The Star Knight

Chapter 18

Another magnetic storm is coming. This is the fourth time he has spent in liexing. It has been nearly 130 cosmic days since he arrived here, almost as long as the winter of B-11.

Opal has learned a lot, which lequet did not teach him, such as how to fight pain and mental pain, and how to repair and use weapons.

Plus preliminary team cooperation concept.

He returned to the mercenary school and began the third cycle of training. The indoor course of magnetic storm day was as usual. Dushu had already left, and opal himself was left in the dormitory.

Came to the classroom, this time the teacher actually knew.

The guy didn't wake up. His eyes were slack. He yawned. His hair was dark black. He wore a technician's coat. He took out his ears. He said lazily, "Hello, I'm a spanner."

Opal chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Spanner way: "classmate, you are not serious."

The recruits laughed a lot and opal said, "long life, spanner!"

"Thank you." "It looks like you're doing well," said the spanner

"Next I'm going to teach you about spaceships, machines and Stargate technology." The wrench said, "it also includes the installation and operation principle of some ﹣ s

"As a mercenary, it's necessary to master these things. I know that you all learned some physics knowledge in interstellar union school, but what I'm going to teach you in these 30 days is something you can't learn in school."

"You don't have to learn how to repair a spaceship manually, but you have to know how much it costs to repair a spaceship. Otherwise, when you crash land on some other planet, you will be badly damaged by the local repair shop."

The crowd laughed again, and the wrench looked tasteless: "once upon a time, there was a mercenary regiment that was ruined by the glockians. It was a shame to the mercenaries. Those blue glocks only know money. If you don't know how to use the navigation system for self-test, and if you don't know why the ship doesn't work, whether it blew up the atomic furnace or burned a fuse, wait for them to cheat you out of all the money. The glockians will use all their second-hand or third-hand supplies to help you renovate the entire ship, and dismantle your new parts to sell for money

The wrench's words caused a lot of laughter, and there was humanity: "teacher, are you also a mercenary?"

Spanner: "of course, I'm here to teach you part-time. I'm the commander of twelve Nebula mercenaries. I'm a class a mercenary."

The class was silent. In the history and politics lessons we had learned before, we all know that the A-class mercenary is very high at present. The highest mercenary rating is SS, and there is only one mercenary King Azeroth.

Then there are six S-level mercenaries. These mercenaries are no longer required to take on daily tasks. They are all recognized as strong men in the universe. Four of them left the Ares system to explore the Unknown Universe. Two stay with Azeroth. If ares system falls into war, all six S-level mercenaries will come back.

Next, there are 112 A-class mercenaries from Quan liexing. Most of these mercenaries are commanders, leading their own mercenary regiments, with a few at least and 100 at large, serving as the pillars of the whole mercenary country.

Opal Wan did not expect that the wrench rating is so high, there is a kind of shock that people can't judge their appearance.

"Spaceship technicians can also be evaluated?" Someone asked.

"Well." "Wang's sword was designed by me. A good logistics is the soul of the whole mercenary regiment. Let's start today's lecture, or do you want to hear some other gossip? I'm only in charge of the class. I'll leave when I'm talking. I don't mind how much you learn. "

No one interrupted immediately. The wrench turned on the holographic projection and said lazily, "interstellar machinery can be divided into three types: first, large-scale space navigation devices, including space military fortresses and manned spaceships, warships and so on, which are collectively referred to as manned and long-distance sailing things."

The space fortress on the holographic projection rotates slowly, and the wrench says: "this is the super large military fortress" Saint daughter "built by the Empire in 1979-3, which is equivalent to an asteroid, equipped with 14000 light shock guns and using the latest killing technology. There are only two star clouds in the lion galaxy. If you run into it, remember to run away immediately. At present, the largest star warship produced by liexing can only receive half a gun. The first half of the gun will lose its mobility, and the second half will blow you to powder. "

"This is the most powerful interstellar cruise ship made by the Republic of China, with a length of 11437.3 kilometers, equipped with light shock guns and gravity field guns. It is said that the Republic is secretly studying new weapons..." The spanner took out a lighter like gadget from his pocket, pushed the lid open with a slap, and an electric arc sent the sleepy students flying out.

Another burst of laughter, spanner way: "listen carefully."

The sound of the wrench was like a lullaby. Opal was sleepy and complained incessantly.

