The strongest bear system in history

6 Chapter 6 Domineering Mother Bear! (Collect, recommend, hand over!!)

Chapter 6 Domineering Mother Bear!

What is the concept of nearly a hundred snow wolves running wildly in the snow?

Few people should have this feeling now, because after the reform and opening up, this kind of wolves with nearly a hundred wolves were either wiped out or dispersed.

So this kind of wolves with nearly a hundred wolves often only exist in the oral stories of the elderly in the village.

Ye Qingshan once heard such a story, which was told to Ye Qingshan by his patient. His patient is already close to eighty years old. The old man is very talkative, and his life experience is quite fantastic, from the anti-Japanese to During the Civil War and then to the Cultural Revolution, the old man experienced too much in his life, like a rich story library. During the period of two patients, the old man once talked about the power of wolves.

That was the early stage of reform and opening up. All parts of the country were vigorously developing, planting trees, opening fields, and building roads. This was the main melody of development at that time.But there are some remote mountainous areas that can\'t implement these tasks. There is no other, just because there are wolves!

The old man once said that a wolf is not terrible. In the 1970s and 1980s, there were many young and strong men in the village, and the folk customs were tough. If there were wolves in the village, there was no way to go out alive.

Not to mention a wolf, even if it is a pack of seven or eight little wolves, they dare not enter the village easily. The countryside of that era was not the countryside today. There were old people and children, and most importantly, there were young people and strong men!

With the strength of these people, they are good at harvesting, and they are good at fighting wolves!Picking up the hoe and fork, one person can easily kill a wolf.

So seven or eight wolves were not terrible at that time. What is really terrifying is the large pack of wolves, the pack of wolves that have formed a wolf way. The wolf way, as the name implies, is the path the wolf walks. There is narrow.

The small wolf road has forty or fifty wolves, and the big wolf road can have hundreds of wolves!

A wolf is not scary, but a pack of wolves is scary.

The old man once said that at the beginning of the reform and opening up, he took a company to a small village outside the Qinling Mountains to sweep wolves. When he went there was Manlian, one hundred and twenty people. Two rows of people.

You can see the terrible pack of wolves!

The snowy road in front of Ye Qingshan\'s house should also be a wolf road, and it should be a big wolf road. The nearly a hundred wolves in front of him should not be the limit.

He knew that the monk in front of him was very good, and the strength he showed had completely subverted Ye Qingshan\'s previous outlook on life.

In Ye Qingshan\'s perception, even the best athletes in the world can\'t have the speed of the monk in front of him, let alone the opponent is running on the snow with a thickness of one meter now, and there is no trace of the snow?But so.

But Ye Qingshan was not optimistic about the other party, because he was facing a wolf pack, and there were already nearly a hundred packs of wolves at this moment. After that, it is not known how many snow wolves will gather.

Although he didn\'t want to admit it, Ye Qingshan had to say that if there were no accidents, the monk in front of him would definitely die.

It is false to say that he didn\'t touch his heart. After all, he was alone two months ago. The monk in front of him was the first human being he saw. Whether the opponent is good or bad, Ye Qingshan didn\'t want him to die.

But Ye Qingshan couldn\'t help the other party. He was a two-month-old cub. He couldn\'t control his own life and death. Why would he help each other?

Probably because he was tired from running, the fan monk finally stopped. After all, this is a human being made of flesh and blood, not a machine made of steel. As a life, he always gets tired.

Just when Ye Qingshan regretted that this fan monk was about to die on the spot, the fan monk\'s next actions shocked Ye Qingshan completely.

With one foot on the ground, there was a muffled thunder on the ground. With the foot that the monk stepped on as the center, a snow pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters in the shape of a bowl was exploded around instantly.

With the speed of an arrow from the string, this monk in a yellow robed robe gave a violent shout, and his body exuded a touch of golden light, just like a golden arhat, with golden light shining in his hands, and instantly penetrated two calf-sized snow wolves. Head.

The wolf is a creature with a copper-headed iron-tailed tofu waist. His head is the hardest. The skull of all canines is the hardest piece of bone. Although this calf-sized wolf has not tried the hardness of the opponent’s skull, To be sure, even if there is no steel hard, it is not much difference.

But the monk in front of him smashed through the heads of two calf-sized snow wolves with a pair of iron fists, which made Ye Qingshan very shocked!

You must know that this is a calf-sized wolf. Even if it is not as strong as a male lion or a tiger, it is the size of a normal female lion, and the other side killed two snow wolves in an instant!

Ye Qingshan had to admire the fan monk\'s bravery, but after killing the two snow wolves, the fan monk did not run away, but hurled directly at the pack of wolves chasing him.

Like a tiger entering a flock, wolves howl everywhere.

One move, one punch and one kick, simple and simple, but it contains amazing power.

