The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

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Liu Zhimo let out a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed, "Xiao Ling, how about you bring Xiao Feng and the others back to the inn first, I said that I want to go back to his house." After this accident, he was afraid that the children's mood would be unstable, so returning to the inn to rest was better.

Hearing Liu Zhimo's words, Li Qingling finally saw the old man on Liu Zhimo's back. Her face suddenly blushed a little, and he wiped his tears away in embarrassment, then greeted the old man.

"Little brother, this must be your wife, right?" The old man looked at Li Qingling carefully, "Matched, matched." As he spoke, he smiled and nodded his head.

Liu Zhimo laughed in an extremely good mood. Of course he and his wife were compatible.

Li Qingling smiled at the elderly and asked: "I wonder how far away your house is from here? If it's not too far, we'll walk you back. If it's too far, we'll call a carriage. " After waiting for Liu Zhimo with much difficulty, she didn't want to separate from him just like that.

"Not too far. Two streets from here."

"Alright then, old man, give us directions, we'll walk you back."

Li Qingling had already made his decision, but Liu Zhimo did not refute her, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, then followed the path the elder had indicated.

After walking two streets, he came to a manor with two large lions in front of it.

Once Liu Zhimo saw this mansion, he immediately knew that this elder's identity was not simple.

Even if he didn't have any power, he was still a rich person.

However, all of this was none of his business. After he sent the old man back, his mission was accomplished.

"Little Yan, go get the door." Liu Zhimo turned and called out to Liu Zhiyan.

Liu Zhiyan replied as he ran over and knocked on the door.

In the next moment, the thick and heavy door opened a crack, and the servant that looked at the door saw that Liu Zhiyan was just a little kid, and did not wear much either.

Liu Zhiyan was not a naive child, how could he not feel the guard's contempt for him?

He did not answer the person who opened the door, but instead turned around and called out 'big brother'.

"I'm back. Open the door." Without waiting for Liu Zhimo to speak, the old man looked angrily at the doorman, then apologized to Liu Zhimo and the others, telling them not to take this matter to heart.

These children had sent him back with good intentions, but now they were being looked down upon by his servants. This caused him to be utterly humiliated.

The gatekeeper heard the familiar voice and looked up. He saw his master was being carried by a teenager. He shouted a few words at the room and ran out.

He then ran in front of Liu Zhimo, looking at the old man nervously, he asked him what was wrong. Where is the discomfort?

"Open the door first and let the distinguished guest in."

"Yes, yes, yes …" At the old man's words, the gatekeeper turned to open the door.

However, he was stopped by Liu Zhimo, "The old man's leg is injured, hurry and carry him in!" With that, he carefully put the old man down, "Old man, since we're here, we'll leave first."

"Ai ai ai, why are you in such a hurry to leave?" "Let's go in for a cup of tea!" The old man extended his hand and grabbed onto Liu Zhimo's wrist, stubbornly not wanting him to leave, "Little brother, you are my savior, how can you leave like this?"

Liu Zhimo turned his hand over, and gently let go of the old man's hand, then laughed and said, they still have to travel tomorrow, and need to return to the inn to rest.

Seeing that Liu Zhimo really did not want to go in, the elder anxiously asked his name.

As long as he knew the name, he would be able to repay her in the future.

"This humble one is Liu Zhimo. Goodbye, old man." Liu Zhimo said as he pulled Li Qingling along with him and a few children.

Not long after Liu Zhimo and the rest left, an old lady ran out from the residence in a hurry. When she saw the old man leaning on the doorkeeper, she anxiously shouted, "Master, what happened to you? "Where are you hurt?"

Seeing that the old mistress was crying, he hurriedly said, "It's just that I twisted my leg a little, so there's no major problem."

"I heard that something happened at Fuying Street. My heart is scared, so I immediately told my sons to go out and find you. They haven't come back yet! "Luckily you came back safely. What else can I do?" The old woman lightly patted the old man. "You can't go out alone from now on. You have to bring someone with you to get out. Do you understand?"

This time, she was really scared. Luckily, he was fine.

How could the old man dare to say that he didn't know? He nodded his head repeatedly, saying that he wouldn't do this again. As he said this, he sighed and said, "This time, it's really dangerous. If I wasn't so lucky to be saved, you wouldn't have been able to see me." When he thought of the pain of being stepped on, the old man couldn't help but shiver. At that time, he really thought he was going to die, and that he was going to be stepped on to death.

