The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

C107 Select

Li Qingling looked at the remaining food in the cave, he turned and told Liu Zhimo, we will leave the food here, wait till we return home to see what's the situation here?

Liu Zhimo listened and nodded.

I wonder how their family is doing right now. It wouldn't be appropriate to risk carrying so much food back.

After understanding the situation at home, I can come back and move these grains back.

"Old man, will you come back with us?" Seeing that Liu Zhimo nodded in agreement to her suggestion, she turned to the old man once more.

The old man thought that he was alone and could go anywhere he wanted, so he agreed with Li Qingling and went back to live with them for a while.

He had lived with these children for so long that he was reluctant to leave them.

It would be better to stay with the children for a while and accompany them.

After Li Qingling heard the old man's words, a smile appeared on his face. She had finally understood the meaning of his words: A family with an old man, like a treasure.

After they packed their things, they slowly walked home.

They didn't make it all the way back, so they slowly walked forward. It took them nearly eight hours to return to the Ox-Head Village.

When Li Qingling and the rest saw the courtyard door open, their hearts dropped. There couldn't be any bad people, right?

"You guys wait here for a moment, I'll go take a look first." Li Qingling frowned, and said to the few of them: "If there's nothing else, I'll call you guys."

As soon as she said this, Eleven appeared, and he left me alone and went in.

Moments later, he appeared at the door again. "There's no one here. You can come in." With that, he disappeared without a trace.

The children cheered and ran home.

They hadn't lived at home for months, and they really missed it.

The great river was at the back, its head hung low, its expression somewhat absent-minded.

Once he returned to the Ox-Head Village, he would no longer be able to live with Xiao Feng and the others.

After living with them for so long, he really couldn't bear to part with them.

He felt that the time he lived in the Matsuyama was the happiest and happiest life he had ever had.

He would remember those days for the rest of his life.

"Big River, what are you doing? Walking so slowly? " Li Qingfeng turned his head to look, the river was behind him, he ran back and asked loudly.

Da He looked up at Li Qingfeng, his hands tightly holding his bag, and said hesitantly: "Now that we have returned to the village, I'm afraid that I can't even stay with you guys anymore."

"Why can't you live with us? Who told you to stay with us? "

"The bad guys have all been chased away. If I stay with you guys again, it won't make sense." He had been living in vain for so long, and his heart was already in turmoil.

When the children heard his words, they all ran back and loudly questioned him with an unhappy expression.

"Big River, do you think that the bad guys are safe now that they've been chased away? So you don't want to live with us anymore?"

If Big River dared to nod and say yes, he would be beaten up by these kids.

No, it's not like that.

Li Qingfeng coldly snorted, "Then tell me what it is like?" If he didn't give a good reason, he would break off all ties with him.

Big River started to panic. He really didn't want to lose these friends of his.

"I... I just feel that I can't stay here and eat for free. It makes me feel bad. "

"How could it be for nothing? You work all the time! Right? " Li Qingfeng and the rest refuted him, "I think you just want to destroy the bridge after crossing the river and stop playing with us."

These words were said very seriously. When Big River heard this, he immediately wanted to explain, but he became anxious and was unable to speak clearly.

This made him so flustered that cold sweat almost broke out on his forehead.

Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo looked at each other, and both of them laughed for a bit. Liu Zhimo then walked forward, patted Big River's shoulders and said gently, "Big River, before your parents return, you should stay with us first. When your parents return, can you think about whether to return or not?" He knew that his parents in the river would not agree to let the river stay with them. They even wanted to order the river for him to work at home!

Before that, he would have to take things one step at a time. If they really went too far, then he would think of another way.

"That's right, Big River, if you don't live here, how can I teach you medical skills?" The old man also advised, "You can stay here for now. We'll talk about it when your parents return!"

Big River listened to the two of them and thought for a moment before nodding.

Before his parents returned, he cherished the time he had spent with them.

"Come, let's go in." Li Qingfeng and the other children were smiling as they pulled the river into the house, but when they arrived and saw the messy house, the smile on their faces immediately disappeared.

It was obvious that their house had been raided.

Li Qingling was already mentally prepared. Seeing such a room, she did not feel that it was strange at all.

