The strongest bear system in history

38 Chapter 38 Ye Qingshan's Winter Growth Plan!

Chapter 38 Ye Qingshan\'s Winter Growth Plan!

It’s a bit cold, but not too uncomfortable. After all, this is the Northland. The normal temperature in winter is below minus 20 degrees. Even if it’s only one month into winter, there is still a certain distance from three to nine days, but the temperature is still below zero. About twenty degrees.

This temperature is difficult for people in the south to imagine, and even for most northerners, it is a very unacceptable temperature.

In this terrible low temperature, you spit, and it will really become ice lump when you fall on the ground. Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to wear iron rods in the toilet. At least Ye Qingshan does not think the temperature of Xiongling in the north can reach this level. .

Walking on the half-meter-thick snow, the golden and soft hair got snow bumps, especially the limbs and belly of Ye Qingshan, which were covered by a lot of snow.

This made Ye Qingshan had to clean up the snow stuck on his body every time he walked a distance.

How cold is Xiongling?Ye Qingshan still does not have an accurate figure, but the saliva at the corner of Ye Qingshan’s mouth can really freeze, but Ye Qingshan’s body does not feel cold. The reason why he can withstand such a terrible low temperature is mainly because of Ye Qingshan’s Thick bear skin.

Walking on the white snow, and it was still a long journey. Apart from the white snow, there was no other scenery along the way. The idle and boring Ye Qingshan gradually began to think.

Why do brown bears hibernate in winter?

When he was a human in his last life, Ye Qingshan had never thought about this problem. In Ye Qingshan\'s subconsciousness, shouldn\'t a creature like a bear need hibernation?Why are there so many?Ye Qingshan believes that most humans have this idea.

But as a bear in this life, coupled with the fact that walking forward is really boring, Ye Qingshan had to think about this issue.

Bear, why hibernate?

Life habits?Or is it for other reasons?Although Ye Qingshan had found the direction vaguely before, he had not found the answer.

This feeling is as if there is only a layer of film from the answer, but this layer of film is just as unbreakable.

It wasn\'t until Ye Qingshan woke up from hibernation this time, and a bright light flashed in his mind, Ye Qingshan finally had an answer.

Bears need hibernation because of lack of food.

Northland Xiongling, where there is no distinction between spring, summer, autumn and winter, for a bear, there are only two seasons, one is the long winter with scarce food, which lasts five or six months, and the other is the summer and autumn with abundant food. Because this season is the season of salmon migration.

The benefits of summer Ye Qingshan does not need to go into details, salmon migrating, he can change from a cub of less than two catties to the current brown bear of five hundred catties, most of the credit for his body growth is obtained from summer.

But what food can Ye Qingshan get in winter?What kind of food can those brown bears except Ye Qingshan get in this season of dying things?

Is the grass root buried under the thick snow?Sorry, although brown bears are omnivores, brown bears are not herbivores!

Therefore, the consumption of sleep is extremely low, and the hibernation that has passed five or six months after waking up becomes an indispensable part of the life of a brown bear.

Of course, you can also say that brown bears can hunt. For example, there are a large number of migrating deer in Xiongling every year. The reason why wolves can move freely in winter is because there are a large number of elk migrating, so there is no need for more hunting. An elk is enough to maintain a normal life of a brown bear in winter.

But a brown bear is a brown bear, an elk is an elk, and a wolf is a wolf.

Frontally, the brown bear is a well-deserved jungle overlord. With a huge body and terrifying power, it is enough to become a nightmare for any enemy.

The huge body gives the brown bear an unshakable status, but it also limits the brown bear\'s hunting possibilities.

The brown bear can kill the elk. When the two meet, as long as there is a possibility of fighting, the brown bear can shoot the brain of the elk with a slap, but the problem is that the brown bear cannot catch the elk.

Any herbivore, except for the special super-large herbivores, such as elephants and giraffes, all the remaining herbivores are masters of running. They are not only fast, but also strong.

The speed of the brown bear is also not slow, the short-term burst speed can easily reach 60 or 70 kilometers, but this speed is a joke for herbivores.

As for endurance?Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to say the word endurance to a behemoth weighing a thousand pounds?

