The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

C243 stubbornness

For safety's sake, Li Qingling and the rest did not go too far, they were just hunting and picking wild vegetables at the outskirts of the mountain.

Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo fought with three chickens and two rabbits. When they felt that it was enough, they stopped and looked for Mr. Luo and the others.

"Grand Master, where are you?"

After shouting a few times, they finally heard Mr. Luo's response. The two of them followed the sound of the voice and walked over, and saw Mr. Luo and a few other kids picking hair pit s.

When Li Qingning saw Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo, she raised her hand that was holding onto the hair pit, "Sis, brother-in-law, look, there are a lot of hair pit here." It was big and tender, so it would definitely be delicious if she brought it back to stew the chicken.

Thinking of this, she almost drooled.

"You picked so many wild vegetables and hair pit?" Li Qingling looked at the bamboo basket brought by the little fellows, which was filled with wild vegetables and hair pit s, and said, "Good luck tonight."

There probably weren't many people who came to the mountain to pick wild vegetables, as they looked pretty young.

"Wa, big sister, you've hunted so many prey?" When Li Qingning saw the prey that Li Qingling had thrown on the ground, she immediately put the hair pit in her basket. Walking to the side of the prey, she poked with her hand, "Big sister, can I eat roasted chicken and roasted rabbits?"

She couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. It had been a long time since she last ate roasted chicken and roasted rabbits.

She told Mr. Luo and the others to continue harvesting the hair pit. She and Liu Zhimo took two wild chickens and a wild hare to the side of the mountain stream to cook, planning to roast them on the mountain.

By the time Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo had finished dealing with the wild chickens and rabbits, Li Qingfeng and the others had already went to retrieve the firewood.

Mr. Luo sat at the side and roasted wild chickens and wild rabbits according to Li Qingling's guidance.

He turned to the butler and said, "Thanks to the children, I'm beginning to enjoy the picnic." When he was young, he had gone hunting with some of his close friends, but he had never personally roasted this prey before.

He didn't need to do these things, so naturally, there would be servants who would bring them in front of him for him to eat.

It was because of this that he finally experienced such pleasure.

The butler endured the twitching of the corners of his mouth and acknowledged Mr. Luo with a smile.

Old boy, old boy, he thought that was the right thing for him to say now.

Mr. Luo didn't care what the butler thought, he turned and looked at Li Qingling, then excitedly asked Li Qingling how to eat the remaining wild chickens and wild rabbits.

Just in these two days, Li Qingling felt that Mr. Luo was about to turn into a glutton.

This is indeed the 'close to the red' and the 'close to the black'? Mr. Luo had played with the little fellows for two days and then been turned into a glutton by them.

"No matter what she thought, she still answered Mr. Luo's words with a smile on her face," The remaining wild chicken brought home to stew the hair pit. As she spoke, her saliva almost started to drip. It had been a long time since she had eaten this kind of authentic wild game.

She felt that there was only one hare left. It was probably not enough for her to eat. After she ate the roasted hare, she would go and get a few more hens to eat.

Slurp … As soon as Li Qingling finished speaking, the sound of the little fellows sucking could be heard.

When Li Qingling heard it, he laughed and looked at the little guys, "There is saliva coming out of your mouth, quickly wipe it off."

Li Qingning really wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand and walked over to Li Qingling's side, "Big sister, should we go and fight a few more wild chickens and wild rabbits? I think a pheasant hare is not enough to eat. " She felt that her second and third brother were done eating. There really wasn't enough to eat!

Li Qingling tilted his head to the side and glanced at Li Qingning. Li Qingling raised his eyebrows, purposely saying that she was still young, so he couldn't eat that much meat.

Hearing that, Li Qingning's eyes opened wide, revealing a look of disbelief.

"Big sister, I won't grow up without eating meat." Sniff... Sniff... - How could her elder sister be so heartless? Letting her not eat meat was simply taking her life.

She was a person who didn't like meat!

"Eating too much meat is bad for your health. I think you should eat more vegetables to balance your diet."

Was elder sister going to deprive her of the right to eat meat? Li Qingning looked at Li Qingling with grief and indignation. With a wail, he pounced behind Li Qingling, rubbing his face against Li Qingling's neck, and continued to act coquettishly towards her.

As long as she could eat meat, it didn't matter how many big words she wrote.

If she was not given meat, she felt that the world was really dark.

Li Qingling giggled at his words. She couldn't take it anymore, so he reached out and patted Li Qingling's little butt to get him to get her to get down.

"Big sister, if you don't give me some meat to eat, then I won't come down."

"Give it to me. Big sister is only joking with you. How can I not give you meat to eat?" If she really didn't give meat to her to eat, then she would make a huge ruckus.

She had never seen anyone who liked meat so much. A meal without meat was no good.

Fortunately, she usually urged her to eat vegetables, so it didn't cause her to have an uneven diet.

Hearing Li Qingling's words, Li Qingning's worries were finally relieved, and his meat had not left her body.

