The Star Knight

Chapter 12

"How's it going?" Someone will come and talk.

Oman said, "opal! Is my sister OK? "

Opal's eyes were red and he waved his hand to say nothing. Ugo asked, "what about silk? Can the disease of silk be cured? "

Opal was also immersed in the sadness of parting with Rex and said in a loud voice: "everything is going well! The police are coming here soon! "

People around him breathed a sigh of relief. Opal said, "let me be quiet."

Ugo immediately let the people who came up to ask leave. Locke came over with the water and said, "what's the matter with you, opal?"

Opal sat on a stone and was quiet for a while. He took out the package and handed out the hot dogs inside to them. He said, "I bought this on the scarlet star. Don't worry. Si is in the hospital for treatment. She has special care. Anya is in the police station and has been published in the newspaper. The galaxy police are out, and in five days they will be here. "

Aman, they got three hot dogs that were cold but still tasty.

"It's a good environment on scarlet, and I met a friend who is the head of hollens mining," opal said. He promised to give everyone here a new job. "

Locke said, "what else did your friend say? It's delicious, and scarlet's bread is so soft. "

"The food is delicious and there are some very cheap wines," opal said. And you? Tell me about the situation here. "

Oman said, "Anya, what did she do?"

"She's in a big rescue center, you see," opal said

He took out his projector, opened it, and projected a light screen with newspaper headlines. After leaving the scarlet planet, the information was not updated, but the information of yesterday was still kept.

Anya's photos and news headlines were startling. Opal opened it to read aloud, and the contents of the newspaper were read out, including the measures to be taken by the government. Many people were surrounded. There were more and more miners. Thousands of people were quiet in the canyon. Listening to the comments from the Executive Star newspapers, everyone's face showed unspeakable anger.

The report mentioned their rights, but they lived a life worse than a robot. Opal turned up his voice again, and after the whole broadcast, the black miners in the canyon were silent.

"They are coming soon, and what we need to do now is to protect ourselves. We are all witnesses," opal said

In a flash, there was a burst of thunderous cheers in the canyon. The miners, like a dream, came to embrace opal one after another.

Opal motioned for them to calm down. Oman went to tell all the captains to settle down the workers. Opal went deep into the canyon to see his spaceship.

Now he's the only one left.

Locke followed him and said with a smile, "Hey, opal, aman and I are afraid you won't come back."

"How?" "I have to come back and lead you. The situation may be very dangerous," opal said

"They all know to fight," Ugo said. Oman gave them a meeting, and now everyone is willing to follow us. "

Opal said, "where is your village?"

Ugo said: "they are coming too. I'll give them a direction. The day before yesterday, someone found the tunnel we dug out and went to the warehouse to steal things. "


"It won't work." "It's against the law to steal," opal said

"It's all our own stuff." Oman said.

Opal took them and said, "are you on your way? I've got to get the ship fixed as soon as possible. It might come in handy

Around the spaceship, the tools and parts have been tidied up and put in the cave covered with cloth, and the whole spacecraft has been cleaned up.

"We don't know what we can do for you. We just cleaned up and wiped your things together," Ugo said

Opal was very moved and said, "thank you. Please do me a favor."

It has been three days since they stole the chip. According to Ugo, the villagers of the miners' village in another rock bed are on their way, and nearly 10000 people with their families are heading for the red rock bed.

"And the rest?" Asked Oman.

"The others don't care, they don't know anything, so it's safe at the moment," opal said. The first person who didn't dare to find out the whereabouts of black rock's chip company was that they didn't dare to find out the whereabouts of the black rock's chip

"Kill?" Locke's face changed immediately.

"Are you afraid?" opal said

"I Me. " Said Locke.

Opal said: "then you all hide in the mine. Don't worry. I'll lead them away. Come on, help me fix this ship first. "

Opal began to check the engine of the spaceship. This is a small search and rescue combat ship with four small laser cannons on it. First, he turned on the left engine. The jet system was still working, but the power core was completely destroyed.In the backup propulsion system that he stole from the warehouse, there was a nitrogen ejector. Opal was connected to the energy battery. With a hum, the rotating axis in the injector slowly turned, and then made a terrible noise. Many crushed stones were crushed into powder and sprayed out.