Why can wolves capture elk?On the one hand, the speed of wolves may not be as fast as elk, but at least faster than brown bears. On the other hand, wolves have terrible endurance. In fact, any canine is a terrible endurance master.

Moreover, the wolf\'s sense of smell is very keen, and it can accurately locate the prey to be hunted.The brown bear\'s sense of smell is also very sharp, but the brown bear\'s endurance is not good.

Therefore, weak wolves can hunt elk in winter and can hunt in the harsh living environment of Xiongling in all seasons, but such terrifying beasts as brown bears can only sleep in winter.

As for why Ye Qingshan violated the normal life of brown bears and walked out of the bear cave when all bears were hibernating?

There are two reasons. One is that Ye Qingshan is too hungry. In order to develop at a high speed, he missed the best weight gain season for salmon migration.

The second reason is that Ye Qingshan is different from normal brown bears. He is a brown bear with human wisdom. Relying on human wisdom, Ye Qingshan discovered a source of food that other brown bears could not find in their lifetime.

For other brown bears, winter is the day when salted fish wait to die, but not for Ye Qingshan. Although Ye Qingshan is also a salted brown bear, this salted fish always feels that he can save it.

At least before he could climb to the top of Xiongling\'s food chain and ensure that no creatures could threaten him, Ye Qingshan didn\'t want to be a salted fish waiting to die.

Just stop and go, Ye Qingshan walked in the ice and snow world outside for a week, and finally stopped in a canyon.

The canyon is located next to a hillside. At the bottom of the canyon, there is a dead-flowing river. Although the river bed has been covered by snow, you can still see smooth pebbles.

The last time Ye Qingshan came here, because she had just left the tree hole with her mother bear and her body was still small, it took two weeks to get here.

But this time, Ye Qingshan, who had grown into an adult brown bear, arrived here in just a week.

This is a river. Even if the riverbed is covered with snow, even if the surroundings are different from what he remembers, Ye Qingshan can still recognize this place accurately.

Because the last time I came here by myself, this river left a deep memory for myself.

That\'s right, here is the stream with pebbles on the river bed and snakes on the other side of the river.

Ye Qingshan remembered the scene when he first came here.

There are all snakes in your sight, tens of thousands?Hundreds of thousands?Still hundreds of thousands?

Ye Qingshan didn’t know. At the beginning, he saw too many snakes. The inner and outer layers were all snakes. Ye Qingshan even had nightmares for many consecutive nights because of that shock. With the snake tide spreading over the riverbed, Ye Qingshan couldn\'t help but feel cold.

But later, as Ye Qingshan became stronger, Ye Qingshan\'s thoughts about snakes also gradually changed, especially after Ye Qingshan realized that he did not accumulate fat in the salmon season enough, and Ye Qingshan\'s thoughts became more and more serious. Clearly made.

With so many snakes appearing together, obviously there are a large number of snakes gathered around.

A snake is a catty, ten thousand snakes are ten thousand catties of meat, and one hundred thousand snakes are one hundred thousand catties of meat.

One hundred thousand catties of meat, let alone spent this winter, even if it was given to Ye Qingshan for a year, Ye Qingshan could not finish it.

Moreover, snakes are cold-blooded animals. It is winter. Ye Qingshan doesn\'t need to worry about being besieged by hundreds of snakes.

The only thing that made Ye Qingshan frown was that he didn\'t know where these snakes lived. Snakes and brown bears need to hibernate, and snakes hibernate like brown bears. They tend to hide in tree caves or burrows, but brown bears. The place to live is much larger than that of snakes, which caused Ye Qingshan\'s troubles in finding food.

But what makes Ye Qingshan feel a little more at ease is that the last time Ye Qingshan saw a wave of snakes, hundreds of thousands of snakes were dispatched together. This shows that there must be a large number of snakes here for a long time to gather together to hibernate, or else not. It would be such a coincidence that all came out together.

In short, now that Ye Qingshan is here, and now that Ye Qingshan knows that there is at least one hundred thousand catties of food here, the [Winter Growth Plan] that Ye Qingshan started planning three or four months ago will also be officially opened.