After introducing the military fortress and warship models, the spanner said, "the spaceship we use now can't even be called" warship ", because the real warship is used for group army combat, and the original body of the spaceship imported and refitted by the mercenary country is just a civil airship. With a little improvement of weapons, it can be used by our mercenaries. After all, it is impossible for us to attack other planets or spaceships that we don't know It's just full of food and support... "“…… As for how to choose a suitable spaceship? The price range of the second-hand aircraft is from 30 million to 70 million, and the latest images are between 1 million and 70 million


Spanner: "the second major category of interstellar machinery is unmanned machinery, which is divided into non combat aircraft and combat aircraft, non combat aircraft is divided into civil and commercial aircraft, combat aircraft is divided into police use, military use and private armed. How to distinguish these cute gadgets in the process of performing tasks? It's very important. Please listen carefully and keep your spirits up. I don't want to turn on the power on mode for all staff... "

The crowd immediately sat up straight, and the spanner went on: "if you don't listen carefully to the next class, then I'm sure that when you carry out the task, it will be very easy for you to make mistakes, and you can't tell what robots are threatening you or not. The end result is: losing a lot of money, or dying."

"If you're facing a commercial robot and you don't look at it and give it a hammer, it's broken. Some rich people's private machine servants drop a mechanical arm, which is enough to make you lose money and lose blood... "


Spanner: "if you are facing a fighter and you try to communicate with it, it can send you back to the West with one shot. Note that the most significant aspect of non fighter and fighter aircraft is energy fluctuations. "

"A combat machine, no matter how it disguises itself as a harmless human animal, will gather energy before starting an attack, and at the same time, it needs a very strong backup energy drive to cope with emergencies. Non fighter energy is completely stable. "

"If you run into an unknown machine, you must immediately keep a distance and observe its battery and energy accumulation mode. You can't wait until it shoots you. If you insist on this, when I don't say anything."

"This kind of detector is made by strong star." The spanner picked up a small box and said, "it can detect the energy fluctuation of the other party and give timely alarm. Qualified mercenaries can detect the danger around at any time. However, it is obviously not good for you recruits. It is suggested that each of you buy one. It only costs 2400 RMB for each, and I only take 400 Kickbacks. "

Everyone:.... "

"This part will be explained in detail in the following lectures. Now, let's talk about the third category, namely manned fighters, commonly known as" mecha. ". I think you're all interested in this

Sure enough, opal immediately raised his spirits.

"The cost of a high-level mecha is more than 550 million yuan. It can travel anywhere in the universe. With the most advanced technology of the Republic, it can even install a jumper for the" God of inverse time ". Of course, it can't jump anytime and anywhere. It must be charged between every two transitions."

When Opal thought of lequet's mecha, he made several transitions, jumping from the red flame galaxy to the lion galaxy and then to the Milky Way Galaxy without blinking. The God of counter time is so bad.

"The cost of this machine is." After introducing all the functions of the God of inverse time, the wrench pauses and says, "400 billion."

The students are expressionless. This number has exceeded the cognitive limit of all people. What is the concept of 400 billion? No one can say it. They only know that it is a four character word followed by many zeros. As for some, we don't care too much.

Quiet for a long time.

Opal nodded approvingly: "it sounds expensive."


When the wrench was defeated by them, he switched the projection and said, "this is the Imperial Emperor's" lion. "

There is a huge golden armor on the projection, the alloy shell and wild curve, the eyes like the lion's pupil, and the alloy tail like a whip. Just looking at the image, the momentum is overwhelming everyone.

"This is Wang's mecha." The wrench switches the image and introduces: "made in the Republic of China, it's called the God of war."

"Can mecha jump?" Asked opal.

"No, I can't The spanner said, "most of them can't. future technology may support them in their transition, which may be seen in your lifetime if you live long enough Let's see Wang's mecha. "

Gold metal robot, behind two pieces of cloud like wing thrusters, holding a large blue sword station.

"Next comes the mecha of general levy of the Republic, the song of time." "It's very fast," he said, turning the page quickly. There is also the mecha "sea blue enchantress" of general "Rou". Sirius twins, King shagas's mecha "Fenghua", imperial marshal Rottman's mecha "Star River", all of which are ares of war. You can manipulate them freely

Opal thought, that's enough. I can't think of anything else except the machine armor.

