The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 119

At the same time, in another part of the deep and quiet universe, the west of the East Milky way, I don\'t know how many light-years away from Hongshan star.

The strange void is so quiet that it is suffocating. Except for the surrounding stars that are constantly burning in the sky, there are only some stray stars that deviate from their original orbit and blindly flee in the void and do not know when they will die.

This is a chaotic area. At this time, a massive war is raging on an orange planet in a dark red star system.

This is an anti aggression war of planetary civilization against foreign invasion. One of the warring sides is the primitive aborigines on the planet. They originally belong to different forces on the planet, but when the planet is facing the invasion of foreign enemies, they unite to resist the invasion of aliens.

At this time, the war situation on the battlefield is locked, and the soldiers of the two sides are against each other. The indigenous civilization in red armor and the cosmic robbers in dark gray barbed armor are divided into two distinct camps: red and gray. With the continuation of the war, the red and gray sides are mixed with each other, just like two torrents converging here. The momentum is mighty, and the surging torrents can no longer be separated from each other.

The indigenous civilization was obviously invincible. The cosmic robbers kept waving the energy cannon in their hands, and the glittering and bright energy column kept shooting from the energy generator in their arms.

For a time, sand and stones were flying, the heat wave was pressing, and the roaring explosion was heard all the time. Ruthless energy columns ran through the battlefield, and countless war fortresses four or five meters high shook violently and collapsed.

War is a giant roller coaster that devours life. It mercilessly devours one living life after another. With the cruel roar of fierce animals, everything in front of us will be destroyed. As the war continued, a large number of people fell and stepped on the bodies of their companions and enemies. The two sides continued to fight, which was extremely tragic.

The sound of shelling and the wailing of pain kept coming. Even if you were ten thousand meters high, you could hear bursts of screams of hard work.

Neither of the belligerents noticed that when they were engaged in a fiery battle, a dozen figures were watching them closely at high altitude.

These people wear dark red and black edged combat clothes with a tail behind them. The brand-new combat clothes are made of the latest technology. With good flexibility, the black edge is the bottom, and the dark red luster looks gorgeous and noble.

At this time, one of the broad and rough figures touched his chin and smiled: "Isaac, those people below are really fragile. I don\'t even have the desire to do it!"

"Come on, if you don\'t want to do it, we\'re all happy to help you!" Next to a capable figure jokingly responded.

"No, no, I\'m just joking. It\'s not easy to receive the task. If I can\'t do it, my bones will rust." The broad and rough figure waved and said with a smile.

They are several Saiya people who have finally received the task of external combat. How can they give the opportunity to others!

"But seriously, our combat effectiveness has improved fast enough in the past two years. You see, I used to be a low-level soldier, but now my combat effectiveness is more than 5000. Hey, if it\'s still on vegeta, those high-level soldiers don\'t dare to underestimate me!"

One of the saiyas sighed.

"How can the era of vegeta be compared with our Hongshan star? You know, now Hongshan star has nearly 200 senior soldiers with a combat effectiveness of more than 10000! Oh... No, it should be called elite soldiers now!"

"Who says not? Although the number of Saiya people in Hongshan star is small, they are all experts, and their advanced combat power has far exceeded that in the era of vegeta star."

"It\'s said that Mr. aidry and Mr. beiluk have exceeded 50000 combat power. Maybe a new super soldier will be born soon. Alas, when you think about it carefully, the strength of our Saiya people has been so strong!"

Red mountain star ordinary soldiers\' combat clothes are red and black. Only a few leaders such as Xia Ya are silver white combat clothes, so silver white combat clothes are also the symbol of super soldiers.

"You say, when the number of Saiya people in Hongshan star increases in the future, should we call Lord xiaya the king of Hongshan?" The generous and rough Saiya joked.

"The Red Mountain King is so ugly. I think it should be called King Xia ya!" The Saia immediately refuted.

"In the past, the leader of the Saia people was called King baijita when it came to baijita. Now when it comes to Hongshan, it will naturally be called King Hongshan!"

"Hehe, how can King vegeta compare with Lord Xia ya..."

At this time, an older Saiya couldn\'t look down and said, "in fact, King bejita was still very conscientious to the Saiya, but the strength of the Saiya was a little lower at that time."

That\'s why it was destroyed by Frisa!

At this point, all the saiyas were silent. They were lucky to transfer to the red mountain star. Thanks to the help of Lord Xia ya, when the saiyas had enough strength to resist the forces of Felisa, they were bound to launch a counterattack.

"Well, well, what do you want to do so much? First finish the task at hand. Now the task is quite tight. Now that we have received it, we must finish it well, otherwise we won\'t have our chance next time."

One of the Saiya people said the current situation. In order to ensure that they can receive the task next time, they dare not be careless!

"The doble people below are being attacked by the cosmic robbers. Our task is to help the doble people repel the incoming enemy. It\'s best to eliminate all the cosmic robbers!"

"It is specially explained in the mission to minimize the destruction and killing of life on the planet. It seems to be related to merit. Anyway, that\'s the case. Just pay attention to it..."

After all, a fighting nation like the Saiya people will inevitably cause too many casualties once they fight, so Xia ya did not force them not to destroy on a large scale in the mission, as long as enough is enough.

More than a dozen Saiya people are all ready to try, but those cosmic robbers below are not strong. They can\'t have fun fighting. However, mosquitoes are meat no matter how small, and they don\'t want to give up the chance of fighting at all.

At the same time, on the other side of the East galaxy, a luxurious spacecraft set out from the center of the galaxy and flew towards the East galaxy. The target was Hongshan.

"Brother Deaton Jia, now it\'s only nine days away from the red mountain star of the Saiya people!" In the cab, a cosmic man with green hair stared at the operation screen and answered.

"Hahaha, it\'s coming at last. We\'ve been sailing for more than half a year to see what\'s left of those savage saiyas!"

Didon Jia, the leader of the five person escort team, said in a gong like voice.

In order to teach those saiyas who broke into the Galactic patrol headquarters, didonja flew all the way from the center of the galaxy. How many people like him who maintain the dignity of the Galactic patrol can find out? Deatonja thought smugly.

"Elder brother, I heard that although the Saiya were notorious when they were in the North galaxy, their strength was still very good." One of the five members said.

"Visha, what you said is the past. What else can the Saia people have left since the destruction of the planet? With the fighting power of our five people, even if the Saia people are still in their heyday, we can retreat all over, not to mention now..."

Another player mocked Czech.

The combat effectiveness of the members of the didonjia guard is more than 10000, and their tone of voice is full of confidence.

"Hahaha, the Czech Republic is right. There\'s nothing terrible about the little Saiya. We can suppress them by turning our hands! But they are also partners of the galaxy patrol now. We should be a little polite." Didonja laughed.


Nine days later.

A blue and quiet scene appears in front of us. A sky blue planet and an ice blue planet surround each other and run quietly in a long and narrow orbit, like two dazzling pearls, emitting Yingying light

(to be continued)