The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 133

The vast Milky way, the stars change.

In the boundless universe, the bright and gorgeous Milky way is like a silk ribbon. The stars are brilliant and glittering. Large and small stars are dotted in the night, shining like diamonds.

Surrounded by a vast darkness, the stars radiate a charming pale white light.

Suddenly there was a flash of light. In the deep and quiet space, this flash was very eye-catching, and then a small disk dot appeared faintly in the dark!

It was a small silver gray spaceship. The spaceship was small and only a few tens of meters long.

Xia Ya is standing in the cab alone. Because the spacecraft is fully intelligent, he only needs to input instructions immediately.

"According to the position displayed in the Dragon Ball radar, the first super dragon ball should be nearby!" In the spacecraft, Xia Ya held a new dragon ball radar in her hand and stared at the deep universe outside the side window.

At this time, a few months later, Xia Ya finally began to look for super dragon balls after accompanying Xiling and their return from bakuf.

He first came to fidaya scientists to comprehensively upgrade the Longzhu radar, so that the exploration scope of the radar suddenly expanded to the whole universe, and then drove a small spacecraft to leave Hongshan star alone.

In the vast universe, it is not difficult to find a super dragon ball with the help of Dragon Ball radar, especially when it can also use instantaneous movement. The only thing that bothers Xia Ya is how to relocate the super dragon ball when it is found?

Because the super dragon ball is too big. The diameter of a super dragon ball is more than 37000 kilometers. Compared with the super dragon ball, hongshanxing is just a small marble. With such a large volume, its relocation is a headache.

It\'s easy for xiaya to destroy such a big planet, but when it comes to relocation, xiaya is not sure.

"Hey, I found it!"

In the Longzhu radar, the flashing bright spot was getting closer and closer. Xia Ya immediately ordered the spacecraft zhinao to approach at full speed. Soon, an orange red giant object appeared in front of Xia ya.

It\'s a super crystal ball bigger than ordinary stars. It\'s scattered in a chaotic galaxy and looks spectacular!

"This is the super dragon ball? This volume is really... Huge!"

Looking at the Super Dragon Ball larger than ordinary planets, Xia Ya\'s face suddenly showed a shocking color, and her pupils shrank. She was really frightened by the size of the super dragon ball.

Compared with super dragon beads, Earth Dragon beads and namic dragon beads are really too small and slim.

No wonder it is rumored that the Namike dragon ball is only polished from the debris falling off the super dragon ball!

"This head is really big. How can I carry it?" Xia Ya is distressed. Even with the most advanced alien technology, it is impossible to carry such a large volume!

Moreover, it is also a dragon ball, and the power of the Earth Dragon is afraid that it is difficult to act on the super dragon ball.

It seems that we can only use instantaneous movement to try whether we can move with the planet. Xia Ya looked at the huge super dragon ball, swallowed his saliva and decided to have a try.

"Ho!" A puff of air suddenly wrapped her body. Xia Ya floated into space, and then pressed the special button on the spacecraft. With the smoke rising, the spacecraft became a small universal capsule.

This universal capsule technology has become very popular on Hongshan star.

Put the universal capsule away, and Xia Ya galloped to the super dragon ball. Because the state wrapped by the flame was very short, Xia Ya could not stay in space for a long time. He had to finish everything in the shortest time.

As we get closer and closer to the super dragon ball, the huge specification of the dragon ball becomes more and more obvious.

When Xia Ya\'s hands touched the surface of the dragon ball, it was like being on the surface of a super huge planet. At a glance, there was a piece of orange transparent glass. Looking down, you could even see the bright red stars in the center.

They are transparent and crystal, like tiny diamonds dotted on the orange disk, showing the beauty of flawless silence.

"Super dragon ball is really strange. There is not much gravity in such a large volume!" Xia Ya thought with some emotion, and then began to exert the power of time and space wholeheartedly, covering the vast and magnificent energy in her body on the surface of the super dragon ball.

With the continuous infusion of energy, xiaya\'s forehead began to sweat.

Gradually, the surface of the huge super dragon ball began to be covered by a layer of glittering and translucent lines similar to a mesh. As the glittering and translucent lines became more and more dense, the super dragon ball star began to vibrate slightly and move its position slightly.

"Get up!" Xia Ya shouted, which increased the output of space-time energy, and then suddenly launched an instant movement.

So the largest instantaneous movement in history was launched!

Carrying the whole planet together for instantaneous movement is the creator of instantaneous movement, which can\'t be imagined by yadrat people and world king gods. Only Xia Ya can do it with that magical super ability.

While moving in an instant, the fragment of the cosmic star map acted by bolenga in the brain appeared. Xia Ya immediately chose an empty and empty cosmic space and brought the super dragon ball together

In a vast expanse of darkness.

There is no star around. The Milky way and even other galaxies are extremely far away from here. This is the most empty place in the seventh universe.

Suddenly, the universe was distorted, the silver light flickered suddenly, and a huge orange red glazed planet suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Hoo!" Xia Ya turned pale, then quickly took out his breathing equipment and took a deep breath of pure oxygen. Like ordinary humans, Saiya people can\'t leave the atmosphere for a long time.

When fresh oxygen enters the body, the feeling of gloomy suffocation is dissipated, as if you were bathed in the warm sun, which is very warm and comfortable.

He breathed heavily and ate a fairy bean from the space. His rich vitality played a role silently, which made him fully recover.

Looking at the huge dragon ball, Xia Ya smiled, and the burning flame wrapped him up again.

"Finally, a dragon ball has been moved. There are three left in the seventh universe, and then we have to go to the sixth universe!"

Xia Ya thought to himself that he knew that the seven super dragon balls were scattered in the sixth universe and the seventh universe. There were four in the seventh universe and three in the sixth universe. After each wish was realized, the seven super dragon balls would be randomly scattered into the two universes.

After a short rest, Xia Ya took out the Dragon Ball radar and set foot on the journey again. A few hours later, he successfully relocated two more super dragon balls.

Three giant dragon balls are arranged in order in the space. The orange red stars lean together and start to make a "buzzing" sound.