The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 54

Xia Ya opened her lips slightly and spit out a few words coldly: "time, pause!"

Suddenly, the whole planet became a blue world, and everything on fidaya was suspended.

This is the second time Xia Ya used time superpower against the enemy. The first time is to deal with the giant ape transformed by Xiling, and this is the second time!

Time superpower is different from space superpower. It has not been significantly improved over the years. Moreover, xiaya\'s current combat effectiveness can only be suspended for 3 seconds, and the suspension time will be shortened to varying degrees with the strength of the suspended object.

Sure enough, after Shang Bo with a combat effectiveness of 25000 was included in the time-out range, the energy in Xia Ya\'s body was consuming rapidly. I\'m afraid it can only be suspended for 2 seconds at most.

Only two seconds! Xia Ya instinctively reached the limit of pause!

But that\'s enough!

With a rough estimate in mind, Xia Ya\'s body turned into a streamer and came to Shang Bo in the blink of an eye.

In the ice blue world, everything is still except Xia ya. In mid air, Shang Bo was stunned and fixed there, and the ugly toad looked forward without God.

Because Shang Bo\'s energy is too strong, Xia Ya doesn\'t dare to increase his current ability at all, so he doesn\'t do superfluous actions. He directly stretches out his hand and sticks his palm to Shang Bo\'s heart.

A cold light flashed from the eyes. Xia Ya bent his five fingers and made a slight effort. The energy in his body converged towards the palm, and the palm immediately lit up a dazzling color.

Buzzing, an energy ball is constantly compressed in the palm of your hand.


The vast arc of blue energy was twined around.

It crackled and the arc flickered.

This little white flash condenses more than half of Xia Ya\'s energy. After extreme compression, its power has increased more than a hundred times! He believed that with the energy of this tiny flash, if it erupted, it would be enough to destroy all substances within 10 kilometers in diameter.

"Shang Bo, you can die."

A cold voice sounded, and Xia Ya looked at him expressionless.

WOW! The ice blue world suddenly broke.

Shang Bo regained his perceptual ability at this moment. For him, time has never stopped. In his perspective, the enemy who should have stood in front did not know when he disappeared.

An ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart, subconsciously returned to his mind, and Shang Bo felt a shudder inexplicably.


A light with the thickness of his little finger penetrated from his chest and then came out from behind. There was a sudden sharp colic in his heart. Shang Bo slowly lowered his head and ushered in Xia Ya\'s dark and cold eyes.

Why is he on his chest? Looking down again, the heart was blackened, and the hot blood flowed outward with the smell of cooked meat.

Your heart was pierced?

Shang Bo is unbelievable.

The breakdown of the heart means death for most creatures in the universe! Shang Bo\'s constitution is not strong enough to survive after his heart is punctured

"How did he do it?" After moving the Adam\'s apple, a stream of blood sprayed out of the throat. The brain began to get dizzy uncontrollably due to lack of oxygen. "I didn\'t expect that Shang Bo would die in the hands of a nobody..."

"It\'s just that you\'re too arrogant." Xia Ya said coldly.

There are too many coincidences that he can defeat Shang Bo. If Shang Bo doesn\'t underestimate the enemy at the beginning and wants to play the game of cat and mouse, but tries his best as soon as he comes up, Xia Ya may not have the opportunity to launch his superpower.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, I\'m too arrogant. Cough... I\'m not reconciled! But king Felisa won\'t let you go..." Shang Bo spit out blood and his consciousness began to blur.

Unexpectedly, as an important confidant of King Frisa, he would die on such an unknown planet.


Shang Bo\'s body began to expand and his flesh and blood turned into fly ash in a violent explosion.

Xia Ya sighed. The tiger and the rabbit still use their best. It is absolutely impossible to underestimate the enemy on the battlefield. Shang Bo\'s end sounded an alarm for him. No matter what kind of strong person he is facing, the minimum vigilance should be preserved. As Shang Bo said, he died unjustly!

If he hadn\'t been careless before, if Xia Ya had all kinds of strange superpowers, and if Xia Ya didn\'t knock a fairy bean temporarily, the result might not be like this.

Unfortunately, Shangbo has no if!

Tens of kilometers away, those Cosmic people who followed Shangbo saw with their own eyes that the high Shangbo adult had died at the hand of a young man. They were all stupid. Their eyes stared blankly, and the scene fell into silence for a time.

After a while, a cosmic talent with hair all over reacted and shouted in amazement:

"Lord Shangbo is dead!"

With that cry, the panic spread all of a sudden. These cosmic people screamed, looked at Xia Ya with fear, and then ran for their lives in all directions.

But Xia Ya didn\'t allow them to escape. It didn\'t take much effort to deal with the small miscellaneous fish with a fighting capacity of one or two thousand!

As soon as he dodged, Xia Ya\'s body appeared in front of the cosmic man, "you\'ve done all the bad things. You\'d better go to hell with Shang Bo!" With that, the palm gently stirred the air, and the sky began to cooperate. The boundless energy diffused around with a wonderful ripple.

The bodies of these cosmic people are mysteriously imprisoned in mid air.


Dark red deep cracks appeared in the sky, and then opened their big mouths like wild beasts, one by one, swallowing dozens of cosmic people into the cracks.

The deep cracks are all space debris. It\'s hard to feel inside. After a while, all these cosmic people were crushed into powder by space forces!

Land on the land that has become beyond recognition because of the previous battle. The scorched land seems to have just been bombed by countless high-yield nuclear bombs. The uneven huge impact craters are all around, with a large diameter of thousands of meters, and the center is still gushing hot lava.

After Shangbo\'s space attack and fierce battle with xiaya, the plate of fidaya has completely loosened and is expected to inevitably slide into the mantle soon.

The planet will be a purgatory scene for a long time to be expected. It is no longer suitable for life.

After resting on a half man high gravel for a while, Xia Ya completely recovered his vitality. Then he sensed the breath of other cosmic people staying on fidaya.

In addition to the cosmonauts who took off with Shang Bo, there are about dozens of cosmonauts scattered in various parts of the planet, including several guys with the highest combat effectiveness of 3000.

"Cutting grass still needs to be uprooted!" Xia Ya thought for a moment and came to those Cosmic people.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Xia ya, these cosmic people didn\'t pay any attention to him at all. They all scrambled to start first. The results of these cosmic people are self-evident, and they were all thrown into the space crack by Xia ya.

In dozens of minutes, all the cosmic people on fidaya were killed by Xia ya.

Hundreds of soldiers of the frissa corps were lost at once, especially the senior cadre Shangbo. I don\'t know how frissa will look when he learns the news? Xia Ya thought secretly, but ephrisa\'s temperament was not expected to be even a little sad, but her anger was certain.

Xia Ya felt happy from the bottom of her heart at the thought of Felisa\'s angry tumbler.