"It should be the Southern Yan King's soldiers that came in." When she said this, she had at least picked up a chair that had fallen to the ground. "It's fine. At least these things are still good. You can use them after washing up."

She also felt that it was fortunate that those people hadn't destroyed everything in the house. They had only messed things up.

Li Qingling looked at the dumbstruck children, then clapped his hands and attracted their attention, then spoke out, "Alright, children, don't look so depressed. Put away what you have on your hands, we will start cleaning up the house."

Excited by Li Qingling's words, the few children became lively again. They all put down the bags in their hands, and started moving their hands and feet at the same time.

Seeing that the children had recovered their vitality, Li Qingling pursed his lips and smiled, "Old man, you should stay here with them. Let's go and see if the food is still there." She hoped that the food hidden in the cellar was still there. If it wasn't there, then she would feel heartache.

The old man waved his hand and told them to go. He would see the children.

Li Qingling followed Liu Zhimo to the kitchen. The firewood in the kitchen was still there, so they were more or less relieved.

The two of them slowly moved the pile of firewood away, revealing a well lid.

After opening the lid, Li Qingling walked down the stairs after a while.

When she saw the remaining grains, she let out a breath of relief. A smile appeared on her face. "Everything is still there." That way they wouldn't starve.

"Eh, there are actually some vegetables stored in the cellar. We'll have vegetables tonight." Liu Zhimo's eyes lit up with joy. He had not eaten any vegetables in the past few months, he was so greedy.

Li Qingling stretched out his hand to rummage through the vegetables, and he realised that they were indeed well-preserved. Perhaps because their home was at the foot of the mountain and the temperature in the cellar was lower, it was similar to a natural refrigerator.

When they were building the house, she secretly let him dig this cellar to hide the family's food here so her grandparents wouldn't know about it. She didn't expect it to have such a great effect at this time.

"I haven't eaten very well in the past few months in Matsuyama, and I don't have any meat to eat. Now that I'm back home, I'll have a good celebration."

Li Qingling took a piece of cured meat and a handful of vegetables, smiling as he said this to Liu Zhimo.

Liu Zhimo agreed.

The two of them came out of the cellar and brought out some food, meat, and vegetables. After that, they covered the lid of the cellar and put the firewood back into its original position.

After putting everything away, they joined the cleaning army.

It took them four hours to clean up the place.

Seeing such a clean and tidy house, Li Qingling felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

"You kids should just have a good rest. Big sis will be going to cook. There's meat and vegetables tonight."

When the children heard that not only was there meat, but there were also vegetables to eat, their eyes widened to the point that they were about to drool.

They didn't expect that they would be able to eat delicious food as soon as they returned home. This made them feel very pleasantly surprised.

"Sister, I'll help you light the fire." Li Qingfeng said actively, he wished that he could immediately eat delicious food.

He had been eating plain rice or porridge for the past few months, and his mouth had become pale.

Li Qingling patted his head and shook his head, saying that there was no need, you can rest, I will cook with Zhi Moge.

Li Qingfeng glanced at Liu Zhimo and nodded in compromise.

Li Qingling and Yue Shuang went to the kitchen and started working together.

Not long after, a burst of fragrance wafted out from the kitchen. The children who were resting in the room all climbed out of bed the moment they smelled the fragrance. They put on their shoes and were able to run into the kitchen.

The children were squatting in front of the kitchen door, sticking their heads out and poking their heads out, swallowing their saliva with all their might.

"Elder sister, it smells good." Relying on her young age, Li Qingning took her short legs and ran in.

She hugged Li Qingling's calf as she tiptoed and looked into the pot to see what was delicious.

Li Qingling laughed and rubbed her little head, "It's still not cooked yet, you can only eat it if it's cooked." This little guy was about to drool, "Ning Ning will go out and wait first!"

Li Qingning licked her lips, shook her head and said no, she had to wait here.

Since it was impossible, Li Qingling could only let her stay by her side.

"Girl, what kind of food are you cooking? "Good old man, my saliva is about to come out." Not only did this happen, even the old ones had come!

Li Qingling once again stir-fried the chicken. When he felt that it was enough, he took the plate and put it in.

"Warm chicken, you can cook the vegetables later." As she said this, she swiftly poured the vegetables down. "Tonight, let's celebrate our safe return."