The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 135

"What happened here?"

Xia Ya went over, grabbed a man and asked with a language translation machine developed by the fidaya.

This kind of machine can map its own ideas to the other party\'s brain in the form of brain waves, and can well achieve the purpose of "agreeing to convey".

After some understanding, he knew that this planet was originally called ice star. The ice star people living on this planet are an ordinary but peaceful nation. If you want to describe the living habits of Ice Star people, they are somewhat like the earth people of previous generations.

It belongs to the kind that demands from nature for development and starts governance after realizing the destruction of nature; In order to survive, there can be wars between countries, and after suffering a war that affects the whole world, they began to promote peace.

In short, Xia Ya saw a trace of the shadow of previous earthlings on the ICESTAR man. The difference is that there are some similar martial arts on the ICESTAR.

At this time, the poor ICESTAR man is being attacked by a king of the universe called Orn. Now people on the whole planet are fleeing as far as they can.

After knowing the situation of the planet, Xia Ya was a little speechless. Because he can see that this planet is only a planet of primary civilization, and there is no spacecraft technology at all. That is to say, no matter how these people escape, they can only be on this planet.

At this time, if we don\'t take advantage of the large number of people to rise up and resist, are we going to be broken by the man named ORN?

As seen in previous movies, every time a global disaster occurs, cities will fall on their backs, and the fleeing crowd is congested. In fact, even they don\'t know where to escape. Big cities run to the countryside and villages run to the mountains, but just run with the stream.

Then Xia Ya felt it again and found that the highest energy on the planet was less than 500 combat power, while the people who attacked the planet had nearly 5000 combat power.

"There are great differences in strength. No wonder the people here will lose their fighting spirit." Xia Ya shook her head helplessly.

"But the ice star man was lucky to meet me. For the sake of your resemblance to the earth people, I will help you!"

Xia Ya smiled and was ready to fight. This was the first battle after he reached the sixth universe.

At the same time, the smoke and gunfire have not stopped in a city that has been completely destroyed on the front line, and the army formed by the rebels on ice star is fighting against the cosmos under Orn.

Gunfire roared and smoke filled the sky.

However, the situation is developing in a one-sided way. Weapons attack the upper energy, and the rebel army is not the opponent of those Cosmic people at all.

The combat effectiveness of these cosmic people is not high, only in their early 30s and 500s, but they are invincible against those ordinary ice star sub humans. The cosmic people can blow up a bunker and kill a large number of people by waving some energy bombs.

The gap is so big that there is no room to fight back.

"General Darus, our artillery has no effect on those Cosmic people!" An officer shouted sadly to the general on one side.

"Yes!" The general named Darus nodded solemnly. The cold light on his face could condense frost. He suddenly asked, "how\'s the situation on master Kur?"

Master Kur is the most powerful martial arts master on ice star. His disciples are all over ice star, which is the key to the success of Ice Star people, or the last straw.

The officer was stunned and hurriedly replied, "master Kur and his disciples attacked a cosmic fortress not long ago and successfully killed hundreds of cosmic people. However, in the end, those Cosmic people chose to die together, and many of master Kur\'s disciples were seriously injured."

"Hoo, as long as master Kur is all right."

General Darus suddenly tightened his face and sighed, "Alas, I can\'t imagine that the individual power can reach such a degree. The power of these cosmic people is really terrible..."

If the ice star civilization wants to survive, it must destroy those Cosmic people, but those Cosmic people are so powerful, and the legendary king of the universe, ORN, has never shot, and I don\'t know how powerful they are?

Thinking of the confused and dark road ahead of Ice Star civilization, general Darus\'s face was covered with clouds.

"General Darus, look at the screen. Now it seems that a mysterious man is attacking the fortress of those Cosmic people!"

The officer nearby suddenly shouted and pointed excitedly at the screen.

What appears on the screen is a human who looks eight or nine times like the ICESTAR man.

General Darus was stunned to find that human beings were floating in the sky without the help of external forces. The man moves gracefully across the space, like walking around in a leisurely way and gently waving his arms, and countless small energies as dense as a drizzle are spilled out.


In silence, all Cosmic people in the fortress were screened!

Then, a line of sight was projected from the display screen. It was a dark and deep eye, like a sharp sword inserted directly into general Darus\'s heart through the display screen.

Everyone in the rebel base was immediately stunned by the sharp sword like look, one by one pale and gasping for breath.

Then they saw that the figure on the screen smiled and disappeared from the screen.

"Come on, check who the man is and the cosmic fortress. Send someone to the scene to investigate the situation immediately." General Darus gave orders in a loud voice.

He has a feeling that the human who looks like the ICESTAR people is the hope of the ICESTAR civilization!


The officer nearby responded loudly and hurriedly went out to arrange personnel.

After his assistant left, general Darus turned his attention to the display screen and stared at it. At this time, the display screen was empty, but general Darus\'s heart was full of infinite reverie.

The mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared when ice star was alive and dead may be the care of the gods. He can only place his beautiful hope on it.

On the other side of ice star.

Before general Darius\' men arrived, Shaya had already moved away and headed for the so-called spaceship fortress of ORN, the king of the universe.

The spaceship fortress stays in the stratosphere of the atmosphere and is a medium-sized spaceship in the shape of a disk.

As soon as they met, Xia Ya had lost interest in it.

It turned out that the so-called king of the universe, ORN, was really just a cosmic man whose combat power was less than 5000, not a strong man who deliberately restrained his breath as Xia Ya thought.

In the end, it turned out to be just a small minion with his gang of men who were domineering in this remote galaxy.

Such a man is only worthy to be a small captain in the Frisa Legion.

How dare you call yourself the king of the universe!

Xia Ya looked at it and couldn\'t help laughing at the ignorance of those people. At the same time, she was annoyed at her own trip in vain! With the same name, the cosmic emperor feliza is more convincing!

And they have a feeling that monkeys without tigers in the mountains are called kings.