The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

C114 pestilence

The villagers all said that they had heard it. They also wished to be able to plant and harvest some rice. This way, they would no longer be afraid of starvation.

"There's one more piece of good news for you." When the village chief saw his subjects all nod in agreement, he smiled in satisfaction. "The Emperor has shown kindness to our people, thus sparing us the tax revenues of the past two years."

This was extremely good news. When the villagers heard the news, their faces revealed brilliant smiles. They all knelt down and shouted, "Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"

They would be able to save a lot of food without paying taxes, and they wouldn't have to worry about getting hungry.

The village chief said a few more words to the villagers before letting his son send down the grain and register his name.

After bringing the grain home, the villagers all prayed that it would rain soon. As long as it rained, they would be able to grow rice.

Perhaps the heavens had really heard their prayers. Just half a month later, a heavy rain fell.

Seeing it was raining, the villagers cheered and ran out into the rain.

Even Li Qingfeng and the other two boys ran out to the courtyard to play.

Liu Zhirou and Li Qingning, the two microdot s, also wanted to follow him out, but were stopped by Li Qingling.

They were younger, and afraid that they might get sick, they were not allowed to go out.

The two little guys could only watch on helplessly as their elder brothers played and envy filled their hearts.

But when Li Qingling was not paying attention, Li Qingning this cunning little fellow strode out with her short legs.

"Ah?" "Big sister, little sister went out." Liu Zhirou looked at her sister who was giggling in the rain.

Li Qingling looked up, Li Qingning had become a little madman in the rain.

She helplessly shook her head, looked at the envious Liu Zhirou, and compromised, "If you want to go, then go!"

With that, Liu Zhirou ran out and became mad.

"..." She didn't expect that he would be waiting for her to say that!

When Liu Zhimo came out and saw this scene, he smiled, extended his hand and rubbed her head, and spoke a little indulgently, "Since they're happy, then let them play around a bit, when he comes back later, let Grandfather prescribe some medicine for them to drink." This was the benefit of having a doctor at home. He didn't have to worry about the children getting sick and running as far as the town.

Li Qingling glanced at him, "Why are you so easy to talk to today? "Hmm?" Wasn't he usually very strict with the children?

He stretched out his hand and quietly hooked onto her finger, looking at the children in the courtyard who were happily laughing. He gently said, "As long as they are happy, it's fine."

If not for the fact that it did not conform to his identity, he would have gone out to feel it.

Li Qingling turned his head to look at him, and when she saw his slightly pink ears, she pursed her lips and laughed, then grabbed onto his hand and teased him, "If you want to hold hands, you can do so freely. What are you afraid of?" It was fun to tease him.

She thinks she's addicted.

With a boom, Liu Zhimo's face flushed red. He avoided Li Qingling's eyes and cleared his throat, "I remember there's an article that I haven't finished reading. I'll go read it first." Saying that, he took out his hand and ran away.

Looking at his fleeing figure, Li Qingling couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Even though he was usually rather calm and black-hearted, he was actually quite shy.

Every time he was teased by her, he would run away with a red face.

Liu Zhimo sat in the study room and rubbed his face in annoyance. That little girl, he would always take him by surprise and tease him.

He didn't want to blush in front of her and be at a disadvantage, but he couldn't control himself!

Why was that little girl's skin so thick? You dare to tease me like that?

If there was a next time, he would definitely go back and make fun of her. He wouldn't run away again.

Li Qingling had no idea that he had dug a pit for himself and in the future, had eaten a bitter fruit that she had planted.

… ….

"How long will this rain last?" Li Qingling frowned as he watched the heavy rain outside. The rain had been falling for three days and three nights straight and there was no intention of stopping.

With the drought over and the flood again, the commoners would not have to live anymore.

"This will depend on whether the heavens will give us face or not." The old man replied worriedly, "If the heavens don't give us face, then there's nothing we can do."

What he was most worried about now was whether this rain would bring about a bad illness or not.

He increased the speed of his hands and picked up a medicinal pellet, giving it to Li Qingling to fry. Once it was done, he would drink a bowl for himself.

Li Qingling looked at the worried Old Man, "Old Man, are you worried about a plague?"

She had seen the news before. After the earthquake, the dead had to be burned together to prevent a plague.

In this disaster, the dead would definitely not be able to be buried properly. After being watered by the rain, the disease would easily spread.

The old man acknowledged the order and stood at the door with his hands behind his back. He frowned as he looked at the heavy rain outside.

He hoped that he had overthought things.

