The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 56

At the same time that feliza gave the order, it was located on a planet far away from the northern Milky way.

Dense spherical plants are closely distributed, one by one. Countless smooth trunks with a height of 100 meters protrude out of the top of the tree tops, and then stretch out in the branches. From a distance, the endless dense forest sea rises and falls like waves.

In a cold, humid rain forest.

"Captain Kinu, we have just received an order from King Frisa. Let\'s start for the southeast planet fidaya immediately!" A white haired cosmonaut knocked down the communicator and reported to captain Kinu next to him.

Captain Keanu chewed the meat twice. "Bah" spit out a broken bone and chewed and asked, "fidaya planet? It seems to be just a low-level planet. We don\'t need to do it ourselves! Keith, please contact the headquarters of Felisa and ask why king Felisa gave such an order?"

"Yes, Captain!"

The white haired cosmonaut named Keith answered, then contacted Frisa headquarters and soon learned the reason.

"Captain, the reason has been asked. It turned out that it was because the chambo next to King Frisa was killed on the planet fidaya."

"Shang Bo, that\'s the guy trusted by the king. Is that guy dead?" Bart, a tall cosmonaut who is good at speed in the kinut team, was surprised and gloated on his face.

Kinut team is the ace force under feliza\'s hand, which is no less than Kevlar\'s mecha force. He looks down on Mr. Shangbo, who is always pointing fingers at King feliza, but actually has little combat effectiveness.

Yes, in the eyes of the members of the kinut team, Shang Bo is a little man without much combat power.

Especially remember that in the original namic star, after successfully killing Shangbo\'s transformed state, vegeta suffered a heavy loss and nearly died in the hands of likum, who ranked lower in the kinut team, after meeting the kinut team.

It can be seen that the kinut team can be called the ace team, and every member can\'t be underestimated.

"Hum, it\'s interesting that Shang Bo died on a low-level planet. Maybe there\'s something interesting on that planet!" Kinu touched her chin and stood up. Her lilac burly body was like a hill, with a heavy sense of oppression all over her.

The two black horns on the head reflect bright light in the sun.

Guldo, two big, two small and four eyes, was still eating the food. Seeing that the captain seemed to be interested in fidaya star, he put down the food and asked, "shall we start now?"

"It\'s just that it takes more than two months to get from here to fidaya. I\'m afraid I can\'t catch up!" Keith frowned.

"Who cares if he can catch up? Anyway, it\'s the task arranged by King Frisa. We just need to arrive..." Bart doesn\'t care. Anyway, they have a long life in the universe and don\'t care about the time of January and February. It can be said that most of their strength is accumulated by time.

As for whether to avenge that Shangbo, they don\'t care!

"Then let\'s go, but we can\'t let king Felisa wait!"

All the members of the kinut team laughed happily. Under the hands of King Frisa, they only need to be able to commit crimes happily. What about the rest!


Southeast of the North Milky way, fidaya.

Since it is only seven days away from Longju star, where xiaya team is performing the task, xiaya team is nominally also a subordinate of Felisa.

So in order to prevent feliza from sending troops from other nearby planets into fidaya, Xia Ya ordered the fidaya people to complete all evacuation work within seven days, and then immediately start the spacecraft to leave fidaya.

Time is like running water. Seven days are fleeting.

The commissioning of the spacecraft has been completed as scheduled.

At this time, the underground base has gathered 177000 fidaya people from all over the planet fidaya. This number is extremely rare, accounting for only a small part of the original population of fidaya, but it is all the existing population of fidaya.

Looking at the people whose population has been greatly reduced, docra\'s heart is dripping blood, and his hatred for the Frisa Legion has deepened a little.

He looked at the xiaya adult not far away. His face was chilly. He regained his spirit and respectfully said, "xiaya adult, all the surviving fidaya people have gathered here. We can leave fidaya star."

Docra is grateful to the Lord Shaya for giving them seven days to rescue their people.

He knows that the time of the strong is extremely precious. For their fidaya people, Lord Xia Ya has wasted seven days here. What a great kindness! If it were not for these seven days, the number of people who survived and could reach the underground base would be even less.

"Well, let\'s go!"

Xia Ya gently waved her hand and looked at the huge silver spaceship in front of her. No matter how many times you look at the ten thousand meter ship body, it makes people feel shocked.

"Yes!" Docra looked serious.

With Xia Ya\'s order, the underground base sounded a rapid beep, and red alarm lights rotated and lit up red light.

After hearing the alarm, all the fidayans took action and entered the spacecraft orderly under the arrangement of the commander.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The green forest above the base trembled, which is probably the last and only green forest on fidaya.

With the bombardment of the continental plate by ultra-high energy one after another, the stable crustal structure has been completely transformed. Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions continue to appear, with more power than one, which has turned the whole planet into a human hell.


The forest began to rise and fall. Looking from a distant height, the whole flat forest began to bulge from the middle, and then cracked a hole. Along the hole, two rows of earth tilted upward, like a door slowly opened

About ten minutes later, a gate more than 20000 meters long and more than 10000 meters wide opened. The earth began to shake, the green forest finally couldn\'t bear the attraction of gravity and slid to both sides, and the silver alloy structure on the two door leaves exposed.

Then there was a rumble!

With the sound of the engine on, the huge fire spread upward from the underground base. A silver gray giant spaceship took off slowly and continued to accelerate. In the blink of an eye, it had left the atmosphere and entered space.

Whoa, whoa!

On the small silver star, two mutually perpendicular space corridors finally began to twist and deform. The violent explosion at the interface broke the space corridor representing the highest scientific and technological achievements of the fidayans into several sections at this moment. Some of the broken corridors fell into the atmosphere, some disappeared into the starry sky, and some floated on the orbit alone

It seems to witness that the splendid civilization of the fidaya people is slowly disappearing.

"All right, Tokara, next, you will catch an unmanned planet for replenishment, and then do your best to study the gravity chamber. I hope to see your results as soon as possible."

"Yes, Lord Xia ya, we will do our best!" Dorkla tensed and responded loudly.

The history of fidaya has become a thing of the past. Next, they will follow the development of xiaya. He believes that under the leadership of xiaya, their fidaya civilization will rise again.