Fortunately, he had met Liu Zhimo, which allowed him to avoid this disaster.

"Scared?" When the old woman heard the old man's words, she jumped again. "What is going on?" Don't scare me! "

The old man looked at the old woman and told her everything that had happened.

Hearing this, the old woman clasped her hands together and said a few words of Bodhisattva blessings, "I wonder where that little brother lives, we have to repay him a lot!" If it wasn't for that little brother, the old master really would have …

Dangerous, it was too dangerous.

"Aiya, looking at my memory, I heard that he said he was staying at an inn, so I forgot to ask which inn he is staying at." The old man patted his head in annoyance. He had really forgotten to ask.

"It's fine. Tomorrow, someone will go ask around."

"I'll send someone to find out later. I might not be able to see them tomorrow. I heard that they have to travel tomorrow. I wonder where they are going?"

"Alright, I'll get someone to investigate. Lie still and ask the doctor to examine you." The old woman pressed down on the old man, not needing him to do anything. "You, you're not young anymore. Why are you still joining in on the fun?" Fortunately, you got lucky this time and nothing happened. I'll tell you, you can't do this next time. "

As the old man listened to the old woman's muttering, he smiled and nodded, saying, "I understand, I will definitely not go and cause trouble again."

Just one lesson would be enough. He definitely wouldn't do it again.

The moment he said this, he went out to look for his three sons. When he saw them lying on the bed, they all nervously asked him what was wrong. Was he injured?

The old man waved his hand magnanimously. "It's nothing serious. My leg is just injured. I just need to rest for a bit."

"Thankfully, everything is fine dad. You don't know that a lot of people were trampled to death on Fuying Street. We were all scared and afraid that you …"

The patted his chest as he exclaimed.

When the old lady heard third son's words, she patted the old man's shoulder again and told her what happened to him before. She told her three sons, "This time there's really a lot of that little brother, if not your father …" Before she could finish, her eyes turned red.

"Madame, what are you crying about? Aren't I fine? " When the old man saw that the old woman was about to cry, he hurriedly tried to coax her.

After coaxing for a while, the old woman finally stopped crying.

"Send someone to every inn to ask if there is anyone named Liu Zhimo. He is your father's savior, and we must properly thank him."

The old man's eldest son nodded. "Alright, mother. We will send people to investigate. Don't worry."

The old man looked at his three sons, "Okay, okay, there's nothing else on my side. You can leave now, especially Yi'er. Have you finished packing?" Tomorrow, I will be going to Beijing. I will need to bring everything I need, don't miss anything. "

third son Yi'er nodded and assured him that he had packed her things.

The old man nodded, then waved his hand, telling his three sons to rest. There was no need to worry about him, he was fine.

On Liu Zhimo's side, the moment he returned to the inn, he saw Ceng Ironhead rushing down. After seeing that his group had returned, he closed his eyes and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Boss, I heard that there was a riot on the street. Many people died. Are you injured?"

When he heard the news, he was truly shocked. He was afraid that something would happen to his boss and his family. He wanted to go out and find his boss, but his boss just so happened to come back at the same time.

Li Qingling laughed and said, they were fine.

Tonight's accident had truly frightened her. Fortunately, they were lucky and nothing had happened.

"It's good that you're fine. It's good that you're fine." Zeng Tie glanced at Li Qingling and the others. Seeing that they were fine, he became completely at ease, "Boss, next time you guys want to buy something, just let me go. I don't want to go shopping.

Nothing good had happened to them this time. Who knew if they would be so lucky next time?

For safety's sake, it was better to let him go.

Li Qingling laughed, "Tonight, it was an accident, next time I won't go to a place with so many people, it will be fine." When they came back, they had already heard that the circus's shed had been set on fire. The people who had watched the circus run around in panic were the ones who would trample on them.

It was really true. Fortunately, they saw that there were many people, so they did not go over to take a look. Otherwise …

Thinking about those people who were trampled to death, Li Qingling's heart also became heavy.

Who would have thought that going to the circus would cost them their lives?

Li Qingling let out a soft sigh and said to Ceng Tiexin, "Uncle Zeng, I told you to be worried. We're fine now.

"Alright, if you need anything, just call me." "Don't worry," Zeng Tietou reminded again.

Li Qingling nodded his head, seeing that Zeng Tietou had gone up, he turned around and told the waiter to bring a few buckets of hot water to their room.

They were so crowded that they had to take a good bath.