"The next is the next level of fighters." Wrench channel.

Spanners introduce hundreds of kinds of fighters, which are basically for students to play with. The cheapest second-hand mecha costs 80 million, and no one can afford it. It seems that spanner is a machine armour enthusiast, familiar with all kinds of models.

"This" galloping thunder "is a domestic assembly model Wrench face expressionless way: "have discount, but also want 30 million credit point, everybody works hard, introduce finished."Opal has been waiting for the spanner to introduce the Archean fighters mentioned by Rex. Unexpectedly, it's over. He can't help raising his hand.

"Go ahead." "What's wrong?" the wrench said

Opal said, "what about Archean fighters?"

"What is that?" the wrench said inexplicably

Opal said, "for example, the Dragon ray Something. "

The spanner said, "no, new model?"



Opal no longer bothered with this issue, waved his hand, continued his course with a wrench, and began to explain the basic structure of the spaceship. The basic principle of spaceship is similar, which is divided into power plant, control terminal, living area and combat part.

So much information was jammed into opal's head. Trying to remember something, the students were all dozing off.

At the end of the class, the spanner only spoke at the beginning. Opal asked him for the teaching plan and transferred it to the memory chip of E7, intending to go back to review and preview.

The wrench looked at E7 and said, "who made this little robot?"

Didi didi The E7 camera light was on and on, with a click sound, and took a picture of the wrench.

"My mother did it. She used to be a technician," opal said

The spanner murmured: "the workmanship is very exquisite. Do you mind if I take it apart and have a look?"

Opal: you promise to put it back together

Wrench: "Oh, no, this is not guaranteed."

Opal said, "I do mind."

The spanner said without hesitation: "science and technology need to be tried."

Opal said, "no, it's the only thing my mother left me."

The spanner had no choice but to nod, thought for a moment, and said, "I'm studying a multidimensional computing technology about artificial intelligence and 36 facets recently. Can I try it?"

Opal said, "how How to try it? "

The spanner said, "I want to use it to collect all kinds of spaceship structure drawings. Here's a new and unused program I promise I won't destroy any structure of it, just input it into the chip, and maybe you can use it later. "

Opal always thought it was a little mysterious. Just when he was about to refuse him, the spanner said: "with this core program, it can crack the security passwords of many spaceships in a short time. Imagine if you are locked in the enemy's spaceship, your little robot can invade the other party's security system through any data line, query the structure diagram of the whole spacecraft, and then crack it. ”

opal said, "can you control each other's spacecraft?"

Wrench regretfully said, "no, weapon, security and navigation are three independent systems, so I'm working on this and need experimental data."

"You promise not to damage it," opal said

The wrench said, "of course not, just connect a data line..."

Opal opened the chest shell of E7, took out his portable suitcase with a wrench, and connected a data cable to E7 body.

E7 beeps, and the overhead projector emits a 36 sided body, each of which is covered with computer symbols. The wrench says, "I also wrote an artificial self-help intelligent program. After testing, I want Azeroth to promote it all over the planet. If you are in danger If you're caught, for example, this little robot will judge itself based on the contents of the database and try to save you. Your partner is very good, it has a certain intelligence. Your mother should be a senior mechanic

Opal said, "you're smart, too."

The wrench said, "no, it was taught to me. So is multidimensional computing. "

Opal: who

The wrench looked at the data on the trihedron and said, "an unidentified researcher is said to be from the center line of six black holes..."

Opal frowned and said with a spanner, "in short, he knows a lot. One time when he was on a mission, he found that the man was trapped. The twelve Nebula mercenaries saved him by the way, but he died soon and taught me something before he died. There are always some things you can't understand

Opal nodded slowly.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the trihedron is closed, and the data transmission is finished. The wrench pulls up the terminal and says, "OK, if you have activated its self-help function in the future, remember to bring it back to record the data for me. After all, it is still in the test, but you'd better not mention it to people, because it's an edge ball You know, the interstellar computer association requires that scientists who study artificial intelligence should register. And I'm just an unreliable Hackers. "

Opal said, "I don't understand, but I won't tell you. In return, I'll treat you to lunch."

The spanner said, "thank you. I'm trying to save money. Lily is always crazy about shopping." , the fastest update of the webnovel!