She kissed Li Qingling with a smile on her face, then got off Li Qingling's back and sat beside him, staring at the roasted chicken in his hands.

Seeing that her eyes did not even blink, Mr. Luo laughed involuntarily. "Ning Ning, close your mouth, the mosquitoes are about to fly in."

Li Qingning obediently closed her mouth and laughed at Mr. Luo. He asked Mr. Luo when the roasted chicken would be ready.

She touched her belly, feeling hungry.

"I'm not sure about that, but do you need to ask your sister?" Mr. Luo touched Li Qingning's head, he did not want to starve her, so he turned and asked Li Qingling, is the roasted chicken ready?

Li Qingling looked at it, then let Mr. Luo sprinkle some seasoning on it to roast it a little.

Hearing that it was almost ready to be eaten, Li Qingning's eyes lit up, and immediately grabbed the seasoning, and sprinkled it evenly on the roasted chicken.

Mr. Luo roasted the roasted chicken for a while, and when he heard Li Qingling say that it was ready, he took it down.

He first used his dagger to cut off a roasted chicken leg and gave it to Li Qingning for her to eat first.

Although Li Qingning was very greedy, she still respected her teachings since she was young. She shook her head and let Mr. Luo eat first.

Mr. Luo said with a smile, and let her take it, he would eat it later too.

Li Qingning reached out and took the chicken leg, then turned to look at Liu Zhimo and Li Qingling. Seeing them nod their heads, she started to nibble on them smilingly.

She did not eat it all by herself. After taking a bite, she gave it to Liu Zhirou for him to let her have a taste as well.

Liu Zhirou smiled as she took a bite, and switched hands with Li Qingfeng.

Just like that, the kids finished a chicken leg in one gulp.

When Mr. Luo saw this scene, his heart was slightly moved. These children were really well taught, even the youngest Li Qingning, who was hungry, would not care about him, but would eat with his older brother and sister instead.

He pursed his lips and quickly cut the rest of the exam papers, passing them to the children to eat.

The few children let Mr. Luo eat with the butler first, and only after seeing them eat, did they eat with them.

The roasted rabbits on Li Qingling's side were also full. After they finished eating the two roasted chickens and one roasted rabbit, their stomachs were full.

They rested by the river for a while, before Li Qingling warned them not to run around again, and she followed Liu Zhimo to hunt.

By the time they returned from the mountain, the sun was about to set.

Li Qingling gave the wild chicken and wild rabbit to Zhuang Tou for him to handle and leave for her to stir-fry.

During tonight's dinner, Mr. Luo and the two old men had eaten their fill, they never thought that Li Qingling's culinary skills were so good, even better than the cooking skills of the chefs in the house.

"Little girl Xiao Ling, your cooking skills are really not bad."

Li Qingling laughed: "I only know these common dishes, if Master likes them, I can make them for Master when I have time." She knew that it was because she had put spirit water on it that the dishes tasted so much better than what they usually did.

If she didn't have such a tool for cheating, the food wouldn't look so good.

"That's good." Mr. Luo did not treat Li Qingling as an outsider. Hearing Li Qingling's words, he smiled and agreed.

He was envious of Old Man Xue, who knew how many delicious dishes he ate at home?

Should he bring Liu Zhimo and the others to his residence? This way, not only could he teach Liu Zhimo and eat the food Li Qingling cooked, he could also kill two birds with one stone.

While he was thinking this, he also said it out loud.

When Liu Zhimo and Li Qingling heard this, they were stunned. They really did not think of bringing up the Xue Mansion!

Even if they wanted to move, the old man wouldn't agree!

"Grand Master, thank you for your kind intentions. We should stay with grandpa for now. We can make other plans after the event." Liu Zhimo looked at Mr. Luo, and laughed as he pushed him away, "Moreover, too many people have come to the residence to visit Grand Master.

If he didn't want to expose it too early, he had to avoid the others.

After hearing what his teacher had said, he deeply felt that once he was exposed, there would be a lot of trouble.

He would put an end to these troubles before he had a chance to do so.

Hearing this, Mr. Luo remembered this point. It was true that his house was not suitable for Liu Zhimo and the others to stay here, at least not before spring.

"Alright, let's talk about it when the time comes!" He answered and changed the subject.

Liu Zhimo and his group had been playing extremely happily in the Manor these past few days. They had enjoyed themselves to the fullest, almost to the point of forgetting their own homes.

However, he did not know that the old man was about to collapse at any moment. He looked at Liu Zhen who was seated next to him, who was unmoving like a mountain, and let out a heavy sigh.

Liu Zhen gently put down the teacup and looked at the old man, "Old Man Xue, do you really not know where my grandchildren are?" When he received the reply from his eldest grandson, he was both sad and happy to read it.

The sorrowful little son was gone, but he was happy that his little son still had a few children left, and knew that those kids had come to the capital to live at Old Man Xue's home.

When he found out about this, he came to Xue Mansion, but Old Man Xue refused to admit it. It wasn't like he could use force, he couldn't do anything, so when he had the time, he came to disturb Old Man Xue.