Seeing the old man's worried look, Li Qingling's heart sunk as well.

A lot of people had died from the previous plague, and she couldn't imagine another one.

It might not be an exaggeration to say that it was hell on earth.

"Old man, please mix more of these medicine. I want to send it to the villagers so they can take precautions." Li Qingling thought about it for a moment before replying. It was not enough for them to prevent it themselves, it was better to prevent it together in the whole village.

Otherwise, if the villagers were infected with the plague, it would spread to their homes sooner or later.

"Alright, I'll go right now."

Li Qingling replied, then went to the kitchen to boil some medicine, and let everyone drink a bowl.

The two little fellows smelled the bitter medicine and pinched their noses not wanting to drink it.

Seeing this, Li Qingling threatened them. If they did not drink the medicine, they would get sick, and when they get sick, they would drink even more bitter medicine.

After she threatened them, the two little fellows shook their bodies and bitterly said that they would drink it.

"That's more like it!" Li Qingling handed it over to them and only relaxed when he saw them drink it.

After she packed up all the bowls, she gave the medicine to Liu Zhimo to deliver to the Village Chief's house. Tell the Village Chief everything, and he would know what to do.

Liu Zhimo nodded, took the medicine, donned on the raincoat, and left through the rain.

The Village Chief stood at the entrance looking out at the torrential rain with a frown on his face. He was surprised to see Liu Zhimo coming through the rain.

"He Mo, come in quickly!" The village head shouted, "It's raining so heavily, why are you here? Is there something you need from me? "

Liu Zhimo took off the cape he wore and put it away properly. Then, he took out the medicine the old man made for him.

"Cun Zhangyeye, when I was escaping from Matsuyama, I saved a doctor. He is currently staying at my house." He pushed the medicine in front of the village chief. "This is the anti-plague medicine he prepared for us. Give it to the villagers and let them drink it!"

When the village chief heard Liu Zhimo's words, his heart skipped a beat. He asked anxiously, "He Mo, did that doctor say that there would be a plague?" When he thought of the plague a year ago, he could not help but shiver.

If there was another plague, there would be no one left alive in Ox-Head Village.

"I'm not sure. It's just a precaution." Liu Zhimo did not die, after all, would this happen? "Cun Zhangyeye, think about it. Before, there was a natural disaster, and so many people died, yet they were not dealt with properly. Now, there's a heavy rain …"

The Village Chief completely understood what he had to say.

He nodded his head with a heavy heart and said that he would put the medicine down and tell the villagers to drink it well.

"Then I'll be troubling Cun Zhangyeye." Liu Zhimo looked at the village chief, who seemed to be getting older and older, and sighed in his heart, "Cun Zhangyeye, I'll go back first."

"Alright, it's raining heavily, let's go slowly!"

Liu Zhimo agreed, then donned his rain cape once again and walked back into the heavy rain.

After Liu Zhimo left, the village chief's eldest son came out and asked the village head worriedly, "Father, there won't be another plague this time right? I wonder if the doctor that Liu Zhimo is talking about is reliable? "

"No matter what, we must take this matter seriously." The village chief raised his head and looked at his eldest son, "He Mo can still think of the villagers, which proves that he has our village in his heart. From now on, you have to be more polite with him, understand?" He was old now, but after going through the escaping, his health was even worse, the position of village chief was given to his son, he hoped that after he leaves, his son would be able to be courteous to Liu Zhimo and his family, and not lose Liu Zhimo and his family's heart.

His eyes could not be wrong, Liu Zhimo's family could go even further.

Being on good terms with them would only be beneficial and harmless.

The village chief's eldest son nodded as he heard this and almost swore to the heavens, "Father, I understand. I will treat their family courteously. Elder, you can rest assured!" For Liu Zhimo's family to be able to come back alive from the calamity, and live better than them, one could tell how powerful they were.

No matter how brainless he was, he would never offend such a person!

The Village Chief smiled with a gratified smile on his face. Although his eldest son was not very smart, he was willing to listen to his advice. This was sufficient for him.

"Send these medicine to the villagers one by one. Tell them what they are used for. After they hear it, they will obediently take it."

The reason why he had handed this matter to his eldest son was so that he could show his face in front of the villagers.

The village chief's eldest son also understood this point and obediently agreed. He put on his raincoat and a conical hat before leaving with a large bag of medicine.

He knocked on the door one by one, and before he gave the medicine, he told everyone about what had happened. The villagers all nodded in fear at his words, saying that they would definitely come and drink.

Some people kept asking if he had more medicine. Give them some more.