xia ya. She suddenly wrapped herself in a quilt and issued an instruction to let him out in a flat tone.

Xia ya tutted, smiled and said, "what are you hiding? In fact, I want to tell you that when I bathed you, your body has been seen by me. It\'s useless to cover it now!"

Xiling\'s movement was a little sluggish, and then she floated over with a big white eye, but she no longer wrapped her body. The whole quilt threw over to Xia Ya and shouted, "I\'m going to change my clothes now, you go out quickly!"


Xia Ya laughed and put the quilt away neatly. "OK, OK, Xiao Xiling has grown up and doesn\'t stick to me as much as before. Then I\'ll go out first. Change your clothes quickly!" Then he walked out of the door and took the door with him.

At dinner, Xia Ya and others were destroying the food on the table. Only Xiling looked at Xia Ya in a daze and ate with her head buried. It looked very interesting.


Time flies, two days later.

Two thousand kilometers west of vegeta, it is a desolate Gobi. Even in spring, the hot sun shines directly on people and gives them a burning feeling.

At this time, more than 100 Saiya people from all directions had gathered in a hot oasis, and several black spots flew from time to time. In a short time, more than 200 Saiya people gathered in the oasis.

These Saiya people are old and young, most of them take families as units, most of them are low-level soldiers, and there are only a few intermediate soldiers.

These people are carefully selected by the members of the aidry team. Their combat effectiveness is generally around two or three thousand. They are a very ordinary class among the one million saiyas on vegeta. Even if they are few, they will not cause too much waves.

Aldry counted the number of people and saw that all the agreed personnel had arrived, so he stepped forward and clapped his hands.

The scene was suddenly quiet, and everyone quietly waited for aidry to give orders. Xia Ya saw this scene in the shade of trees and thought that aldry\'s prestige among these people was still very high.

This is not a bad thing. At least it means that one person can control these saiyas.

"The first batch of personnel have all arrived. I think you already know what we are going to face. Our departure is not to escape, but to preserve the blood of the Saia people. One day we will make a comeback."

Aidry encouraged everyone for a few words, and then said to xiaya next to him, "you can take several at a time, or shall we separate more times?"

"No, I can take more than 100 people to teleport at one time. Let\'s take you to the first jump star first." The old God of Xia Ya came over on the ground with a serious expression on his face.

With a slight nod of his head, aidry didn\'t say anything more because he knew that Xia Ya always knew propriety. Zhuaner said to all the Saiya people present: "Xia Ya will launch the instantaneous movement ability later. Please pull up your hands and circle around."

"Ah, and make a circle?"

Those Saiya people were skeptical, but since they all came here, they must believe in aidry, so they began to move under the command of aidry.

More than 200 people quickly divided into two circles. Xia Ya nodded and walked to one group of people. Then, in everyone\'s surprised eyes, her pupils lit up with a faint blue light.


The dust was flying, and the hundred people suddenly disappeared.

"God, it disappeared!"

"The child\'s super power can disappear with so many people."

More than 100 saiyas left looked at each other, and bursts of discussion broke out in the crowd.