"What is this?" Asked Oman.

"Atomic furnace, my teacher left it for me." "Now I'm going to try it on the engine," opal said

Several people looked at opal. After he was busy, Ugo and Locke gave him a hand. When he finally turned on the switch, there was a big explosion.

"Oh, forget it." Opal ran away in disgrace, almost in a state of anxiety.

"Some things can't be done by faith alone," opal said

"You'd better take it away and fix it." Oman said.

Opal scratched his head in distress and said, "try again."

On the third day, opal was still inspecting the ship, and the miners were looking for shelter as planned, and they would win by the time the galaxy police arrived.

However, as time went by, the feeling of uneasiness in opal's heart became stronger and stronger.

Only he and one eyed Ugo were left in the canyon, while Oman and Locke took refuge with others.

Ugo watched his movements. Opal was trying to put the star map that Lecter had given him on the central control board. The central system of the small search and rescue ship was intact, only the engine couldn't move.

"How did you learn to operate these things?" Ugo said

Opal replied, "when I was a child, my mother brought me here and played with me. She was in front of the console, sending a distress signal to the universe."

Ugo said, "she's asking for your father's help?"

"Maybe, I was very young at that time. Almost every ten days and a half months, my mother would bring me here and let me play in the tilted cabin. She sat in front of the console and said," can you hear me? This is Lena. Can you hear me

Ugo said, "what happened later?"

"Later, when I was six years old, she didn't come again. Maybe it was because she couldn't find anyone else," opal shrugged

Ugo said, "is it because the stars are so far away that your father can't get the signal?"

Opal said, "no, the long waves in the universe are transitory. If you go beyond a certain distance, you have to use this Well, this is called a small radio wave space jumper. It can make the radio wave enter the sixth dimensional space for a short time. After a long journey, it will reduce the dimension and return to our world. Therefore, it can be received in real time

Opal pointed to a small box to explain to Ugo. Ugo laughed regretfully and said, "I don't understand. Can this box be broken?"

Opal thought about it, but he didn't dare to tear it down. Instead, he said, "what about you? How did you and silk get to know each other

Wu went to dry with water and hard bread. The two men sat for lunch. Oper turned to the poison bag of sand bat king, squeezing the venom out carefully, putting it into a sprayer and trying to spin on the square box on the top of E7, which might be useful.

"Si's father died in a mine accident, and he gave me the chance to escape, which made me lose an eye," Ugo said

Opal said, "the one four years ago? The medical facilities on scarlet are very advanced. It is not difficult to transplant an artificial eye for you

"Say it again." Ugo said, "it's good for me that silk can live."

Opal nodded thoughtfully. Just then, there was a thunder like vibration in the sky. Four spaceships entered the atmosphere, and with the red flame generated by friction with the air, they flew to the South with the tail fire.

"Here they are." Said opal.

Ugo said, "is it the police or the company?"

Opal said in a deep voice: "I don't know. It should be from the mining company. I'll go and have a look. You tell them not to come out."

Ugo said: "I'll go with you. I know where the ruins of the mine disaster are."

Opal said, "yes, but you have to hide behind me."

Ugo promised that they put a large cloth on the spaceship. Opal removed a laser gun from the spaceship, ran into the harvester, and drove out of the canyon to the landing site of the spaceship.

At the end of the crimson rock bed, on a huge plain connecting the brown ridge mountain, three hours' drive from the canyon, four spaceships lined up in line, and the foremen all came back. The robots drove all the miners living in the village to an open space.

This is where they came five days ago, not far from the building where the chip was stolen.

They have found the tunnel dug by Ugo and started beating up the miners who had stolen. Previously, Ugo's message was to let them take things and leave immediately to wait for the police in the canyon.

