The Strange Memoir

C69 Red as a sea of blood

"Pretending to be ghosts!" I ignored the illusory thing. This small building is fake, so there definitely won't be any monsters or demons appearing.

Walking up the stairs and past the hallway, I could clearly hear the sound of my feet landing on the wooden staircase.

The surroundings were extremely quiet. The sound of my footsteps seemed to suppress everything, making me stand out from the crowd. However, my feet were very light and it was impossible for me to make such a sound as if my feet were stepping on a wooden board.

I kept looking around me out of the corner of my eye and suddenly changed my pace on the first step.


Before my foot could touch the stairs, the knock came again. I turned my head sharply, and it was as if I saw a masked face and a red shadow flash in front of me.

Heh! I was startled by the sudden appearance of something. It was really too sudden. That moment was right beside my face, as if I was walking up the stairs side by side.

"F * ck!" Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore and cursed. I was certain that the item from before wasn't illusory, and that its sinister aura was very different from the weird old man I saw drinking tea on the first floor.

Yet, after being followed for such a long time, I actually didn't notice anything in this building! What exactly was that illusory hollow?!

I went down two steps from the hall, and suddenly felt a chill in my calves. Just below the corner of the hallway, a little girl was sitting with her back to me. She was struggling to turn her head, and I could feel her neck turning a little, but she was stuck in place by something invisible.

I can't deal with this! Feeling the increasingly dense cold air, beads of sweat dripped down my neck. Without waiting for her to turn around, I immediately turned around and rushed back to the second floor.

This two-story building was very different from the furnishings on the first floor. Although it was also a shelf, what was placed on the shelf were not deliberately tampered with, but countless papers and books.

The drawing on the paper was a design. The objects on it were all illusory and hollow designs. There were some things marked at a specific location, but they were extremely blurry and it was impossible to see them clearly.

I've read quite a few of them. The tenth building doesn't seem to have the ability to record these pages. Or should I say that it is deliberately blurring something?

Like I guessed, this was something left behind by the Ming dynasty!

Putting down the blueprints, I took out an old book from the cabinet. The cover of the book was very simple, it was a single name: Record of the Experiment 73. I tried to open the book, but the contents were completely blank.

With some unwillingness, I looked through the basic knowledge in my surroundings. Seventy-one experiments, eighty-nine experiments, 177 experiments …

The cabinets below were filled with records of these experiments, arranged in an orderly manner, and carried out in a chronological order.

I thought for a moment and went to the cabinet under the last bookshelf and took out the last record of the experiment. There was a big difference in the name: the record of the experiment was 999 chapters.

Is that it? Throwing the book on the floor, watching it disappear and return to its original position, I walked quietly up the stairs to the third floor.

The thing in the hallway on the first floor didn't follow me, and the fake face that scared me didn't appear again. This made me feel slightly more at ease, and my footsteps sped up.

The item was definitely on the third floor! There was no sign of it on the first or second floor. There was nowhere to hide except on the third floor.

The stairs from the second floor to the third floor were very short. There was no entrance, so there was nothing strange about it.

It was said that the stairs that were frequently in trouble were all due to the existence of that profound entrance. That kind of corner was itself a very dirty place, so it was the most normal thing for people to cause trouble at the profound entrance.

In the countryside, there were many families with a Bodhisattva in the hallway of their own staircase. This was to prevent evil spirits from approaching and causing trouble. In contrast, in the current cities like Weicheng, where more and more people didn't care about this, there were more and more people who met with trouble.

As I set foot on the third floor, I couldn't believe my eyes.

The furnishings were simple, so simple that no matter how I thought about it, I couldn't have imagined it. A large square table and a few master chairs were just like the current simple meeting room; it was a place for specializing in matters of the heart.

In the center of the large square table, an object caught my attention. It was carved out of porcelain, and under the yellow glow of the flashlight, it seemed to devour all other glows.

The base of the object was about thirty centimeters long, and on the base were several people of various positions. There were both men and women, but these men and women had the same face and wore something that resembled a ghost mask.

