The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 212: : House of Oysters

Oyster House! (The home of the oyster).

That\'s the name of this restaurant. The area is very small, only about 120 square meters, but the decoration is very clean. After all, the food fine of Eagle Sauce is quite high. This is a small roadside shop specializing in seafood.

"Gentlemen, this is our menu." The boss still had a smile on his face.

The staff in the store had never seen him like this before, and Old Hei muttered from behind, "This **** bastard!"

If you go to entertain yourself, you will definitely have to pay the tip yourself. It is rare to meet such a guest all year long. This kind of good thing is taken away. He must be dissatisfied. He turned his head and looked at the Asian, "Kenny, wait After today, I’ll quit my job, **** it, I’m going to get rich! I’m going to make money, I don’t want to stay here and see this white-skinned pig pointing at me every day and saying I’m lazy.”

The Asian man named Kenny, heard the words, glanced at him, and didn\'t say a word, it seemed that the boss was right...

The old black is often late for no reason, and he has seen the Jamaican steal the meat from the cafeteria several times! It\'s just that he didn\'t want to say it, and turned his head to look at those rich men, especially staying on Tang Dao\'s face for a long time.

"Thank you." Tang Dao took the menu with a smile on his lips, while Ben Longfellow next to him shook his legs in dissatisfaction and frowned, "Damn it, this place is really dirty." He wiped it on the table, his face full of disgust.

What he wants to go to is a big hotel, not this roadside stall, which is completely inconsistent with his identity.

"Enough, you talk too much nonsense, Ben, if you can\'t stand it, you can go by yourself." Charlie frowned and tapped his fingers, signaling the other party to shut up, and the other party didn\'t even talk nonsense now. His money is in his hands, if he leaves now, where will he eat?

I had no choice but to keep silent.

Charlie flipped through the menu, smiled at the white boss, and said, "Give me a Lobster Arhat Soup, thank you."

"I want an oyster and half a Boston lobster." Tang Dao said.

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you." The smile on the boss\'s face was stiff, he bowed slightly, then took back the menu and walked to the kitchen, and winked at the black man, although the latter kept scolding The other party, but the boss ran in as soon as he ordered.

No matter what, there is also an income of 200 US dollars this month...

As soon as he entered, the boss pointed to the water tank, "Come on, grab one of the lobsters in it and kill it. Remember, you must wash it clean." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly opened the curtain and left , leaving a black man baring his teeth and scolding his mother, picked up the kitchen knife, and cut it on the chopping board!

"In the afternoon there will be a music concert by the Boston Choir in the theater, and in the evening there will be a game between the Celtics and the Eagles. I bet $100,000 and the Celtics will win." Charlie will arrange the whole day Sure enough, holding a glass of aperitif, he took a sip and said with a smile, "Mr. Nicholas, feel the style of Boston. This city is full of magic."


Tang Dao is a little tired, he is a Lakers fan!

But since the other party has made arrangements, he can only agree, but he is mischievous, "Oh? It looks like I have to press it too." He took out the check, wrote it with a pen, and handed it to Guy who was standing next to him. , "Trouble, help me buy an eagle to win."

Guy looked at Charlie, who frowned, and put his elbow on the table, "Mr. Nicholas, do you know? The Eagles have lost seven games in a row! The Celtics have won three games in a row."

"The loser is never afraid of failure, because he has already failed enough, but the winner is afraid that he will not be able to continue to win." Tang Dao\'s words are very convoluted. He wrapped the aperitif glass in the palm of his hand and rubbed his thumbs, " Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing money."

"But now, Mr. he barefoot?" Who knew that Charlie asked smoothly.

Tang Dao paused after hearing the words, sorted out his words, and replied, "I dare to take off my shoes, but some people dare not, so I can continue to put on my shoes, while he can only lie in the arms of God. "

This scholar\'s speech is really different, if not for the fact that everyone sitting here has read a little, they still don\'t understand his reasoning.

it\'s actually really easy.

Lonely and widowed, dare to risk your life, do you dare?

If you don’t dare, don’t blind BB.

Charlie\'s pupils shrank, and he added another label to Tang Dao in his mind, madman!

Originally, he posted the other party as a wolf in Somalia, but this wolf also lives in groups, but now he knows from Tang Dao\'s words that this is actually a lion, and he can abandon his group when necessary , Choose to make a comeback.

Such people are even more terrifying.

Anyone can be converted into benefits.

Charlie has been active in the business circle for decades. He has seen how many people turned against each other in front of money, including wives, brothers and even parents. Just for this mere banknote, he also understands the truth that soft-hearted people are not suitable In business, word of mouth and greed for money do not conflict.

If such a person is not successful, then there is no reason.

But Tang Dao is definitely a good partner, the premise is that you are valuable, you have to let yourself keep up with his footsteps, if one day he widens the distance between you, he will swallow you in one bite.

Charlie nodded slightly to Guy, who looked down at the check amount and caught his breath.


Buy the Eagles to win?

This is enough to buy a small villa in Boston. Of course, the location of the land is definitely not very good, but it is enough. Guy hesitated for a while, but went to help place the bet. Anyway, the $200,000 is just a meal for this Asian?

"I hear Mr. Nicholas is from Stanford?" Charlie asked.

"I have read it for two years."

"Then why later..."

Tang Dao explained, "Poor, no money."

For this reason, the old butler who had just walked out not far away staggered, and even Ben Longfellow glanced at him in surprise. Even in the United States, those who can be admitted to Stanford are elites. As long as they graduate successfully, they can Find a good position in a big company, but likewise, American universities also persuade students to quit, and the proportion is quite high.

But drop out for money...

I\'m afraid Tang Dao is a capable person.

However, Charlie knew that the words of this Asian were true. Not long after, Stanford lost an Asian who loves to learn, while Somalia gained an eagle.

Just as he was about to speak, the white boss came up with the dishes, followed by the Asian man named Kenny.

"Gentlemen, your arhat soup and your half Boston lobster."

Kenny put the lobster in front of Tang Dao. It was very impolite to raise his head, looked at him carefully, and then boldly asked in a doubtful tone, "You... are you Tang Dao?"


Tang Dao looked up at suspiciously, and then looked at the other party, which became more and more familiar, and finally a name came to mind.

"Lin Bei?"

"You are really Tang Dao!" The other party shouted in surprise.

This scene fell in the eyes of the white boss, thinking that the Asian was looking for a job, he quickly grabbed him by the shoulder, "Hey, Kenny, what are you doing?" Then he turned his head and apologized to Tang Dao, "Sir, my employee I\'m out of my mind, sorry..."

"Let him go, this is my friend."

"Uh..." The boss hesitated, Kenny took this opportunity to break away, and stared, "I thought you were missing, I went to your dormitory outside to look for you, but I didn\'t see you, even the others I don\'t know where you are, you are now..."

Tang Dao smiled slightly.

It turned out that seeing old friends was not as happy as imagined.