However, there are still many people who have not started, the total number is close to tens of thousands, they are the first to bear the brunt of the foremen gathered.

"Where is Ugo?"

"Where's Ugo

"No Ugo." A foreman checked the list and reported to the director who stepped off the ship: "he dug the tunnel. This man must have something to do with it!"The director said, "ask them where Ugo went."

"Ah -" the girl screamed at her hair.

"Let go of her!" Several miners came forward angrily. The crowd became agitated and formed a confrontation with the foremen. The foreman threw a thin miner to the ground with a backhand, then kicked a few feet and said angrily, "hand over the Ugo!"

"You thieves --" Hicks grabbed a child by the collar, dragged him to the middle of the open space, pushed him to the ground, and said, "stealing! It's a crime! Take them back to scarlet right now. Report to the police! Sentence them to death

The crowd moved uneasily, and a mother rushed out crying, holding her baby.

Opal poked his head out of the cover of the mountain and looked into the distance. At the moment, no one said where they were. They were all silent and staring at the foremen.

"Let Ugo come out!" Hicks roared.

The director motioned for him to come. Then he said in a loud voice, "this is a theft case. You all need to be investigated. Get on the spaceship. We'll go to scarlet planet and report to the police."

"Really?" Asked Ugo.

"He's lying." "He wanted to move people all over the world and destroy the evidence here," opal said. Ugo, it's up to you later. "

Ugo said, "what?"

Opal said, "as soon as I say go, you will get in the car and lead people away, and lead them to the gorge on the red rock bed as quickly as possible. I'm going to save people. "

Ugo said: "you are crazy! You have only one person! You can't do it. "

Opal said, "yes, get ready to get on."

Opal picked up the interstellar laser cannons that had been removed from the warship, and Ugo said tightly, "what about you?"

Opal said, "I'll meet you as soon as possible, and then I'll have another way. Get ready. We have to act now

Opal ran to the crack in the mountain, looked around for a moment, and buried a mine explosion tube under a huge rock.

In the open space, miners have been led by robots to line up, one of the transport ship's rear hatch door opened, ready to board.

These robots are like the enlarged version of E7. They walk on crawlers, equipped with an electromagnetic gun on both sides. They are used for driving out dangerous animals in underground operations. There are more than 200 robots. Each foreman is equipped with two of them, which is supposed to prevent riots.

The nearly 10000 volt electric arc on them is enough to electrify people into coke.

Opal put the laser gun's sight lens in front of his handsome eyebrow, peeped through the electronic telescope sight star to spy on the movement below. His field of vision was enlarged. There were four transport ships, two of which were used to carry people. The other two are relatively small, both with the rear hatch closed.

There should be a small flying combat robot in it - the kind of lethal weapon that buzzes, flies with vibrating wings, flies like a mosquito, and carries a light bullet gun, or both.

There are tens of thousands of transport ships of such a large size that they can not be allowed to appear.

These robots all have a computer control center that receives signals from the security system to move in unison and hunt down intruders. However, in such an open place, once released, it is impossible to accurately locate the target. Therefore, it is necessary to locate it through the signal system on the spacecraft. As long as the command center is paralyzed, the combat robot will not be in danger

The gate of the first transport ship opened slowly.

The miners began to board the ship. Opal put the laser gun on the rock and tried to fire it. Then he turned the gun head and fired directly at the transport ship!

The first shot landed, all the miners screamed with fear, and the crowd suddenly exploded!

The shock wave exploded on the side of the open space, and the sand sank a little. Then the second gun came and hit the landing gear of the transport ship accurately!

With a buzz, the door landing gear is interrupted and jammed in the loud noise.

The foreman immediately roared, "there are enemies!"

Hundreds of foremen pulled out their guns, and the white light bullets like raindrops flew to opal's hiding place behind the mountain. Opal put the laser gun on his backhand and roared: "go! Leave me alone

Ugo jumped on the harvester that they had driven when they came. At the push of the button, the harvester galloped out of the rock cover and rushed out of the brown ridge mountain area like an arrow in the fire and explosion!