I felt something familiar, and then it occurred to me that this was the face that had suddenly appeared next to me on the stairs. Thinking of this, fear rose in my heart.

This object was slow to create the unique pattern of the illusory hollow, but the connection between each part of the object and the real illusory hollow also gave me a different feeling. It was as if every point of the connection had been slightly changed, but if one looked carefully, they would not notice anything that had changed.

More importantly, this illusory hollow pattern didn't give me the feeling of being drawn in. It didn't belong solely to the illusory hollow pattern, which gave people a dreamlike feeling.

"Could it be that it is also something that has yet to be completed? But that shouldn't be the case! "

I said to myself, reaching for the thing to get to the bottom of it.

"Hey!" "What is that thing!" My hand stopped in mid-air as the flashlight caught the letter paper on the chair next to me, pressed down by a brass ruler. The words on it were very scribbled, and it was obvious that it was written at a very urgent time!

Taking the brass ruler away, the first feeling I got from the paper was that it was actually a real thing, not an illusory projection! To make sure, I even dropped this piece of paper on the floor. It didn't go straight back to its original position like the other items did, but just lay there quietly on the wooden floor.

"How strange!" This aroused my interest. Ye Zichen picked up the paper and looked at it carefully. There was a change in the way things were, The last bit of the word "change" did not get to the end, but it suddenly stopped at the intersection as if someone had cut it with a knife.

Something changed? What did this mean!? I looked at the piece of paper in confusion. It looked as if someone on the third floor had written it down to be passed around, but something else had interrupted him before it was finished.

Moreover, the paper was made of brass. Was it to prevent any ghosts or gods from touching it? Could what happened have something to do with ghosts?

I kept guessing and suddenly, the image of the little girl that appeared on the stairs just now appeared in my mind.

The horror of it sent shivers down my spine, and I wondered if I would have to jump out the window if I went out on my own.

He raised his eyes and looked at the finished product on the table. I was sure that this was it. It was as if there was some sort of resentment pulling at him.

Although I don't know why this illusory and hollow finished product didn't have the mysterious gravitational pull of an ancient legend. But this was what I was looking for.

"I've finally found you!" I licked my lips as I looked at what was on the table. I really had to put in a lot of effort and went through a lot of dangerous things before finally finding what I was looking for after discovering it.

Even though I have been taking a quiet breath all year round, I can't help but feel a surge of emotions at this moment.

With this, many of my ideas will come true. The Zheng Family had been quiet for too long, it was time for them to appear in front of everyone in China.

I also know that it was a dream to restore Mrs. Zheng to his former glory just because of his illusory hollow. It has to be said that at his most glorious days, Mrs. Zheng only recovered things that people couldn't think of and nothing that Mrs. Zheng couldn't find.

However, I am very confident that the appearance of the illusory void will bring a lot of attention to the Zheng family. No matter what, the first shot had to be loud enough for most of the people to look at Zheng with curiosity.

If that's the case, even if I don't describe the Zheng family's background and past glory, a lot of people will use these clues to find the name of 'domineering' in China. Although everyone seemed to be doing their best to eliminate its influence after the collapse of Madam Zheng, as long as it reignited a small flame, it would definitely be able to ignite a raging flame.

As I touched that illusory void of time, countless thoughts flashed through my mind. Under the stimulation of his blood boiling, his thoughts became even more active without his control.

Everyone has a dream, not to mention me, a person who is obsessed with dreams and vows to turn his obsession into reality, to become the ruler of his own world.

All along the way, I did not ask for anything else, but I asked for a clear conscience. He did not leave behind any regrets. In his dreams, he would chase after them. He would not fear, and he would not give up.

"That's not right!" "I was too careless!" Before the surging emotions in his heart had calmed down, the alarm bell continuously sounded in his heart. Like Hong Lu's bell, it shook my heart.

My hand was already placed on this illusory hollow. I could vaguely see that the face had become sinister. Following that, my entire consciousness sank into a boundless blood-red.

This was an object as red as the sea of blood!