The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 139

Boffin exchange, main star.

A planet that still retains its original color after technological transformation. It is the venue for the auction of the trading market, the agent of the boffin trading market and the residence of the great boffin.

All high-grade transactions, such as Star Trading and bulk slave trading, are carried out here. Because of the strong presence of Lord boffin, no one dares to be presumptuous on the main star.

At this time, in Lord boffin\'s palace, the gorgeous neon lights illuminate the surroundings like day. The singing and dancing in the hall are flat, and the beautiful dancers dance with the music in the hall. In front of the hall, there is a long table with more than ten lengths, which is filled with rich food, like a hill.

What is not compatible with this beautiful scenery is that a huge man more than five meters tall is lying in front of the table. Regardless of the performance in the hall, he eats meat selfishly. The man is rude and big. He grabs the food in front of him and puts it in his mouth without chewing it carefully. Next to him are two smaller men who are also eating it.

These three people are the trading floor agent boffin and his two sons. They are enjoying dinner.

Boffin is a burly cosmic man with a height of more than five meters. His red skin is covered with scales. He has four eyes. He has three brown horns on his head. His scalp is wrinkled like Captain Keanu. His four eyes are opened and closed. His dark blue eyes are always shining like a poisonous snake

Being taller than ordinary people makes him look oppressive and powerful all over.

"Father, it\'s time for the auction again in a few days. This time we can make a lot of money." Sitting next to him, the eldest son Boku wiped his mouth with a smile. His body was slightly shorter than his father Bofei. At this time, his face was filled with excitement.

"Hahaha, yes, there are a lot of poor lambs on the table. How many planets will be traded this time?" Boffin put down the food in his hand. His cold face showed an evil smile and asked with a smile at his two children.

"There should be a hundred this time anyway. I heard that rajaf has captured many planets recently. It seems that Scott also has a good harvest. The trading volume will not be less this time." The eldest son Boku said happily.

"Yes!" Boffin is also in a good mood. No matter how those Cosmic people trade, he can charge a high agency fee.

Of course, this also varies from person to person. If you are a regular customer or a strong person, you can also charge less.

"Father, you said you would give me four planets before, but you haven\'t fulfilled them yet! I will take four of the planets in this transaction." Another son, Bolton, let out a cry of discontent.

"Take it away, take it away. Don\'t mention this every time. You see how many planets I\'ve given you. It\'s always broken by you in a few days."

Boffin waved his hand and carelessly gave the planet in the trading floor to his youngest son, and then warned, as if those trading goods were his own.

However, as the agent of the trading floor, boffin is the earth emperor in several nearby star regions. Since taking over the dominance of the trading floor from the previous agent, isn\'t this trading floor their family industry?

As long as enough deposit is paid to the cosmic business alliance, the cosmic business alliance will not care what the agent does in the ruled area!

After all, the universe is dark, and the law of the jungle is the essence.

Just then, the guards of the trading floor hurried in and whispered in boffin\'s ear. After boffin heard it, his face showed surprise, and then waved to the surrounding guards and dancers to step down.

"Say what just happened again!" Boffin stood up, and a strong and dignified voice sounded from above.

"Yes, Lord boffin!"

The guard nodded hurriedly and said, "not long ago, there was a sudden tremor in space for unknown reasons, and then a big crack opened, and a huge crystal planet ran out of the big crack..."

The guard spoke out what had just happened carefully bit by bit.

After hearing this, boffin and his two sons were all surprised. Boffin\'s dark blue eyes were cloudy and sunny, revealing a deep color of greed.

"Are you sure the planet is made of crystal?"

"Yes, Lord boffin, my subordinates can see clearly that the planet is definitely made of crystal. By the way, there seem to be several very bright star patterns in the orange red star!"

The guard straightened up and answered loudly.

Boffin nodded gently and looked back at the next two sons. They were as greedy as themselves.

Sure enough, it\'s true that all the good things belong to his own family! Boffin thought to himself.

"Father, that planet is definitely a treasure. If you auction it, you can make a lot of money!" The eldest son poku said with bright eyes.

The youngest son Bolton was not satisfied. "How can this baby be auctioned? We have plenty of means to make money. This crystal planet is rare. We should leave it in our own hands!"

"It\'s worthless to stay in your own hands!" Poku shook his head in opposition.

"That\'s better than sending it to someone else!"

Poku and Bolton each expressed their own opinions, and no one disagreed with each other.

Boffin quietly watched the two sons quarrel, touched his chin and said, "well, don\'t quarrel. Wait until you see the crystal planet. If it\'s a baby, keep it yourself, or auction it for something more valuable."

Boffin made a decision!

"It\'s my father."


When Boku and Bolton saw that their father had made an opinion, the anger of the previous quarrel suddenly disappeared. They both nodded in agreement. Both Boku and Bolton listened to their father Bofei\'s opinion very much. As a father, boffin is obviously much more successful than the Kurdish king.

Boffin nodded with satisfaction, quite satisfied with his authority.

Then they left the main star by aircraft and rushed to the place where the super dragon ball appeared outside the trading floor.

Soon after, three aircraft docked on the periphery of the trading floor and lined up next to the artificial stars. Looking at the giant dragon ball floating in the universe, which is bigger than the average planet, the father and son all showed a shocked expression on their faces.

"Father, you see, this crystal planet doesn\'t seem to be formed naturally. It seems to be polished manually!" Poku, the eldest son, couldn\'t resist the shock in his heart and shouted.

The naturally formed planet will not be so standard spherical, and the gilded Pentagram embedded in the planet is so beautiful and regular from that point of view. Coupled with the weak to extreme gravity effect, this crystal ball is not simple!

It is not generally difficult to polish a giant planet manually, but also a standard ball shape.

"This must be a good treasure. We should collect it well!" When the youngest son Bolton saw the super dragon ball, his eyes were golden, and he hurried out a reminder for fear that his father would auction it off.

"What the hell is this?"

Boffin was in a state of meditation. After looking carefully for a long time, he attracted a cosmic man who looked after the crystal ball and asked, "has this crystal ball been seen by many people when it appeared?"

"Yes, Lord boffin, when this mysterious planet appeared, there were many past businessmen and loners nearby. Although we expelled in time, the news should have spread!" The nurse answered in detail.

"Yes!" Boffin touched his chin, thought a little, and then said, "I\'ll send a message. This auction will be postponed to two months. At that time, this crystal planet will be auctioned as the final product!"

"Yes!" The cosmic man next to him took orders and retreated.

As for what bad effects the auction will bring, these are not within his scope of consideration. When the auction is to be held, it is entirely the one who has the final say, and the delay will be delayed.

Only when the news is fully spread out and more people get the news, the greater the income of the auction!