There was black smoke everywhere. The miners' shouts came and they ran away. Countless bullets of light chased Ugo's harvester all the way. The ground combat robots followed suit. Opal took a deep breath and focused on the top of the mountain. His eyebrows were tightly twisted and his forehead was covered with sweat.

He pressed the detonating button of the ore and rock disintegration pipe, huge rocks rolled down, and the whole brown Ridge Mountain collapsed in a large area, and tens of thousands of tons of soil poured down.

Wuge steered the harvester to rush through the collapse area, and the electromagnetic combat robots that caught up with turned around one after another. Nearly half of them were washed down by the torrent of mud and stone, and then buried in the soil layer by layer.

opal gasps for a moment, takes out the bottle containing the sand bat King sprayer, puts it on the top of E7, pats it, and E7 whirls, lights up, turns around, and walks towards the other side of the rock.

The next moment, the foreman yelled, "let the fighter plane out!"

Opal pulled out his sword and jumped out of the rock. Everyone could not imagine that there was someone behind the rock. Someone found him and immediately fired at him. More and more foremen backed away and held guns in both hands. For a moment, the light shot like a meteor flying towards opal.The miners were still fleeing, and the open space was in chaos, crying, shouting, stray bullets brushing, and the injured fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

Opal swung his sword and blocked the light bullet in front of him and roared: "you! Go back to the cellar

Then he stood at a place nearly 30 meters away from the transport ship. His sword was handed to his left hand and his right hand was pressed towards the sand. His eyes were shining with the light of the vast stars in the deep space.

The whole sandy land collapsed with a roar, showing a sand pit 100 meters across. At the same time, the four transport ships fell into the sand at the same time. The quicksand filled the pit and blocked the hatch of the transport ship.

Good! Opal swung his sword again and whistled at E7.

With more and more dense barrage, opal's shoulder was rubbed by a light bullet, and the wound was carbonized at the moment when the wound opened. He snorted, covered his shoulder with one hand, and ran away to seek shelter.

unattractive E7 left the right turn in the crowd. The sprayer at the top of the head blew out the colourless smoke and circled the foreman's defense line, muttering away. When the battle was at full blast, the foreman inhaled the nerve gas, and then his eyes were scattered and scattered.

Opal leaned against the side of a huge, tilted warship, panting. The wounds on his shoulder blackened his eyes. Several flying combat robots drilled through the cracks in the hatch under the gravel, flapping their wings, shaking the dust, and chasing the escaping miners.

Opal covered his shoulder, separated his five fingers, and twisted toward the void in the air. The two flying robots lost their balance and were forced to twist by the force of faith. Each other's gunfire hit each other and burst into two balls of fire in mid air.

The battlefield gradually quieted down, and the rest of the miners cried out in despair. Opal took up his sword, took off the small laser gun, turned the one meter long muzzle, staggered back and fired a shot at the front end of the transport boat.

With a loud noise, four transport boats turned on their light energy engines one after another, and the high temperature erupted. They were trying to leave the center of the gravel. The quicksand was blown away by the electromagnetic wind. Opal couldn't help backing off and fired another shot at it.

The energy shield on the alloy shell of the transport boat flashed. The photoelastic gun was rebounded and flew obliquely to the top of the mountain. A burst of explosion broke out.

Oh, no, opal suddenly saw E7 which was driving by and called out: "go in! e7! Go inside

e7 turned on the sand and approached a transport boat. The sprayer tilted, opened a slot on the door, and opened the jet motor.

The drone of the transporter's engine went down again, the blue light of the light engine disappeared - and the pilot inside must have fainted. The last transport ship rocked off, heading for the outer atmosphere.

Thankfully, opal couldn't care about the escape of the transport ship. He unloaded the laser gun and threw it on the ground. He went to check the casualties. His right arm almost lost consciousness. It was painful to lift it.