Ye Qingshan has read a lot of poems, and one of them is a poem that describes King Xiang’s strength in the mountains. Ye Qingshan has never believed that there are people in the world who can possess such terrifying power, but after seeing the monk in front of him, Ye Qingshan believes it!

Fan Seng\'s bravery shocked Ye Qingshan, and he couldn\'t help but admire him, but Fan Seng also paid the price for his bravery.

Manpower is limited after all. Tigers have been the king of beasts since ancient times, but there is still a saying that wolves kill tigers.

The fan monk had both fists and legs, but he couldn\'t stop the fangs of nearly a hundred wolves around him.

In just half a minute, the smell of blood was permeated in the air, including wolf blood and monk blood.Around the fan monk, there were fifty or sixty wolves in a row.

This record is not unbelievable, but there are forty or fifty wolves around still watching the monk with ferocious eyes. The most important thing is that not far from Ye Qingshan, a majestic snow wolf is entrenched there. Looking down at the monk who was fighting in front of him.

He is the wolf king, a snow wolf that is stronger than a liger, indifferent animal eyes, and a gray wolf skin that makes the opponent\'s presence on the snow extremely low, and his sharp fangs cut through the warm and humid breath.

It is waiting, just like a cunning and experienced hunter, the cold beast eyes are staring at the monk who is fighting among the wolves, he is waiting for the monk to exhaust, waiting for the best time to start!

With the passage of time, there were more and more wolf corpses at the feet of the fan monk, and the situation on the fan monk\'s body was getting worse.

The fan monk is about to exhaustion, one-on-one, the fan monk is not afraid of any wolf, even the wolf king who has been waiting for the opportunity, but this is not a fair duel field, this is an endless mountain and old forest, the law of this is full of cruelty And ruthless.

The fan monk finally couldn’t hold it anymore. A snow wolf bit on the fan monk’s shoulder. The fan monk grabbed the wolf’s tail and tugged. The snow wolf gritted his teeth and refused to let go, and abruptly fell from the fan monk’s shoulder. Tear off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Fan Seng gasped in pain, and staggered involuntarily and almost fell.

This scene was keenly caught by the Snow Wolf King. The dim beast pupils became bright in an instant, and they rushed out like a sharp sword. The Snow Wolf King was too fast, and Ye Qingshan’s sight was too late to react. The gray-white Snow Wolf With a remnant shadow, Wang could only hear a silent puff, and the other party\'s figure instantly disappeared before Ye Qingshan\'s sight!

But at this time, there is an animal faster than the Snow Wolf King!

That\'s the bear mother!

At the moment when the Snow Wolf King was about to pounce on the fan monk, what made Ye Qingshan felt incredible was that the mother bear who was supposed to be hibernating did not know when she had awakened from hibernation, and stood quietly behind Ye Qingshan, in the snow While the Wolf King was waiting for the opportunity, Mother Bear was also waiting for the opportunity.

After the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, at the moment when the Snow Wolf King acted, Mother Bear moved too!

With a speed diametrically opposite to the huge size, Mother Xiong came to the Snow Wolf King instantly like an armored car on a rampage.

The huge bear paw, which looked like a millstone, with terrifying power and the howling wind, instantly slapped the Snow Wolf King on the waist.


The Snow Wolf King let out a miserable cry, as if he had been hit by a train, blowing up wolf hair everywhere, flying upside down tens of meters, and hitting a pine tree with a thick waist!


The thick-waisted pine tree was directly hit by the waist. Under the unreasonable brute force of Mother Xiong, the Snow Wolf King didn\'t know how many times it had rolled on the ground, life or death.

But the bear mother who shot the Flying Snow Wolf King did not stop!

Turning around, this rampant jungle overlord rushed directly towards the monk. The bear\'s paw that had knocked the Snow Wolf King into flight just now was raised high again. Mixed with the wind and thunder, the bear mother seemed fierce. Like a prehistoric fierce beast, he slapped the monk on the head fiercely.

If this palm is implemented, Fan Seng will be photographed in his cavity even if his head is strong and not broken!

Just when Ye Qingshan was sad for Fan Seng\'s rough fate, the accident happened again.

The monk screamed violently and stepped on the ground with his feet, and the golden light of his body soared instantly.

Around the fan monk, a three-foot-high golden Buddha appeared abruptly!

"Keng!" With the sound of gold and iron, Fan Seng\'s pale face turned pale in an instant: "Wow," a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the three-zhang golden Buddha propped up outside his body was also dimmed a lot, but Not broken!

Mother Xiong stepped back seven or eight meters, a fierce anger flashed in her eyes, two bear paws slapped the ground heavily, as if there was an earthquake around, countless snow was shaken down, and a roar resounding through the forest was like a wild beast!


PS: Madam Xiong said that if you don\'t hand over the collection and recommendation, Madam Xiong will ask you to discuss life, you can figure it out, the friends in the group have already handed in.