Opal said, "find someone, you, just you." He picked up a gun and handed it to him. The foremen were taken away, tied up, put in the cellar, and put them in the living room underground. Each family had a gun to watch them with

The man was pale and nodded.

Opal said, "if you dare to escape, you will shoot, you know?"

"You What's your name? " "What about Ugo? He promised us... "

Opal said, "my name is opal. I'm the one who asked Ugo to inform him that the police will come. Come here now! Come here

"One gun for each." "Keep an eye on them," opal said. Don't let anyone in the cellar. Don't be soft when you shoot! Don't be soft hearted! If you don't kill them, they'll kill you! "

The miners came in one after another, wounded everywhere. They carried their injured companions back to the village. The young man picked up the gun and carried the unconscious foreman away as opal ordered.

"We're going to win, hold on," opal said. Go to the cellar, close the passageway and leave only the vents! To avoid being bombed! "

He jumped on a harvester, threw the laser gun on the back seat, drove as fast as he could, and chased the crimson bed to the north.

Wuge drove the harvester to avoid on the plain, but he still chased hundreds of ground robots behind him. The electromagnetic arc was intertwined with each other. Several times, he was almost electric tipper. He did not dare to go straight forward, but rushed through the rocks in a violent turbulence and fled to the northwest.

Opal drove as fast as he could. It took two hours to drive back to the red rock bed and run up the canyon. Locke rushed out and yelled, "what's the matter! I heard the explosion! What about Ugo? "

Opal looked up and saw high in the sky, the transport ship opened the rear door towards the earth, and hundreds of large-scale flying combat robots flew out.

"Locke! Go back and tell Oman! " "With metal! Reflective things as shields! Can withstand light bullets! Go back to the mine! Don't come out

Ugo's harvester appeared. He was struggling to control the harvester. He was flying towards the red rock bed with a group of ground robots. Opal put the laser gun on the slope and fired a gun to the ground in the distance. Then he buttoned the button of continuous firing and rotated the muzzle of the gun close to the front sight.

The laser gun began to fire, spilling out an arc-shaped trajectory of photoelasticity. Hundreds of luminescent bombs swept along Wuge's route. Black smoke exploded in the desert. The earth shaking explosion occurred in the ground robot. Wuge's harvester overturned in the explosion and threw him out.Opal jumps down the highland and rushes out of the canyon. A large air combat robot in the distance discovers the explosion here and sends out six high-speed pursuit.

Innumerable light bullets oblique from the zenith, opal ran as hard as he could, leaving behind a trail of explosion in the rock behind him.

There were deafening noises everywhere. Opal couldn't tell the direction. He ran by intuition and instinct. Finally, he jumped into the black smoke and rolled. His eyes coughed with tears and pulled out the injured Ugo.

"Ugo!" Cried opal.

Ugo's leg was crushed by a mining truck. He tried to push opal away, motioning him to go quickly. Opal took his arm, carried him on his shoulder, put one hand around his waist, and staggered back into the canyon.

One kilometer, big robots soon.

Opal looked back and saw that the fighters were approaching in the black smoke. The muzzle of the humanoid mecha's arm was full of concentrated energy blue light, and the large muzzle laser area covered their bodies.

Then there was a loud noise. The dazzling white light covered the sky. All the voices were far away from them. The land was pale. The fighter plane fell into fireballs in the air.

Hundreds of small warships rowed across the sky and chased after the flying fighters. The fighters with the black rock mining logo exploded one after another and crashed.

"Attention to the people below, attention to the people below."

"This is the Galactic Republic Galaxy police ChiYan Galaxy division. Drop your weapons now."

With a sigh of relief, opal fell to the ground tired.

Opal laughed and said, "at last."

"Ha ha ha -" Ugo laughed. They looked at the sky quietly. More and more black warships with police insignia landed on the red rock bed.

The fiery red spaceship landed slowly outside the canyon, with the hollens logo on one side. After landing, the hatch opened, and cadier ran down, shouting, "friend! are you all right? It's cool enough to save a planet alone? "

Opal lay on the ground and waved weakly at him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!